diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2018-07-13 15:20:36 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2018-09-26 14:05:36 (GMT)
commit1536284a15743f6ec41d3230177a24d245158a9d (patch)
tree21216d18d93ddfc620e6b36dc28428c5d5b71775 /3rdParty/SCons/scons-3.0.1/engine/SCons/Node/
parent091f6e520694360a0407ab0cf3bb036fb461e6e3 (diff)
Update SCons in 3rdParty from 2.4.0 to 3.0.1
This also has our scons patch in 3rdParty/SCons applied. Test-Information: Builds with unit tests on macOS 10.13.6. Change-Id: I25d3662eeec27a76dab10d501ba46dc16f0bef4b
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/SCons/scons-3.0.1/engine/SCons/Node/')
1 files changed, 1366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/SCons/scons-3.0.1/engine/SCons/Node/ b/3rdParty/SCons/scons-3.0.1/engine/SCons/Node/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3802f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/SCons/scons-3.0.1/engine/SCons/Node/
@@ -0,0 +1,1366 @@
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+__revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__"
+import SCons.compat
+import collections
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import unittest
+import TestUnit
+import SCons.Errors
+import SCons.Node
+import SCons.Util
+built_it = None
+built_target = None
+built_source = None
+cycle_detected = None
+built_order = 0
+def _actionAppend(a1, a2):
+ all = []
+ for curr_a in [a1, a2]:
+ if isinstance(curr_a, MyAction):
+ all.append(curr_a)
+ elif isinstance(curr_a, MyListAction):
+ all.extend(curr_a.list)
+ elif isinstance(curr_a, list):
+ all.extend(curr_a)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Cannot Combine Actions')
+ return MyListAction(all)
+class MyActionBase(object):
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return _actionAppend(self, other)
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ return _actionAppend(other, self)
+class MyAction(MyActionBase):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.order = 0
+ def __call__(self, target, source, env, executor=None):
+ global built_it, built_target, built_source, built_args, built_order
+ if executor:
+ target = executor.get_all_targets()
+ source = executor.get_all_sources()
+ built_it = 1
+ built_target = target
+ built_source = source
+ built_args = env
+ built_order = built_order + 1
+ self.order = built_order
+ return 0
+ def get_implicit_deps(self, target, source, env):
+ return []
+class MyExecutor(object):
+ def __init__(self, env=None, targets=[], sources=[]):
+ self.env = env
+ self.targets = targets
+ self.sources = sources
+ def get_build_env(self):
+ return self.env
+ def get_build_scanner_path(self, scanner):
+ return 'executor would call %s' % scanner
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.cleaned_up = 1
+ def scan_targets(self, scanner):
+ if not scanner:
+ return
+ d = scanner(self.targets)
+ for t in self.targets:
+ t.implicit.extend(d)
+ def scan_sources(self, scanner):
+ if not scanner:
+ return
+ d = scanner(self.sources)
+ for t in self.targets:
+ t.implicit.extend(d)
+class MyListAction(MyActionBase):
+ def __init__(self, list):
+ self.list = list
+ def __call__(self, target, source, env):
+ for A in self.list:
+ A(target, source, env)
+class Environment(object):
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ self._dict = {}
+ self._dict.update(kw)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self._dict[key]
+ def get(self, key, default = None):
+ return self._dict.get(key, default)
+ def Dictionary(self, *args):
+ return {}
+ def Override(self, overrides):
+ d = self._dict.copy()
+ d.update(overrides)
+ return Environment(**d)
+ def _update(self, dict):
+ self._dict.update(dict)
+ def get_factory(self, factory):
+ return factory or MyNode
+ def get_scanner(self, scanner_key):
+ try:
+ return self._dict['SCANNERS'][0]
+ except:
+ pass
+ return []
+class Builder(object):
+ def __init__(self, env=None, is_explicit=1):
+ if env is None: env = Environment()
+ self.env = env
+ self.overrides = {}
+ self.action = MyAction()
+ self.source_factory = MyNode
+ self.is_explicit = is_explicit
+ self.target_scanner = None
+ self.source_scanner = None
+ def targets(self, t):
+ return [t]
+ def get_actions(self):
+ return [self.action]
+ def get_contents(self, target, source, env):
+ return 7
+class NoneBuilder(Builder):
+ def execute(self, target, source, env):
+ Builder.execute(self, target, source, env)
+ return None
+class ListBuilder(Builder):
+ def __init__(self, *nodes):
+ Builder.__init__(self)
+ self.nodes = nodes
+ def execute(self, target, source, env):
+ if hasattr(self, 'status'):
+ return self.status
+ for n in self.nodes:
+ n.prepare()
+ target = self.nodes[0]
+ self.status = Builder.execute(self, target, source, env)
+class FailBuilder(object):
+ def execute(self, target, source, env):
+ return 1
+class ExceptBuilder(object):
