diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-07-12 09:39:50 (GMT)
committerKevin Smith <>2016-07-12 10:04:59 (GMT)
commitee22c7cde330254cd97adb9ce818b80d3b6bbbd8 (patch)
tree59f9ffc0c482b8590e72bc2a0d90e4791ec50a5c /3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp
parent0ea6c4a70e324c431bb4c10eab2f2de25da253e0 (diff)
Remove Snarl notification support
This removes Snarl from 3rdParty, our adapter to it in SwifTools and the integration in Swift UI. Test-Information: Builds and installer still work on Windows 8. Standard system tray balloon notifications still work. Change-Id: Id580642932eac260c79eaf2343a94ec9d5606f11
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 517 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp b/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ae0b37..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-/// <summary>
-/// Snarl C++ interface implementation
-/// Written and maintained by Toke Noer Nøttrup (
-/// Please note the following changes compared to the VB6 (official API) dokumentation:
-/// - Function names doesn't have the prefix "sn". Naming of constants and variables are
-/// generally changed to follow Microsoft C# standard. This naming convention is kept for
-/// the C++ version, to keep them alike.
-/// - Grouped variables like SNARL_LAUNCHED, SNARL_QUIT is enums in SnarlEnums namespace.
-/// - Message events like SNARL_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED, is found in SnarlEnums::MessageEvent.
-/// - Please note that string functions return NULL when they fail and not an empty string.
-/// - Some functions in the VB API takes an appToken as first parameter. This token is a
-/// member variable in C++ version, so it is omitted from the functions.
-/// (Always call RegisterApp as first function!)
-/// - Functions manipulating messages (Update, Hide etc.) still takes a message token as
-/// parameter, but you can get the last message token calling GetLastMsgToken();
-/// Example: snarl.Hide(snarl.GetLastMsgToken());
-/// The functions in SnarlInterface both have ANSI(UTF8) and UNICODE versions.
-/// If the LPCWSTR (unicode) version of the functions are called, the strings
-/// are converted to UTF8 by SnarlInterface before sent to Snarl. So using the
-/// ANSI/UTF8/LPCSTR versions of the functions are faster!
-/// Funtions special to C++ V41 API compared to VB version:
-/// GetLastMsgToken()
-/// GetAppPath()
-/// GetIconsPath()
-/// </summary>
-/// <example>
-/// SnarlInterface snarl;
-/// snarl.RegisterApp(_T("CppTest"), _T("C++ test app"), NULL);
-/// snarl.AddClass(_T("Class1"), _T("Class 1"));
-/// snarl.EZNotify(_T("Class1"), _T("C++ example 1"), _T("Some text"), 10);
-/// snarl.UnregisterApp();
-/// Please see the SimpleTest.cpp and SnarlV41Test.cpp for more example code.
-/// </example>
-/// <VersionHistory>
-/// 2010-08-13 : First release of V41 Snarl API implementation
-/// </VersionHistory>
-#include "SnarlInterface.h"
-namespace Snarl {
-namespace V41 {
-// Constructor/Destructor
- : appToken(0), lastMsgToken(0), localError(SnarlEnums::Success)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RegisterApp(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, HWND hWndReply /* = NULL */, LONG32 msgReply /* = 0 */, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags /* = SnarlEnums::AppDefault */)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::RegisterApp;
- msg.Token = 0;
- PackData(msg.PacketData,
- "id::%s#?title::%s#?icon::%s#?hwnd::%d#?umsg::%d#?flags::%d",
- signature, title, icon, hWndReply, msgReply, flags);
- appToken = Send(msg);
- lastMsgToken = 0;
- return appToken;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RegisterApp(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR icon, HWND hWndReply /* = NULL */, LONG32 msgReply /* = 0 */, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags /* = SnarlEnums::AppDefault */)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(signature);
- LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(title);
- LPCSTR szParam3 = WideToUTF8(icon);
- LONG32 result = RegisterApp(szParam1, szParam2, szParam3, hWndReply, msgReply, flags);
- delete [] szParam1;
- delete [] szParam2;
- delete [] szParam3;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::UnregisterApp()
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UnregisterApp;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, NULL);
- appToken = 0;
- lastMsgToken = 0;
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::UpdateApp(LPCSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCSTR icon /* = NULL */)
- if (title == NULL && icon == NULL)
- return 0;
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UpdateApp;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- // TODO: Uckly code ahead
- if (title != NULL && title[0] != 0 && icon != NULL && icon[0] != 0)
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "title::%s#?icon::%s", title, icon);
- else if (title != NULL && title[0] != 0)
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "title::%s", title);
- else if (icon != NULL && icon[0] != 0)
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "icon::%s", icon);
