diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-07-12 09:39:50 (GMT)
committerKevin Smith <>2016-07-12 10:04:59 (GMT)
commitee22c7cde330254cd97adb9ce818b80d3b6bbbd8 (patch)
tree59f9ffc0c482b8590e72bc2a0d90e4791ec50a5c /3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h
parent0ea6c4a70e324c431bb4c10eab2f2de25da253e0 (diff)
Remove Snarl notification support
This removes Snarl from 3rdParty, our adapter to it in SwifTools and the integration in Swift UI. Test-Information: Builds and installer still work on Windows 8. Standard system tray balloon notifications still work. Change-Id: Id580642932eac260c79eaf2343a94ec9d5606f11
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h b/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9440451..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-#include <tchar.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-namespace Snarl {
- namespace V41 {
- static const LPCTSTR SnarlWindowClass = _T("w>Snarl");
- static const LPCTSTR SnarlWindowTitle = _T("Snarl");
- static const LPCTSTR SnarlGlobalMsg = _T("SnarlGlobalEvent");
- static const LPCTSTR SnarlAppMsg = _T("SnarlAppMessage");
- static const int SnarlPacketDataSize = 4096;
- // Enums put in own namespace, because ANSI C++ doesn't decorate enums with tagname :(
- namespace SnarlEnums {
- /// <summary>
- /// Global event identifiers.
- /// Identifiers marked with a '*' are sent by Snarl in two ways:
- /// 1. As a broadcast message (uMsg = 'SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG')
- /// 2. To the window registered in snRegisterConfig() or snRegisterConfig2()
- /// (uMsg = reply message specified at the time of registering)
- /// In both cases these values appear in wParam.
- ///
- /// Identifiers not marked are not broadcast; they are simply sent to the application's registered window.
- /// </summary>
- enum GlobalEvent
- {
- SnarlLaunched = 1, // Snarl has just started running*
- SnarlQuit = 2, // Snarl is about to stop running*
- SnarlAskAppletVer = 3, // (R1.5) Reserved for future use
- SnarlShowAppUi = 4 // (R1.6) Application should show its UI
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// Message event identifiers.
- /// These are sent by Snarl to the window specified in RegisterApp() when the
- /// Snarl Notification raised times out or the user clicks on it.
- /// </summary>
- enum MessageEvent
- {
- NotificationClicked = 32, // Notification was right-clicked by user
- NotificationCancelled = 32, // Added in V37 (R1.6) -- same value, just improved the meaning of it
- NotificationTimedOut = 33, //
- NotificationAck = 34, // Notification was left-clicked by user
- NotificationMenu = 35, // Menu item selected (V39)
- NotificationMiddleButton = 36, // Notification middle-clicked by user (V39)
- NotificationClosed = 37 // User clicked the close gadget (V39)
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// Error values returned by calls to GetLastError().
- /// </summary>
- enum SnarlStatus
- {
- Success = 0,
- ErrorFailed = 101, // miscellaneous failure
- ErrorUnknownCommand, // specified command not recognised
- ErrorTimedOut, // Snarl took too long to respond
- ErrorArgMissing = 109, // required argument missing
- ErrorSystem, // internal system error
- ErrorNotRunning = 201, // Snarl handling window not found
- ErrorNotRegistered, //
- ErrorAlreadyRegistered, // not used yet; RegisterApp() returns existing token
- ErrorClassAlreadyExists, // not used yet; AddClass() returns existing token
- ErrorClassBlocked,
- ErrorClassNotFound,
- ErrorNotificationNotFound
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// Application flags - features this app supports.
- /// </summary>
- enum AppFlags
- {
- AppDefault = 0,
- AppHasPrefs = 1,
- AppHasAbout = 2,
- AppIsWindowless = 0x8000
- };
- enum SnarlCommand
- {
- RegisterApp = 1,
- UnregisterApp,
- UpdateApp,
- SetCallback,
- AddClass,
- RemoveClass,
- Notify,
- UpdateNotification,
- HideNotification,
- IsNotificationVisible,
- LastError // deprecated but retained for backwards compatability
- };
- }
- struct SnarlMessage
- {
- SnarlEnums::SnarlCommand Command;
- LONG32 Token;
- BYTE PacketData[SnarlPacketDataSize];
- };
- static const DWORD WM_SNARLTEST = WM_USER + 237;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// SnarlInterface class definition
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class SnarlInterface {
- public:
- SnarlInterface();
- ~SnarlInterface();
- LPTSTR AllocateString(size_t n) { return new TCHAR[n]; }
- void FreeString(LPTSTR str) { delete [] str; str = NULL; }
- void FreeString(LPCTSTR str) { delete [] str; }
- /// <summary>Register application with Snarl.</summary>
- /// <returns>The application token or 0 on failure.</returns>
- /// <remarks>The application token is saved in SnarlInterface member variable, so just use return value to check for error.</remarks>
- LONG32 RegisterApp(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, HWND hWndReply = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags = SnarlEnums::AppDefault);
- LONG32 RegisterApp(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR icon, HWND hWndReply = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags = SnarlEnums::AppDefault);
- /// <summary>Unregister application with Snarl when application is closing.</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 UnregisterApp();
- /// <summary>Update information provided when calling RegisterApp.</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 UpdateApp(LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR icon = NULL);
- LONG32 UpdateApp(LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR icon = NULL);
- /// <summary>Add a notification class to Snarl.</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 AddClass(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR description, bool enabled = true);
- LONG32 AddClass(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR description, bool enabled = true);
- /// <summary>Remove a notification class added with AddClass().</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 RemoveClass(LPCSTR className, bool forgetSettings = false);
- LONG32 RemoveClass(LPCWSTR className, bool forgetSettings = false);
- /// <summary>Remove all notification classes in one call.</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 RemoveAllClasses(bool forgetSettings = false);
- /// <summary>Show a Snarl notification.</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns the notification token or 0 on failure.</returns>
- /// <remarks>You can use <see cref="GetLastMsgToken()" /> to get the last token.</remarks>
- LONG32 EZNotify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR icon = NULL, LONG32 priority = 0, LPCSTR acknowledge = NULL, LPCSTR value = NULL);
- LONG32 EZNotify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR icon = NULL, LONG32 priority = 0, LPCWSTR acknowledge = NULL, LPCWSTR value = NULL);
- /// <summary>
- /// Show a Snarl notification.