+ def execute(self, target, source, env):
+ raise SCons.Errors.BuildError
+class ExceptBuilder2(object):
+ def execute(self, target, source, env):
+ raise Exception("foo")
+class Scanner(object):
+ called = None
+ def __call__(self, node):
+ self.called = 1
+ return node.GetTag('found_includes')
+ def path(self, env, dir=None, target=None, source=None, kw={}):
+ return ()
+ def select(self, node):
+ return self
+ def recurse_nodes(self, nodes):
+ return nodes
+class MyNode(SCons.Node.Node):
+ """The base Node class contains a number of do-nothing methods that
+ we expect to be overridden by real, functional Node subclasses. So
+ simulate a real, functional Node subclass.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ SCons.Node.Node.__init__(self)
+ = name
+ self.Tag('found_includes', [])
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ def get_found_includes(self, env, scanner, target):
+ return scanner(self)
+class Calculator(object):
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.max_drift = 0
+ class M(object):
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.val = val
+ def signature(self, args):
+ return self.val
+ def collect(self, args):
+ result = self.val
+ for a in args:
+ result += a
+ return result
+ self.module = M(val)
+class NodeInfoBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ # The abstract class NodeInfoBase has not enough default slots to perform
+ # the merge and format test (arbitrary attributes do not work). Do it with a
+ # derived class that does provide the slots.
+ def test_merge(self):
+ """Test merging NodeInfoBase attributes"""
+ class TestNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
+ __slots__ = ('a1', 'a2', 'a3')
+ ni1 = TestNodeInfo()
+ ni2 = TestNodeInfo()
+ ni1.a1 = 1
+ ni1.a2 = 2
+ ni2.a2 = 222
+ ni2.a3 = 333
+ ni1.merge(ni2)
+ assert ni1.a1 == 1, ni1.a1
+ assert ni1.a2 == 222, ni1.a2
+ assert ni1.a3 == 333, ni1.a3
+ def test_update(self):
+ """Test the update() method"""
+ ni = SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase()
+ ni.update(SCons.Node.Node())
+ def test_format(self):
+ """Test the NodeInfoBase.format() method"""
+ class TestNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
+ __slots__ = ('xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz')
+ ni1 = TestNodeInfo()
+ = 'x'
+ ni1.yyy = 'y'
+ ni1.zzz = 'z'
+ f = ni1.format()
+ assert f == ['x', 'y', 'z'], f
+ field_list = ['xxx', 'zzz', 'aaa']
+ f = ni1.format(field_list)
+ assert f == ['x', 'z', 'None'], f
+class BuildInfoBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test___init__(self):
+ """Test BuildInfoBase initialization"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ bi = SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase()
+ assert bi
+ def test_merge(self):
+ """Test merging BuildInfoBase attributes"""
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ bi1 = SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase()
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ bi2 = SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase()
+ bi1.bsources = 1
+ bi1.bdepends = 2
+ bi2.bdepends = 222
+ bi2.bact = 333
+ bi1.merge(bi2)
+ assert bi1.bsources == 1, bi1.bsources
+ assert bi1.bdepends == 222, bi1.bdepends
+ assert bi1.bact == 333, bi1.bact
+class NodeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_build(self):
+ """Test building a node
+ """
+ global built_it, built_order
+ # Make sure it doesn't blow up if no builder is set.
+ node = MyNode("www")
+ assert built_it is None
+ = 1)
+ assert built_it is None
+ node = MyNode("xxx")
+ node.builder_set(Builder())
+ node.env_set(Environment())
+ node.path = "xxx"
+ node.sources = ["yyy", "zzz"]
+ assert built_it
+ assert built_target == [node], built_target
+ assert built_source == ["yyy", "zzz"], built_source
+ built_it = None
+ node = MyNode("qqq")
+ node.builder_set(NoneBuilder())
+ node.env_set(Environment())
+ node.path = "qqq"
+ node.sources = ["rrr", "sss"]
+ node.builder.overrides = { "foo" : 1, "bar" : 2 }
+ assert built_it
+ assert built_target == [node], built_target
+ assert built_source == ["rrr", "sss"], built_source
+ assert built_args["foo"] == 1, built_args
+ assert built_args["bar"] == 2, built_args
+ fff = MyNode("fff")
+ ggg = MyNode("ggg")
+ lb = ListBuilder(fff, ggg)
+ e = Environment()
+ fff.builder_set(lb)
+ fff.env_set(e)
+ fff.path = "fff"
+ ggg.builder_set(lb)
+ ggg.env_set(e)
+ ggg.path = "ggg"
+ fff.sources = ["hhh", "iii"]
+ ggg.sources = ["hhh", "iii"]
+ built_it = None
+ assert built_it
+ assert built_target == [fff], built_target
+ assert built_source == ["hhh", "iii"], built_source
+ built_it = None
+ assert built_it
+ assert built_target == [ggg], built_target
+ assert built_source == ["hhh", "iii"], built_source
+ built_it = None
+ jjj = MyNode("jjj")
+ b = Builder()
+ jjj.builder_set(b)
+ # NOTE: No env_set()! We should pull the environment from the builder.
