diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2013-12-30 11:21:45 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2014-01-03 11:09:06 (GMT)
commit26bb5aa9e2f520c3c943797e6143c32e5b16806b (patch)
tree0caa41938acf53da946847f8803c62e579525af9 /Sluift/core.lua
parent0b19dc7292b7672c9fbb711a411c392bc5b2bb34 (diff)
Sluift: Add help support
Provide a 'help' function that takes a table/function, and prints help for it. A structured representation can be retrieved through 'get_help'. Change-Id: I2b3ce8992943ef30cee2604fba9200feed263fa5
Diffstat (limited to 'Sluift/core.lua')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/Sluift/core.lua b/Sluift/core.lua
index e2d4f8e..aeb3286 100644
--- a/Sluift/core.lua
+++ b/Sluift/core.lua
@@ -5,47 +5,17 @@
local _G = _G
-local pairs, ipairs, print, tostring, type, error = pairs, ipairs, print, tostring, type, error
+local pairs, ipairs, print, tostring, type, error, assert, next, rawset, xpcall, unpack = pairs, ipairs, print, tostring, type, error, assert, next, rawset, xpcall, unpack
local setmetatable, getmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable
-local string = string
+local string = require "string"
+local table = require "table"
+local debug = require "debug"
_ENV = nil
-local Client = {}
-local PubSub = {}
-local PubSubNode = {}
--- Utility methods
+-- Table utility methods
-local function merge_tables(...)
- local result = {}
- for _, table in ipairs({...}) do
- for k, v in pairs(table) do
- result[k] = v
- end
- end
- return result
-local function clone_table(table)
- return merge_tables(table)
-local function parse_options(unnamed_parameters, arg1, arg2)
- local options = {}
- local f
- if type(arg1) == 'table' then
- options = arg1
- f = arg2
- elseif type(arg1) == 'function' then
- f = arg1
- end
- options.f = f or options.f
- return clone_table(options)
local function table_value_tostring(value)
local result = tostring(value)
if type(value) == 'number' then return result
@@ -89,22 +59,311 @@ local function table_tostring(table, print_functions, indent, accumulator, histo
return accumulator
-local function tprint(table)
- print(table_tostring(table, true))
-local function register_table_tostring(table)
+local function register_table_tostring(table, print_functions)
if type(table) == 'table' then
local metatable = getmetatable(table)
if not metatable then
metatable = {}
setmetatable(table, metatable)
- metatable.__tostring = table_tostring
+ if print_functions then
+ metatable.__tostring = function(table) return table_tostring(table, true) end
+ else
+ metatable.__tostring = table_tostring
+ end
return table
+local function merge_tables(...)
+ local result = {}
+ for _, table in ipairs({...}) do
+ for k, v in pairs(table) do
+ result[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+local function copy(object)
+ if type(object) == 'table' then
+ local copy = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(object) do
+ copy[key] = value
+ end
+ return copy
+ else
+ return object
+ end
+local function trim(string)
+ return string:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
+-- Help
+-- Contains help for native methods that we want access to from here
+local extra_help = {}
+local help_data = {}
+local help_classes = {}
+local help_class_metatables = {}
+local _H
+local function get_synopsis(description)
+ return description:gsub("[\n\r].*", "")
+local function format_description(text)
+ local result = {}
+ local trim_whitespace
+ for line in (text .. "\n"):gmatch"(.-)\n" do
+ if not trim_whitespace and line:find('[^%s]') then
+ trim_whitespace = line:match("^(%s*)")
+ end
+ if trim_whitespace then
+ line = line:gsub("^" .. trim_whitespace, "")
+ end
+ table.insert(result, line)
+ end
+ return trim(table.concat(result, "\n"))
+local function strip_links(text)
+ return text:gsub("(@{(%w*)})", "`%2`")
+local function register_help(target, help)
+ assert(target)
+ if not help then
+ help = _H
+ end
+ assert(help)
+ -- Transform description into canonical representation
+ local parameters = {}
+ for _, parameter in pairs(help.parameters or {}) do
+ local parameter_description = parameter[2]
+ if parameter_description and #parameter_description == 0 then
+ parameter_description = nil
+ end
+ if type(parameter) == "table" then
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = { name = parameter[1], description = parameter_description }
+ else
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = { name = parameter }