- /// This function requires that you write your own packet data.
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>Returns the notification token or 0 on failure.</returns>
- /// <remarks>You can use <see cref="GetLastMsgToken()" /> to get the last token.</remarks>
- LONG32 Notify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR packetData);
- LONG32 Notify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR packetData);
- /// <summary>Update the text or other parameters of a visible Snarl notification.</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR icon = NULL);
- LONG32 EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR icon = NULL);
- /// <summary>
- /// Update the text or other parameters of a visible Snarl notification.
- /// This function requires that you write your own packet data.
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR packetData);
- LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR packetData);
- /// <summary>Hide a Snarl notification.</summary>
- /// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 Hide(LONG32 msgToken);
- /// <summary>Test if a Snarl notification is visible.</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns -1 if message is visible. 0 if not visible or if an error occured.</returns>
- LONG32 IsVisible(LONG32 msgToken);
- /// <summary>Get the last error from Snarl. Call after other functions return 0 to know why it failed.</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns one of the SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus values.</returns>
- SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus GetLastError();
- /// <summary>Get Snarl version, if it is running.</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns a number indicating Snarl version.</returns>
- LONG32 GetVersion();
- /// <summary>
- /// Get the path to where Snarl is installed.
- /// ** Remember to call <see cref="FreeString(LPCTSTR)" /> on the returned string !!!
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>Returns the path to where Snarl is installed.</returns>
- /// <remarks>This is a V39 API method.</remarks>
- LPCTSTR GetAppPath();
- /// <summary>
- /// Get the path to where the default Snarl icons are located.
- /// <para>** Remember to call <see cref="FreeString(LPCTSTR)" /> on the returned string !!!</para>
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>Returns the path to where the default Snarl icons are located.</returns>
- /// <remarks>This is a V39 API method.</remarks>
- LPCTSTR GetIconsPath();
- /// <summary>GetLastMsgToken() returns token of the last message sent to Snarl.</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns message token of last message.</returns>
- /// <remarks>This function is not in the official API!</remarks>
- LONG32 GetLastMsgToken() const;
- /// <summary>Check whether Snarl is running</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns true if Snarl system was found running.</returns>
- static BOOL IsSnarlRunning();
- /// <summary>
- /// Returns the value of Snarl's global registered message.
- /// Notes:
- /// Snarl registers SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG during startup which it then uses to communicate
- /// with all running applications through a Windows broadcast message. This function can
- /// only fail if for some reason the Windows RegisterWindowMessage() function fails
- /// - given this, this function *cannnot* be used to test for the presence of Snarl.
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>A 16-bit value (translated to 32-bit) which is the registered Windows message for Snarl.</returns>
- static UINT Broadcast();
- /// <summary>Returns the global Snarl Application message (V39)</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns Snarl application registered message.</returns>
- static UINT AppMsg();
- /// <summary>Returns a handle to the Snarl Dispatcher window (V37)</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns handle to Snarl Dispatcher window, or zero if it's not found.</returns>
- /// <remarks>This is now the preferred way to test if Snarl is actually running.</remarks>
- static HWND GetSnarlWindow();
- private:
- /// <summary>Send message to Snarl.</summary>
- /// <returns>Return zero on failure.</returns>
- LONG32 Send(SnarlMessage msg);
- /// <summary>Convert a unicode string to UTF8</summary>
- /// <returns>Returns pointer to the new string - Remember to delete [] returned string !</returns>
- /// <remarks>Remember to delete [] returned string !!!</remarks>
- LPSTR WideToUTF8(LPCWSTR szWideStr);
- /// <summary>Pack data into the PackedData member field.</summary>
- /// <param name="data">Should always be a pointer to the PackedData field</param>
- /// <param name="format">The format string. Can be NULL or "" to just zero PackedData!</param>
- /// <param name="...">Variable number of objects to convert</param>
- void PackData(BYTE* data, LPCSTR format, ...);
- LONG32 appToken;
- LONG32 lastMsgToken;
- SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus localError;
- }; // class
- } // namespace V41
-} // namespace Snarl
-#endif // SNARL_INTERFACE_V41