+ b.env = Environment()
+ b.overrides = { "on" : 3, "off" : 4 }
+ e.builder = b
+ assert built_it
+ assert built_target[0] == jjj, built_target[0]
+ assert built_source == [], built_source
+ assert built_args["on"] == 3, built_args
+ assert built_args["off"] == 4, built_args
+ def test_get_build_scanner_path(self):
+ """Test the get_build_scanner_path() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ x = MyExecutor()
+ n.set_executor(x)
+ p = n.get_build_scanner_path('fake_scanner')
+ assert p == "executor would call fake_scanner", p
+ def test_get_executor(self):
+ """Test the get_executor() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ try:
+ n.get_executor(0)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"did not catch expected AttributeError")
+ class Builder(object):
+ action = 'act'
+ env = 'env1'
+ overrides = {}
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.builder_set(Builder())
+ x = n.get_executor()
+ assert x.env == 'env1', x.env
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.builder_set(Builder())
+ n.env_set('env2')
+ x = n.get_executor()
+ assert x.env == 'env2', x.env
+ def test_set_executor(self):
+ """Test the set_executor() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.set_executor(1)
+ assert n.executor == 1, n.executor
+ def test_executor_cleanup(self):
+ """Test letting the executor cleanup its cache"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ x = MyExecutor()
+ n.set_executor(x)
+ n.executor_cleanup()
+ assert x.cleaned_up
+ def test_reset_executor(self):
+ """Test the reset_executor() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.set_executor(1)
+ assert n.executor == 1, n.executor
+ n.reset_executor()
+ assert not hasattr(n, 'executor'), "unexpected executor attribute"
+ def test_built(self):
+ """Test the built() method"""
+ class SubNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
+ __slots__ = ('updated',)
+ def update(self, node):
+ self.updated = 1
+ class SubNode(SCons.Node.Node):
+ def clear(self):
+ self.cleared = 1
+ n = SubNode()
+ n.ninfo = SubNodeInfo()
+ n.built()
+ assert n.cleared, n.cleared
+ assert n.ninfo.updated, n.ninfo.cleared
+ def test_push_to_cache(self):
+ """Test the base push_to_cache() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ r = n.push_to_cache()
+ assert r is None, r
+ def test_retrieve_from_cache(self):
+ """Test the base retrieve_from_cache() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ r = n.retrieve_from_cache()
+ assert r == 0, r
+ def test_visited(self):
+ """Test the base visited() method
+ Just make sure it's there and we can call it.
+ """
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.visited()
+ def test_builder_set(self):
+ """Test setting a Node's Builder
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ b = Builder()
+ node.builder_set(b)
+ assert node.builder == b
+ def test_has_builder(self):
+ """Test the has_builder() method
+ """
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert n1.has_builder() == 0
+ n1.builder_set(Builder())
+ assert n1.has_builder() == 1
+ def test_has_explicit_builder(self):
+ """Test the has_explicit_builder() method
+ """
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert not n1.has_explicit_builder()
+ n1.set_explicit(1)
+ assert n1.has_explicit_builder()
+ n1.set_explicit(None)
+ assert not n1.has_explicit_builder()
+ def test_get_builder(self):
+ """Test the get_builder() method"""
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ b = n1.get_builder()
+ assert b is None, b
+ b = n1.get_builder(777)
+ assert b == 777, b
+ n1.builder_set(888)
+ b = n1.get_builder()
+ assert b == 888, b
+ b = n1.get_builder(999)
+ assert b == 888, b
+ def test_multiple_side_effect_has_builder(self):
+ """Test the multiple_side_effect_has_builder() method
+ """
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert n1.multiple_side_effect_has_builder() == 0
+ n1.builder_set(Builder())
+ assert n1.multiple_side_effect_has_builder() == 1
+ def test_is_derived(self):
+ """Test the is_derived() method
+ """
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n3 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2.builder_set(Builder())
+ n3.side_effect = 1
+ assert n1.is_derived() == 0
+ assert n2.is_derived() == 1
+ assert n3.is_derived() == 1
+ def test_alter_targets(self):
+ """Test the alter_targets() method
+ """
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ t, m = n.alter_targets()
+ assert t == [], t
+ assert m is None, m
+ def test_is_up_to_date(self):
+ """Test the default is_up_to_date() method
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert node.is_up_to_date() is None