+ end
+ end
+ local options = {}
+ for option_name, option_description in pairs(help.options or {}) do
+ if type(option_description) == "table" then
+ options[#options+1] = { name =, description = option_description.description }
+ else
+ options[#options+1] = { name = option_name, description = option_description }
+ end
+ end
+ local description = format_description(help[1] or help.description or "")
+ local synopsis = get_synopsis(description)
+ if #description == 0 then
+ synopsis = nil
+ description = nil
+ end
+ local data = {
+ description = description,
+ synopsis = synopsis,
+ parameters = parameters,
+ options = options,
+ classes = help.classes
+ }
+ register_table_tostring(data, true)
+ help_data[target] = data
+local function register_class_help(class, help)
+ help_classes[#help_classes+1] = class
+ register_help(class, help)
+local function register_class_table_help(target, class, help)
+ register_help(target, help)
+ help_class_metatables[class] = target
+ register_class_help(class, help)
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Retrieves the help information from `target`.
+ Returns a table with the following fields:
+ - `description`: the description of `target`
+ - `parameters`: an array of parameters of `target` represented as tables with `name` and `description` fields.
+ - `options`: an array of options (named parameters) of `target` represented as tables with `name` and
+ `description` fields.
+ - `methods`: an array of methods
+ - `fields`: an array of fields
+ ]],
+ parameters = { {"target", "The target to retrieve help of"} }
+local function get_help(target)
+ if not target then error("Nil argument or argument missing") end
+ local help = help_data[target] or help_data[getmetatable(target)] or {}
+ -- Collect child methods and fields
+ local children = {}
+ if type(target) == "table" then children = target end
+ local mt
+ if type(target) == "string" then
+ mt = help_class_metatables[target]
+ else
+ mt = getmetatable(target)
+ end
+ if mt and type(mt.__index) == "table" then
+ children = merge_tables(children, mt.__index)
+ end
+ local methods = {}
+ local fields = {}
+ for name, value in pairs(children) do
+ if name:sub(1, 1) ~= "_" then
+ if type(value) == "function" then
+ methods[#methods+1] = { name = name, ref = value }
+ else
+ fields[#fields+1] = { name = name, description = nil }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if next(methods) ~= nil then
+ help.methods = methods
+ end
+ if next(fields) ~= nil then
+ help.fields = fields
+ end
+ if next(help) then
+ return help
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Prints the help of `target`.
+ `target` can be any object. When `target` is a string, prints the help of the class with
+ the given name.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { {"target", "The target to retrieve help of"} }
+local function help(target)
+ print()
+ if not target then
+ print("Call `help(target)` to get the help of a specific `target`.")
+ print("`target` can be any object. When `target` is a string, prints")
+ print("the help of the class with the given name.")
+ print()
+ print("For general information about sluift, type:")
+ print(" help(sluift)")
+ print()
+ return
+ end
+ local data = get_help(target)
+ if not data then
+ print("No help available\n")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Collect help of children
+ local methods = {}
+ for _, method in pairs(data.methods or {}) do
+ local description
+ local method_help = get_help(method.ref)
+ if method_help and method_help.description then
+ description = method_help.synopsis
+ end
+ methods[#methods+1] = { name =, description = description }
+ end
+ local fields = copy(data.fields or {})
+ table.sort(methods, function (a, b) return ( or "") < ( or "") end)
+ table.sort(fields, function (a, b) return ( or "") < ( or "") end)
+ local classes = {}
+ for _, class in pairs(data.classes or {}) do
+ classes[#classes+1] = { name = class, description = get_help(class).synopsis }
+ end
+ print(strip_links(data.description) or "(No description available)")
+ for _, p in ipairs({
+ {"Parameters", data.parameters}, {"Options", data.options}, {"Methods", methods}, {"Fields", fields}, {"Classes", classes}}) do
+ if p[2] and next(p[2]) ~= nil then
+ print()
+ print(p[1] .. ":")
+ for _, parameter in ipairs(p[2]) do
+ if parameter.description then
+ print(" " .. .. ": " .. strip_links(parameter.description))
+ else
+ print(" " ..