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::UpdateApp(LPCWSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCWSTR icon /* = NULL */)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(title);
- LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(icon);
- LONG32 result = UpdateApp(szParam1, szParam2);
- delete [] szParam1;
- delete [] szParam2;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::AddClass(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR description, bool enabled /* = true */)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::AddClass;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "id::%s#?name::%s#?enabled::%d", className, description, (enabled ? 1 : 0));
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::AddClass(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR description, bool enabled /* = true */)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
- LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(description);
- LONG32 result = AddClass(szParam1, szParam2, enabled);
- delete [] szParam1;
- delete [] szParam2;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RemoveClass(LPCSTR className, bool forgetSettings /* = false */)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::RemoveClass;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "id::%s#?forget::%d", className, (forgetSettings ? 1 : 0));
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RemoveClass(LPCWSTR className, bool forgetSettings /* = false */)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
- LONG32 result = RemoveClass(szParam1, forgetSettings);
- delete [] szParam1;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RemoveAllClasses(bool forgetSettings /* = false */)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::RemoveClass;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "all::1#?forget::%d", (forgetSettings ? 1 : 0));
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZNotify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCSTR icon /* = NULL */, LONG32 priority /* = 0 */, LPCSTR acknowledge /* = NULL */, LPCSTR value /* = NULL */)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::Notify;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData,
- "id::%s#?title::%s#?text::%s#?timeout::%d#?icon::%s#?priority::%d#?ack::%s#?value::%s",
- className, title, text, timeout, (icon ? icon : ""), priority, (acknowledge ? acknowledge : ""), (value ? value : ""));
- lastMsgToken = Send(msg);
- return lastMsgToken;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZNotify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCWSTR icon /* = NULL */, LONG32 priority /* = 0 */, LPCWSTR acknowledge /* = NULL */, LPCWSTR value /* = NULL */)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
- LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(title);
- LPCSTR szParam3 = WideToUTF8(text);
- LPCSTR szParam4 = WideToUTF8(icon);
- LPCSTR szParam5 = WideToUTF8(acknowledge);
- LPCSTR szParam6 = WideToUTF8(value);
- LONG32 result = EZNotify(szParam1, szParam2, szParam3, timeout, szParam4, priority, szParam5, szParam6);
- delete [] szParam1; delete [] szParam2; delete [] szParam3;
- delete [] szParam4; delete [] szParam5; delete [] szParam6;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR packetData)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::Notify;
- msg.Token = appToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, "id::%s#?%s", className, packetData);
- lastMsgToken = Send(msg);
- return lastMsgToken;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR packetData)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
- LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(packetData);
- LONG32 result = Notify(szParam1, szParam2);
- delete [] szParam1; delete [] szParam2;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCSTR text /* = NULL */, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCSTR icon /* = NULL */)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UpdateNotification;
- msg.Token = msgToken;
- // Create packed data
- errno_t err = 0;
- ZeroMemory(msg.PacketData, sizeof(msg.PacketData));
- char* pData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(msg.PacketData);
- if (title != NULL) {
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?title::" : "title::", _TRUNCATE); //StringCbCat(tmp, SnarlPacketDataSize, "title::%s");
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, title, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- if (text != NULL) {
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?text::" : "text::", _TRUNCATE);
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, text, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- if (icon != NULL) {
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?icon::" : "icon::", _TRUNCATE);
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, icon, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- if (timeout != -1) {
- char tmp[32];
- _itoa_s(timeout, tmp, 10);
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?timeout::" : "timeout::", _TRUNCATE);
- err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, tmp, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- // Check for strcat errors and exit on error
- if (err != 0) {
- localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorFailed;
- return 0;
- }