+ def test_children_are_up_to_date(self):
+ """Test the children_are_up_to_date() method used by subclasses
+ """
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n1.add_source([n2])
+ assert n1.children_are_up_to_date(), "expected up to date"
+ n2.set_state(SCons.Node.executed)
+ assert not n1.children_are_up_to_date(), "expected not up to date"
+ n2.set_state(SCons.Node.up_to_date)
+ assert n1.children_are_up_to_date(), "expected up to date"
+ n1.always_build = 1
+ assert not n1.children_are_up_to_date(), "expected not up to date"
+ def test_env_set(self):
+ """Test setting a Node's Environment
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ e = Environment()
+ node.env_set(e)
+ assert node.env == e
+ def test_get_actions(self):
+ """Test fetching a Node's action list
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.builder_set(Builder())
+ a = node.builder.get_actions()
+ assert isinstance(a[0], MyAction), a[0]
+ def test_get_csig(self):
+ """Test generic content signature calculation
+ """
+ class TestNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
+ __slots__ = ('csig',)
+ try:
+ SCons.Node.Node.NodeInfo = TestNodeInfo
+ def my_contents(obj):
+ return 444
+ SCons.Node._get_contents_map[4] = my_contents
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node._func_get_contents = 4
+ result = node.get_csig()
+ assert result == '550a141f12de6341fba65b0ad0433500', result
+ finally:
+ SCons.Node.Node.NodeInfo = SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase
+ def test_get_cachedir_csig(self):
+ """Test content signature calculation for CacheDir
+ """
+ class TestNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
+ __slots__ = ('csig',)
+ try:
+ SCons.Node.Node.NodeInfo = TestNodeInfo
+ def my_contents(obj):
+ return 555
+ SCons.Node._get_contents_map[4] = my_contents
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node._func_get_contents = 4
+ result = node.get_cachedir_csig()
+ assert result == '15de21c670ae7c3f6f3f1f37029303c9', result
+ finally:
+ SCons.Node.Node.NodeInfo = SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase
+ def test_get_binfo(self):
+ """Test fetching/creating a build information structure
+ """
+ class TestNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
+ __slots__ = ('csig',)
+ SCons.Node.Node.NodeInfo = TestNodeInfo
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ binfo = node.get_binfo()
+ assert isinstance(binfo, SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase), binfo
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ d = SCons.Node.Node()
+ ninfo = d.get_ninfo()
+ assert isinstance(ninfo, SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase), ninfo
+ i = SCons.Node.Node()
+ ninfo = i.get_ninfo()
+ assert isinstance(ninfo, SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase), ninfo
+ node.depends = [d]
+ node.implicit = [i]
+ binfo = node.get_binfo()
+ assert isinstance(binfo, SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase), binfo
+ assert hasattr(binfo, 'bsources')
+ assert hasattr(binfo, 'bsourcesigs')
+ assert binfo.bdepends == [d]
+ assert hasattr(binfo, 'bdependsigs')
+ assert binfo.bimplicit == [i]
+ assert hasattr(binfo, 'bimplicitsigs')
+ def test_explain(self):
+ """Test explaining why a Node must be rebuilt
+ """
+ class testNode(SCons.Node.Node):
+ def __str__(self): return 'xyzzy'
+ node = testNode()
+ node.exists = lambda: None
+ # Can't do this with new-style classes (python bug #1066490)
+ #node.__str__ = lambda: 'xyzzy'
+ result = node.explain()
+ assert result == "building `xyzzy' because it doesn't exist\n", result
+ class testNode2(SCons.Node.Node):
+ def __str__(self): return 'null_binfo'
+ class FS(object):
+ pass
+ node = testNode2()
+ node.fs = FS()
+ node.fs.Top = SCons.Node.Node()
+ result = node.explain()
+ assert result is None, result
+ def get_null_info():
+ class Null_SConsignEntry(object):
+ class Null_BuildInfo(object):
+ def prepare_dependencies(self):
+ pass
+ binfo = Null_BuildInfo()
+ return Null_SConsignEntry()
+ node.get_stored_info = get_null_info
+ #see above: node.__str__ = lambda: 'null_binfo'
+ result = node.explain()
+ assert result == "Cannot explain why `null_binfo' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found\n", result
+ # XXX additional tests for the guts of the functionality some day
+ #def test_del_binfo(self):
+ # """Test deleting the build information from a Node
+ # """
+ # node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ # node.binfo = None
+ # node.del_binfo()
+ # assert not hasattr(node, 'binfo'), node
+ def test_store_info(self):