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ print()
+-- Utility methods
+_H = {
+ [[ Perform a shallow copy of `object`. ]],
+ parameters = {{"object", "the object to copy"}}
+_H = {
+ [[ Pretty-print a table ]],
+ parameters = {{"table", "the table to print"}}
+local function tprint(table)
+ print(table_tostring(table, true))
+local function remove_help_parameters(elements, table)
+ if type(elements) ~= "table" then
+ elements = {elements}
+ end
+ local result = copy(table)
+ for k, v in ipairs(table) do
+ for _, element in ipairs(elements) do
+ if == element then
+ result[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+local function parse_options(unnamed_parameters, arg1, arg2)
+ local options = {}
+ local f
+ if type(arg1) == 'table' then
+ options = arg1
+ f = arg2
+ elseif type(arg1) == 'function' then
+ f = arg1
+ end
+ options.f = f or options.f
+ return copy(options)
local function get_by_type(table, typ)
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
if v['_type'] == typ then
@@ -140,9 +399,86 @@ local function call(options)
+-- Metatables
+_H = {
+ [[ Client interface ]]
+local Client = {}
+Client.__index = Client
+register_class_table_help(Client, "Client")
+_H = {
+ [[ Interface to communicate with a PubSub service ]]
+local PubSub = {}
+PubSub.__index = PubSub
+register_class_table_help(PubSub, "PubSub")
+_H = {
+ [[ Interface to communicate with a PubSub node on a service ]]
+local PubSubNode = {}
+PubSubNode.__index = PubSubNode
+register_class_table_help(PubSubNode, "PubSubNode")
-- Client
+extra_help = {
+ ["Client.get_next_event"] = {
+ [[ Returns the next event. ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ type = "The type of event to return (`message`, `presence`, `pubsub`). When omitted, all event types are returned.",
+ timeout = "The amount of time to wait for events.",
+ ["if"] = "A function to filter events. When this function, called with the event as a parameter, returns true, the event will be returned"
+ }
+ },
+ ["Client.get"] = {
+ [[ Sends a `get` query. ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ to = "The JID of the target to send the query to",
+ query = "The query to send",
+ timeout = "The amount of time to wait for the query to finish",
+ }
+ },
+ ["Client.set"] = {
+ [[ Sends a `set` query. ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ to = "The JID of the target to send the query to",
+ query = "The query to send.",
+ timeout = "The amount of time to wait for the query to finish.",
+ }
+ },
+ ["Client.async_connect"] = {
+ [[
+ Connect to the server asynchronously.
+ This method immediately returns.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ host = "The host to connect to. When omitted, is determined by resolving the client JID.",
+ port = "The port to connect to. When omitted, is determined by resolving the client JID."
+ }
+ }
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Connect to the server.
+ This method blocks until the connection has been established.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = extra_help["Client.async_connect"].options
function Client:connect (...)
local options = parse_options({}, ...)
local f = options.f
@@ -153,14 +489,36 @@ function Client:connect (...)
return true
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Returns an iterator over all events.
+ This function blocks until `timeout` is reached (or blocks forever if it is omitted).
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = extra_help["Client.get_next_event"].options
function Client:events (options)
local function client_events_iterator(s)
return s['client']:get_next_event(s['options'])
return client_events_iterator, {client = self, options = options}
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Calls `f` for each event.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = merge_tables(get_help(, {
+ f = "The functor to call with each event. Required."