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCWSTR text /* = NULL */, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCWSTR icon /* = NULL */)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(title);
- LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(text);
- LPCSTR szParam3 = WideToUTF8(icon);
- LONG32 result = EZUpdate(msgToken, szParam1, szParam2, timeout, szParam3);
- delete [] szParam1; delete [] szParam2; delete [] szParam3;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR packetData)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UpdateNotification;
- msg.Token = msgToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, packetData);
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR packetData)
- LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(packetData);
- LONG32 result = Update(msgToken, szParam1);
- delete [] szParam1;
- return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Hide(LONG32 msgToken)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::HideNotification;
- msg.Token = msgToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, NULL);
- return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::IsVisible(LONG32 msgToken)
- SnarlMessage msg;
- msg.Command = SnarlEnums::IsNotificationVisible;
- msg.Token = msgToken;
- PackData(msg.PacketData, NULL);
- return Send(msg);
-SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus SnarlInterface::GetLastError()
- return localError;
-// static
-BOOL SnarlInterface::IsSnarlRunning()
- return IsWindow(GetSnarlWindow());
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::GetVersion()
- localError = SnarlEnums::Success;
- HWND hWnd = GetSnarlWindow();
- if (!IsWindow(hWnd))
- {
- localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorNotRunning;
- return 0;
- }
- HANDLE hProp = GetProp(hWnd, _T("_version"));
- return reinterpret_cast<int>(hProp);
-// static
-UINT SnarlInterface::Broadcast()
- return RegisterWindowMessage(SnarlGlobalMsg);
-// static
-UINT SnarlInterface::AppMsg()
- return RegisterWindowMessage(SnarlAppMsg);
-// static
-HWND SnarlInterface::GetSnarlWindow()
- return FindWindow(SnarlWindowClass, SnarlWindowTitle);;
-LPCTSTR SnarlInterface::GetAppPath()
- HWND hWnd = GetSnarlWindow();
- if (hWnd)
- {
- HWND hWndPath = FindWindowEx(hWnd, NULL, _T("static"), NULL);
- if (hWndPath)
- {
- TCHAR strTmp[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- int nReturn = GetWindowText(hWndPath, strTmp, MAX_PATH-1);
- if (nReturn > 0) {
- TCHAR* strReturn = AllocateString(nReturn + 1);
- _tcsncpy(strReturn, strTmp, nReturn + 1);
- strReturn[nReturn] = 0;
- return strReturn;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-LPCTSTR SnarlInterface::GetIconsPath()
- TCHAR* szIconPath = NULL;
- LPCTSTR szPath = GetAppPath();
- if (!szPath)
- return NULL;
- size_t nLen = 0;
- // TODO: _tcsnlen MAX_PATH
- if (nLen = _tcsnlen(szPath, MAX_PATH))
- {
- nLen += 10 + 1; // etc\\icons\\ + NULL
- szIconPath = AllocateString(nLen);
- _tcsncpy(szIconPath, szPath, nLen);
- _tcsncat(szIconPath, _T("etc\\icons\\"), nLen);
- }
- FreeString(szPath);
- return szIconPath;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::GetLastMsgToken() const
- return lastMsgToken;
-// Private functions
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Send(SnarlMessage msg)
- DWORD_PTR nReturn = 0; // Failure
- HWND hWnd = GetSnarlWindow();
- if (!IsWindow(hWnd))
- {
- localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorNotRunning;
- return 0;
- }
- cds.dwData = 0x534E4C02; // "SNL",2;
- cds.cbData = sizeof(SnarlMessage);
- cds.lpData = &msg;
- if (SendMessageTimeout(hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)GetCurrentProcessId(), (LPARAM)&cds, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG | SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG, 500, &nReturn) == 0)
- {
- // return zero on failure
- if (GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
- localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorTimedOut;
- else
- localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorFailed;
- return 0;
- }
- // return result and cache LastError
- HANDLE hProp = GetProp(hWnd, _T("last_error"));
- localError = static_cast<SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus>(reinterpret_cast<int>(hProp));
- return nReturn;
-// Remember to delete [] returned string
-LPSTR SnarlInterface::WideToUTF8(LPCWSTR szWideStr)
- if (szWideStr == NULL)
- return NULL;
- int nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- LPSTR szUTF8 = new char[nSize];
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, szUTF8, nSize, NULL, NULL);
- return szUTF8;
-void SnarlInterface::PackData(BYTE* data, LPCSTR format, ...)
- // Always zero array - Used to clear the array in member functions
- ZeroMemory(data, SnarlPacketDataSize);
- // Return if format string is empty
- if (format == NULL || format[0] == 0)
- return;
- int cchStrTextLen = 0;
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- // Get size of buffer
- cchStrTextLen = _vscprintf(format, args) + 1; // + NULL
- if (cchStrTextLen <= 1)
- return;
- // Create formated string - _TRUNCATE will ensure zero terminated
- _vsnprintf_s((char*)data, SnarlPacketDataSize, _TRUNCATE, format, args);
- va_end(args);
-}} // namespace Snarl::V41