+ """Test calling the method to store build information
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ SCons.Node.store_info_map[node.store_info](node)
+ def test_get_stored_info(self):
+ """Test calling the method to fetch stored build information
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ result = node.get_stored_info()
+ assert result is None, result
+ def test_set_always_build(self):
+ """Test setting a Node's always_build value
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.set_always_build()
+ assert node.always_build
+ node.set_always_build(3)
+ assert node.always_build == 3
+ def test_set_noclean(self):
+ """Test setting a Node's noclean value
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.set_noclean()
+ assert node.noclean == 1, node.noclean
+ node.set_noclean(7)
+ assert node.noclean == 1, node.noclean
+ node.set_noclean(0)
+ assert node.noclean == 0, node.noclean
+ node.set_noclean(None)
+ assert node.noclean == 0, node.noclean
+ def test_set_precious(self):
+ """Test setting a Node's precious value
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.set_precious()
+ assert node.precious
+ node.set_precious(7)
+ assert node.precious == 7
+ def test_set_pseudo(self):
+ """Test setting a Node's pseudo value
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.set_pseudo()
+ assert node.pseudo
+ node.set_pseudo(False)
+ assert not node.pseudo
+ def test_exists(self):
+ """Test evaluating whether a Node exists.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ e = node.exists()
+ assert e == 1, e
+ def test_exists(self):
+ """Test evaluating whether a Node exists locally or in a repository.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ e = node.rexists()
+ assert e == 1, e
+ class MyNode(SCons.Node.Node):
+ def exists(self):
+ return 'xyz'
+ node = MyNode()
+ e = node.rexists()
+ assert e == 'xyz', e
+ def test_prepare(self):
+ """Test preparing a node to be built
+ By extension, this also tests the missing() method.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n1.builder_set(Builder())
+ node.implicit = []
+ node.implicit_set = set()
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n1])
+ node.prepare() # should not throw an exception
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2.linked = 1
+ node.implicit = []
+ node.implicit_set = set()
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n2])
+ node.prepare() # should not throw an exception
+ n3 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.implicit = []
+ node.implicit_set = set()
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n3])
+ node.prepare() # should not throw an exception
+ class MyNode(SCons.Node.Node):
+ def rexists(self):
+ return None
+ n4 = MyNode()
+ node.implicit = []
+ node.implicit_set = set()
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n4])
+ exc_caught = 0
+ try:
+ node.prepare()
+ except SCons.Errors.StopError:
+ exc_caught = 1
+ assert exc_caught, "did not catch expected StopError"
+ def test_add_dependency(self):
+ """Test adding dependencies to a Node's list.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert node.depends == []
+ zero = SCons.Node.Node()
+ one = SCons.Node.Node()
+ two = SCons.Node.Node()
+ three = SCons.Node.Node()
+ four = SCons.Node.Node()
+ five = SCons.Node.Node()
+ six = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.add_dependency([zero])
+ assert node.depends == [zero]
+ node.add_dependency([one])
+ assert node.depends == [zero, one]
+ node.add_dependency([two, three])
+ assert node.depends == [zero, one, two, three]
+ node.add_dependency([three, four, one])
+ assert node.depends == [zero, one, two, three, four]
+ try:
+ node.add_depends([[five, six]])
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception("did not catch expected exception")
+ assert node.depends == [zero, one, two, three, four]
+ def test_add_source(self):
+ """Test adding sources to a Node's list.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert node.sources == []
+ zero = SCons.Node.Node()
+ one = SCons.Node.Node()
+ two = SCons.Node.Node()
+ three = SCons.Node.Node()
+ four = SCons.Node.Node()
+ five = SCons.Node.Node()
+ six = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.add_source([zero])
+ assert node.sources == [zero]
+ node.add_source([one])
+ assert node.sources == [zero, one]
+ node.add_source([two, three])
+ assert node.sources == [zero, one, two, three]
+ node.add_source([three, four, one])
+ assert node.sources == [zero, one, two, three, four]
+ try:
+ node.add_source([[five, six]])
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception("did not catch expected exception")