+ })
function Client:for_each_event (...)
local options = parse_options({}, ...)
if not type(options.f) == 'function' then error('Expected function') end
@@ -171,33 +529,59 @@ function Client:for_each_event (...)
for method, event_type in pairs({message = 'message', presence = 'presence', pubsub_event = 'pubsub'}) do
+ _H = {
+ "Call `f` for all events of type `" .. event_type .. "`.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters("type", get_help(Client.for_each_event).options)
+ }
Client['for_each_' .. method] = function (client, ...)
local options = parse_options({}, ...)
options['type'] = event_type
return client:for_each_event (options)
+ register_help(Client['for_each_' .. method])
+ _H = {
+ "Get the next event of type `" .. event_type .. "`.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters("type", extra_help["Client.get_next_event"].options)
+ }
Client['get_next_' .. method] = function (client, ...)
local options = parse_options({}, ...)
options['type'] = event_type
return client:get_next_event(options)
+ register_help(Client['get_next_' .. method])
for method, event_type in pairs({messages = 'message', pubsub_events = 'pubsub'}) do
+ _H = {
+ "Returns an iterator over all events of type `" .. event_type .. "`.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters("type", get_help(Client.for_each_event).options)
+ }
Client[method] = function (client, ...)
local options = parse_options({}, ...)
options['type'] = event_type
return client:events (options)
+ register_help(Client[method])
--- Process all pending events
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Process all pending events
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" }
function Client:process_events ()
for event in self:events{timeout=0} do end
-- Register get_* and set_* convenience methods for some type of queries
@@ -212,27 +596,41 @@ local get_set_shortcuts = {
for query_action, query_types in pairs(get_set_shortcuts) do
for _, query_type in ipairs(query_types) do
- Client[query_action .. '_' .. query_type] = function (client, options)
+ _H = {
+ "Sends a `" .. query_action .. "` query of type `" .. query_type .. "`.\n" ..
+ "Apart from the options below, all top level elements of `" .. query_type .. "` can be passed.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters({"query", "type"}, extra_help["Client.get"].options),
+ }
+ local method = query_action .. '_' .. query_type
+ Client[method] = function (client, options)
options = options or {}
if type(options) ~= 'table' then error('Invalid options: ' .. options) end
options['query'] = merge_tables({_type = query_type}, options[query_type] or {})
return client[query_action](client, options)
+ register_help(Client[method])
+_H = {
+ [[ Returns a @{PubSub} object for communicating with the PubSub service at `jid`. ]],
+ parameters = {
+ "self",
+ {"jid", "The JID of the PubSub service"}
+ }
function Client:pubsub (jid)
local result = { client = self, jid = jid }
setmetatable(result, PubSub)
return result
-- PubSub
-PubSub.__index = PubSub
local function process_pubsub_event (event)
if event._type == 'pubsub_event_items' then
-- Add 'item' shortcut to payload of first item
@@ -280,8 +678,6 @@ end
-- PubSubNode
-PubSubNode.__index = PubSubNode
local function pubsub_node_configuration_to_form(configuration)
if not configuration then
@@ -463,11 +859,29 @@ local disco = {
+_H = nil
+extra_help['sluift'] = {
+ [[
+ This module provides methods for XMPP communication.
+ The main entry point of this module is the `new_client` method, which creates a
+ new client for communicating with an XMPP server.
+ ]],
+ classes = help_classes
return {
Client = Client,
+ register_help = register_help,
+ register_class_help = register_class_help,
register_table_tostring = register_table_tostring,
register_get_by_type_index = register_get_by_type_index,
process_pubsub_event = process_pubsub_event,
tprint = tprint,
disco = disco,
+ get_help = get_help,
+ help = help,
+ extra_help = extra_help,
+ copy = copy,