+ assert node.sources == [zero, one, two, three, four], node.sources
+ def test_add_ignore(self):
+ """Test adding files whose dependencies should be ignored.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert node.ignore == []
+ zero = SCons.Node.Node()
+ one = SCons.Node.Node()
+ two = SCons.Node.Node()
+ three = SCons.Node.Node()
+ four = SCons.Node.Node()
+ five = SCons.Node.Node()
+ six = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.add_ignore([zero])
+ assert node.ignore == [zero]
+ node.add_ignore([one])
+ assert node.ignore == [zero, one]
+ node.add_ignore([two, three])
+ assert node.ignore == [zero, one, two, three]
+ node.add_ignore([three, four, one])
+ assert node.ignore == [zero, one, two, three, four]
+ try:
+ node.add_ignore([[five, six]])
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception("did not catch expected exception")
+ assert node.ignore == [zero, one, two, three, four]
+ def test_get_found_includes(self):
+ """Test the default get_found_includes() method
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ target = SCons.Node.Node()
+ e = Environment()
+ deps = node.get_found_includes(e, None, target)
+ assert deps == [], deps
+ def test_get_implicit_deps(self):
+ """Test get_implicit_deps()
+ """
+ node = MyNode("nnn")
+ target = MyNode("ttt")
+ env = Environment()
+ # No scanner at all returns []
+ deps = node.get_implicit_deps(env, None, target)
+ assert deps == [], deps
+ s = Scanner()
+ d1 = MyNode("d1")
+ d2 = MyNode("d2")
+ node.Tag('found_includes', [d1, d2])
+ # Simple return of the found includes
+ deps = node.get_implicit_deps(env, s, s.path)
+ assert deps == [d1, d2], deps
+ # By default, our fake scanner recurses
+ e = MyNode("eee")
+ f = MyNode("fff")
+ g = MyNode("ggg")
+ d1.Tag('found_includes', [e, f])
+ d2.Tag('found_includes', [e, f])
+ f.Tag('found_includes', [g])
+ deps = node.get_implicit_deps(env, s, s.path)
+ assert deps == [d1, d2, e, f, g], list(map(str, deps))
+ # Recursive scanning eliminates duplicates
+ e.Tag('found_includes', [f])
+ deps = node.get_implicit_deps(env, s, s.path)
+ assert deps == [d1, d2, e, f, g], list(map(str, deps))
+ # Scanner method can select specific nodes to recurse
+ def no_fff(nodes):
+ return [n for n in nodes if str(n)[0] != 'f']
+ s.recurse_nodes = no_fff
+ deps = node.get_implicit_deps(env, s, s.path)
+ assert deps == [d1, d2, e, f], list(map(str, deps))
+ # Scanner method can short-circuit recursing entirely
+ s.recurse_nodes = lambda nodes: []
+ deps = node.get_implicit_deps(env, s, s.path)
+ assert deps == [d1, d2], list(map(str, deps))
+ def test_get_env_scanner(self):
+ """Test fetching the environment scanner for a Node
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ scanner = Scanner()
+ env = Environment(SCANNERS = [scanner])
+ s = node.get_env_scanner(env)
+ assert s == scanner, s
+ s = node.get_env_scanner(env, {'X':1})
+ assert s == scanner, s
+ def test_get_target_scanner(self):
+ """Test fetching the target scanner for a Node
+ """
+ s = Scanner()
+ b = Builder()
+ b.target_scanner = s
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.builder = b
+ x = n.get_target_scanner()
+ assert x is s, x
+ def test_get_source_scanner(self):
+ """Test fetching the source scanner for a Node
+ """
+ target = SCons.Node.Node()
+ source = SCons.Node.Node()
+ s = target.get_source_scanner(source)
+ assert isinstance(s, SCons.Util.Null), s
+ ts1 = Scanner()
+ ts2 = Scanner()
+ ts3 = Scanner()
+ class Builder1(Builder):
+ def __call__(self, source):
+ r = SCons.Node.Node()
+ r.builder = self
+ return [r]
+ class Builder2(Builder1):
+ def __init__(self, scanner):
+ self.source_scanner = scanner
+ builder = Builder2(ts1)
+ targets = builder([source])
+ s = targets[0].get_source_scanner(source)
+ assert s is ts1, s
+ target.builder_set(Builder2(ts1))
+ target.builder.source_scanner = ts2
+ s = target.get_source_scanner(source)
+ assert s is ts2, s
+ builder = Builder1(env=Environment(SCANNERS = [ts3]))
+ targets = builder([source])
+ s = targets[0].get_source_scanner(source)
+ assert s is ts3, s
+ def test_scan(self):
+ """Test Scanner functionality
+ """
+ env = Environment()
+ node = MyNode("nnn")
+ node.builder = Builder()
+ node.env_set(env)
+ x = MyExecutor(env, [node])
+ s = Scanner()
+ d = MyNode("ddd")
+ node.Tag('found_includes', [d])
+ node.builder.target_scanner = s
+ assert node.implicit is None
+ node.scan()
+ assert s.called
+ assert node.implicit == [d], node.implicit
+ # Check that scanning a node with some stored implicit
+ # dependencies resets internal attributes appropriately
+ # if the stored dependencies need recalculation.
+ class StoredNode(MyNode):
+ def get_stored_implicit(self):
+ return [MyNode('implicit1'), MyNode('implicit2')]
+ save_implicit_cache = SCons.Node.implicit_cache
+ save_implicit_deps_changed = SCons.Node.implicit_deps_changed
+ save_implicit_deps_unchanged = SCons.Node.implicit_deps_unchanged
+ SCons.Node.implicit_cache = 1
+ SCons.Node.implicit_deps_changed = None
+ SCons.Node.implicit_deps_unchanged = None
+ try:
+ sn = StoredNode("eee")
+ sn.builder_set(Builder())
+ sn.builder.target_scanner = s
+ sn.scan()
+ assert sn.implicit == [], sn.implicit
+ assert sn.children() == [], sn.children()
+ finally:
+ SCons.Node.implicit_cache = save_implicit_cache
+ SCons.Node.implicit_deps_changed = save_implicit_deps_changed
+ SCons.Node.implicit_deps_unchanged = save_implicit_deps_unchanged
+ def test_scanner_key(self):
+ """Test that a scanner_key() method exists"""
+ assert SCons.Node.Node().scanner_key() is None
+ def test_children(self):
+ """Test fetching the non-ignored "children" of a Node.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n3 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n4 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n5 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n6 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n7 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n8 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n9 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n10 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n11 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n12 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.add_source([n1, n2, n3])
+ node.add_dependency([n4, n5, n6])
+ node.implicit = []
+ node.implicit_set = set()
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n7, n8, n9])
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n10, n11, n12])
+ node.add_ignore([n2, n5, n8, n11])
+ kids = node.children()
+ for kid in [n1, n3, n4, n6, n7, n9, n10, n12]:
+ assert kid in kids, kid
+ for kid in [n2, n5, n8, n11]:
+ assert not kid in kids, kid
+ def test_all_children(self):
+ """Test fetching all the "children" of a Node.
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n3 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n4 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n5 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n6 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n7 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n8 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n9 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n10 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n11 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n12 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ node.add_source([n1, n2, n3])
+ node.add_dependency([n4, n5, n6])
+ node.implicit = []
+ node.implicit_set = set()
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n7, n8, n9])
+ node._add_child(node.implicit, node.implicit_set, [n10, n11, n12])
+ node.add_ignore([n2, n5, n8, n11])
+ kids = node.all_children()
+ for kid in [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, n12]:
+ assert kid in kids, kid
+ def test_state(self):
+ """Test setting and getting the state of a node
+ """
+ node = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert node.get_state() == SCons.Node.no_state
+ node.set_state(SCons.Node.executing)
+ assert node.get_state() == SCons.Node.executing
+ assert SCons.Node.pending < SCons.Node.executing
+ assert SCons.Node.executing < SCons.Node.up_to_date
+ assert SCons.Node.up_to_date < SCons.Node.executed
+ assert SCons.Node.executed < SCons.Node.failed
+ def test_walker(self):
+ """Test walking a Node tree.
+ """
+ n1 = MyNode("n1")
+ nw = SCons.Node.Walker(n1)
+ assert not nw.is_done()
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n1"
+ assert nw.is_done()
+ assert nw.get_next() is None
+ n2 = MyNode("n2")
+ n3 = MyNode("n3")
+ n1.add_source([n2, n3])
+ nw = SCons.Node.Walker(n1)
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert == "n2",
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert == "n3",
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert == "n1",
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert n is None, n
+ n4 = MyNode("n4")
+ n5 = MyNode("n5")
+ n6 = MyNode("n6")
+ n7 = MyNode("n7")
+ n2.add_source([n4, n5])
+ n3.add_dependency([n6, n7])
+ nw = SCons.Node.Walker(n1)
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n4"
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n5"
+ assert n2 in nw.history
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n2"
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n6"
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n7"
+ assert n3 in nw.history
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n3"
+ assert n1 in nw.history
+ assert nw.get_next().name == "n1"
+ assert nw.get_next() is None
+ n8 = MyNode("n8")
+ n8.add_dependency([n3])
+ n7.add_dependency([n8])
+ def cycle(node, stack):
+ global cycle_detected
+ cycle_detected = 1
+ global cycle_detected
+ nw = SCons.Node.Walker(n3, cycle_func = cycle)
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert == "n6",
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert == "n8",
+ assert cycle_detected
+ cycle_detected = None
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert == "n7",
+ n = nw.get_next()
+ assert nw.get_next() is None
+ def test_abspath(self):
+ """Test the get_abspath() method."""
+ n = MyNode("foo")
+ assert n.get_abspath() == str(n), n.get_abspath()
+ def test_for_signature(self):
+ """Test the for_signature() method."""
+ n = MyNode("foo")
+ assert n.for_signature() == str(n), n.get_abspath()
+ def test_get_string(self):
+ """Test the get_string() method."""
+ class TestNode(MyNode):
+ def __init__(self, name, sig):
+ MyNode.__init__(self, name)
+ self.sig = sig
+ def for_signature(self):
+ return self.sig
+ n = TestNode("foo", "bar")
+ assert n.get_string(0) == "foo", n.get_string(0)
+ assert n.get_string(1) == "bar", n.get_string(1)
+ def test_literal(self):
+ """Test the is_literal() function."""
+ n=SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert n.is_literal()
+ def test_Annotate(self):
+ """Test using an interface-specific Annotate function."""
+ def my_annotate(node, self=self):
+ node.Tag('annotation', self.node_string)
+ save_Annotate = SCons.Node.Annotate
+ SCons.Node.Annotate = my_annotate
+ try:
+ self.node_string = '#1'
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ a = n.GetTag('annotation')
+ assert a == '#1', a
+ self.node_string = '#2'
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ a = n.GetTag('annotation')
+ assert a == '#2', a
+ finally:
+ SCons.Node.Annotate = save_Annotate
+ def test_clear(self):
+ """Test clearing all cached state information."""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.set_state(3)
+ n.binfo = 'xyz'
+ n.includes = 'testincludes'
+ n.Tag('found_includes', {'testkey':'testvalue'})
+ n.implicit = 'testimplicit'
+ x = MyExecutor()
+ n.set_executor(x)
+ n.clear()
+ assert n.includes is None, n.includes
+ assert x.cleaned_up
+ def test_get_subst_proxy(self):
+ """Test the get_subst_proxy method."""
+ n = MyNode("test")
+ assert n.get_subst_proxy() == n, n.get_subst_proxy()
+ def test_new_binfo(self):
+ """Test the new_binfo() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ result = n.new_binfo()
+ assert isinstance(result, SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase), result
+ def test_get_suffix(self):
+ """Test the base Node get_suffix() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ s = n.get_suffix()
+ assert s == '', s
+ def test_postprocess(self):
+ """Test calling the base Node postprocess() method"""
+ n = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n.waiting_parents = set( ['foo','bar'] )
+ n.postprocess()
+ assert n.waiting_parents == set(), n.waiting_parents
+ def test_add_to_waiting_parents(self):
+ """Test the add_to_waiting_parents() method"""
+ n1 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ n2 = SCons.Node.Node()
+ assert n1.waiting_parents == set(), n1.waiting_parents
+ r = n1.add_to_waiting_parents(n2)
+ assert r == 1, r
+ assert n1.waiting_parents == set((n2,)), n1.waiting_parents
+ r = n1.add_to_waiting_parents(n2)
+ assert r == 0, r
+class NodeListTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test___str__(self):
+ """Test"""
+ n1 = MyNode("n1")
+ n2 = MyNode("n2")
+ n3 = MyNode("n3")
+ nl = SCons.Node.NodeList([n3, n2, n1])
+ l = [1]
+ ul = collections.UserList([2])
+ s = str(nl)
+ assert s == "['n3', 'n2', 'n1']", s
+ r = repr(nl)
+ r = re.sub('at (0[xX])?[0-9a-fA-F]+', 'at 0x', r)
+ # Don't care about ancestry: just leaf value of MyNode
+ r = re.sub('<.*?\.MyNode', '<MyNode', r)
+ # New-style classes report as "object"; classic classes report
+ # as "instance"...
+ r = re.sub("object", "instance", r)
+ l = ", ".join(["<MyNode instance at 0x>"]*3)
+ assert r == '[%s]' % l, r
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ tclasses = [ BuildInfoBaseTestCase,
+ NodeInfoBaseTestCase,
+ NodeTestCase,
+ NodeListTestCase ]
+ for tclass in tclasses:
+ names = unittest.getTestCaseNames(tclass, 'test_')
+ suite.addTests(list(map(tclass, names)))
+# Local Variables:
+# tab-width:4
+# indent-tabs-mode:nil
+# End:
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: