diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
commitcfbdb43d2cadd40aa87338d41548e4bf89e146e6 (patch)
tree18d94153a302445196fc0c18586abf44a1ce4a38 /Swift/Controllers/Chat/MUCController.cpp
parent1d545a4a7fb877f021508094b88c1f17b30d8b4e (diff)
Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source files
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/Controllers/Chat/MUCController.cpp')
1 files changed, 898 insertions, 898 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/Controllers/Chat/MUCController.cpp b/Swift/Controllers/Chat/MUCController.cpp
index 0bb670d..1e2b7ad 100644
--- a/Swift/Controllers/Chat/MUCController.cpp
+++ b/Swift/Controllers/Chat/MUCController.cpp
@@ -58,1163 +58,1163 @@
namespace Swift {
class MUCBookmarkPredicate {
- public:
- MUCBookmarkPredicate(const JID& mucJID) : roomJID_(mucJID) { }
- bool operator()(const MUCBookmark& operand) {
- return operand.getRoom() == roomJID_;
- }
- private:
- JID roomJID_;
+ public:
+ MUCBookmarkPredicate(const JID& mucJID) : roomJID_(mucJID) { }
+ bool operator()(const MUCBookmark& operand) {
+ return operand.getRoom() == roomJID_;
+ }
+ private:
+ JID roomJID_;
* The controller does not gain ownership of the stanzaChannel, nor the factory.
MUCController::MUCController (
- const JID& self,
- MUC::ref muc,
- const boost::optional<std::string>& password,
- const std::string &nick,
- StanzaChannel* stanzaChannel,
- IQRouter* iqRouter,
- ChatWindowFactory* chatWindowFactory,
- PresenceOracle* presenceOracle,
- AvatarManager* avatarManager,
- UIEventStream* uiEventStream,
- bool useDelayForLatency,
- TimerFactory* timerFactory,
- EventController* eventController,
- EntityCapsProvider* entityCapsProvider,
- XMPPRoster* roster,
- HistoryController* historyController,
- MUCRegistry* mucRegistry,
- HighlightManager* highlightManager,
- ClientBlockListManager* clientBlockListManager,
- boost::shared_ptr<ChatMessageParser> chatMessageParser,
- bool isImpromptu,
- AutoAcceptMUCInviteDecider* autoAcceptMUCInviteDecider,
- VCardManager* vcardManager,
- MUCBookmarkManager* mucBookmarkManager) :
- ChatControllerBase(self, stanzaChannel, iqRouter, chatWindowFactory, muc->getJID(), presenceOracle, avatarManager, useDelayForLatency, uiEventStream, eventController, timerFactory, entityCapsProvider, historyController, mucRegistry, highlightManager, chatMessageParser, autoAcceptMUCInviteDecider), muc_(muc), nick_(nick), desiredNick_(nick), password_(password), renameCounter_(0), isImpromptu_(isImpromptu), isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_(false), clientBlockListManager_(clientBlockListManager), mucBookmarkManager_(mucBookmarkManager) {
- parting_ = true;
- joined_ = false;
- lastWasPresence_ = false;
- shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = true;
- doneGettingHistory_ = false;
- events_ = uiEventStream;
- xmppRoster_ = roster;
- roster_ = new Roster(false, true);
- rosterVCardProvider_ = new RosterVCardProvider(roster_, vcardManager, JID::WithResource);
- completer_ = new TabComplete();
- chatWindow_->setRosterModel(roster_);
- chatWindow_->setTabComplete(completer_);
- chatWindow_->onClosed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleWindowClosed, this));
- chatWindow_->onOccupantSelectionChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleWindowOccupantSelectionChanged, this, _1));
- chatWindow_->onOccupantActionSelected.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleActionRequestedOnOccupant, this, _1, _2));
- chatWindow_->onChangeSubjectRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleChangeSubjectRequest, this, _1));
- chatWindow_->onBookmarkRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBookmarkRequest, this));
- chatWindow_->onConfigureRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigureRequest, this, _1));
- chatWindow_->onConfigurationFormCancelled.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigurationCancelled, this));
- chatWindow_->onDestroyRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleDestroyRoomRequest, this));
- chatWindow_->onInviteToChat.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleInvitePersonToThisMUCRequest, this, _1));
- chatWindow_->onGetAffiliationsRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleGetAffiliationsRequest, this));
- chatWindow_->onChangeAffiliationsRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleChangeAffiliationsRequest, this, _1));
- chatWindow_->onUnblockUserRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleUnblockUserRequest, this));
- muc_->onJoinComplete.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinComplete, this, _1));
- muc_->onJoinFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinFailed, this, _1));
- muc_->onOccupantJoined.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantJoined, this, _1));
- muc_->onOccupantNicknameChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantNicknameChanged, this, _1, _2));
- muc_->onOccupantPresenceChange.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantPresenceChange, this, _1));
- muc_->onOccupantLeft.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantLeft, this, _1, _2, _3));
- muc_->onRoleChangeFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChangeFailed, this, _1, _2, _3));
- muc_->onAffiliationListReceived.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleAffiliationListReceived, this, _1, _2));
- muc_->onConfigurationFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigurationFailed, this, _1));
- muc_->onConfigurationFormReceived.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigurationFormReceived, this, _1));
- highlighter_->setMode(isImpromptu_ ? Highlighter::ChatMode : Highlighter::MUCMode);
- highlighter_->setNick(nick_);
- if (timerFactory && stanzaChannel_->isAvailable()) {
- loginCheckTimer_ = boost::shared_ptr<Timer>(timerFactory->createTimer(MUC_JOIN_WARNING_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS));
- loginCheckTimer_->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinTimeoutTick, this));
- loginCheckTimer_->start();
- }
- else {
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are currently offline. You will enter this room when you are connected.")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- }
- if (isImpromptu) {
- muc_->onUnlocked.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleRoomUnlocked, this));
- chatWindow_->convertToMUC(ChatWindow::ImpromptuMUC);
- } else {
- muc_->onOccupantRoleChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChanged, this, _1, _2, _3));
- muc_->onOccupantAffiliationChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantAffiliationChanged, this, _1, _2, _3));
- chatWindow_->convertToMUC(ChatWindow::StandardMUC);
- chatWindow_->setName(muc->getJID().getNode());
- }
- if (stanzaChannel->isAvailable()) {
- MUCController::setOnline(true);
- }
- if (avatarManager_ != NULL) {
- avatarChangedConnection_ = (avatarManager_->onAvatarChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleAvatarChanged, this, _1)));
- }
- MUCController::handleBareJIDCapsChanged(muc->getJID());
- eventStream_->onUIEvent.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleUIEvent, this, _1));
- // setup handling of MUC bookmark changes
- mucBookmarkManagerBookmarkAddedConnection_ = (mucBookmarkManager_->onBookmarkAdded.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleMUCBookmarkAdded, this, _1)));
- mucBookmarkManagerBookmarkRemovedConnection_ = (mucBookmarkManager_->onBookmarkRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleMUCBookmarkRemoved, this, _1)));
- std::vector<MUCBookmark> mucBookmarks = mucBookmarkManager_->getBookmarks();
- std::vector<MUCBookmark>::iterator bookmarkIterator = std::find_if(mucBookmarks.begin(), mucBookmarks.end(), MUCBookmarkPredicate(muc->getJID()));
- if (bookmarkIterator != mucBookmarks.end()) {
- updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(*bookmarkIterator);
- }
- else {
- updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(boost::optional<MUCBookmark>());
- }
+ const JID& self,
+ MUC::ref muc,
+ const boost::optional<std::string>& password,
+ const std::string &nick,
+ StanzaChannel* stanzaChannel,
+ IQRouter* iqRouter,
+ ChatWindowFactory* chatWindowFactory,
+ PresenceOracle* presenceOracle,
+ AvatarManager* avatarManager,
+ UIEventStream* uiEventStream,
+ bool useDelayForLatency,
+ TimerFactory* timerFactory,
+ EventController* eventController,
+ EntityCapsProvider* entityCapsProvider,
+ XMPPRoster* roster,
+ HistoryController* historyController,
+ MUCRegistry* mucRegistry,
+ HighlightManager* highlightManager,
+ ClientBlockListManager* clientBlockListManager,
+ boost::shared_ptr<ChatMessageParser> chatMessageParser,
+ bool isImpromptu,
+ AutoAcceptMUCInviteDecider* autoAcceptMUCInviteDecider,
+ VCardManager* vcardManager,
+ MUCBookmarkManager* mucBookmarkManager) :
+ ChatControllerBase(self, stanzaChannel, iqRouter, chatWindowFactory, muc->getJID(), presenceOracle, avatarManager, useDelayForLatency, uiEventStream, eventController, timerFactory, entityCapsProvider, historyController, mucRegistry, highlightManager, chatMessageParser, autoAcceptMUCInviteDecider), muc_(muc), nick_(nick), desiredNick_(nick), password_(password), renameCounter_(0), isImpromptu_(isImpromptu), isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_(false), clientBlockListManager_(clientBlockListManager), mucBookmarkManager_(mucBookmarkManager) {
+ parting_ = true;
+ joined_ = false;
+ lastWasPresence_ = false;
+ shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = true;
+ doneGettingHistory_ = false;
+ events_ = uiEventStream;
+ xmppRoster_ = roster;
+ roster_ = new Roster(false, true);
+ rosterVCardProvider_ = new RosterVCardProvider(roster_, vcardManager, JID::WithResource);
+ completer_ = new TabComplete();
+ chatWindow_->setRosterModel(roster_);
+ chatWindow_->setTabComplete(completer_);
+ chatWindow_->onClosed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleWindowClosed, this));
+ chatWindow_->onOccupantSelectionChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleWindowOccupantSelectionChanged, this, _1));
+ chatWindow_->onOccupantActionSelected.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleActionRequestedOnOccupant, this, _1, _2));
+ chatWindow_->onChangeSubjectRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleChangeSubjectRequest, this, _1));
+ chatWindow_->onBookmarkRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBookmarkRequest, this));
+ chatWindow_->onConfigureRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigureRequest, this, _1));
+ chatWindow_->onConfigurationFormCancelled.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigurationCancelled, this));
+ chatWindow_->onDestroyRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleDestroyRoomRequest, this));
+ chatWindow_->onInviteToChat.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleInvitePersonToThisMUCRequest, this, _1));
+ chatWindow_->onGetAffiliationsRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleGetAffiliationsRequest, this));
+ chatWindow_->onChangeAffiliationsRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleChangeAffiliationsRequest, this, _1));
+ chatWindow_->onUnblockUserRequest.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleUnblockUserRequest, this));
+ muc_->onJoinComplete.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinComplete, this, _1));
+ muc_->onJoinFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinFailed, this, _1));
+ muc_->onOccupantJoined.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantJoined, this, _1));
+ muc_->onOccupantNicknameChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantNicknameChanged, this, _1, _2));
+ muc_->onOccupantPresenceChange.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantPresenceChange, this, _1));
+ muc_->onOccupantLeft.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantLeft, this, _1, _2, _3));
+ muc_->onRoleChangeFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChangeFailed, this, _1, _2, _3));
+ muc_->onAffiliationListReceived.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleAffiliationListReceived, this, _1, _2));
+ muc_->onConfigurationFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigurationFailed, this, _1));
+ muc_->onConfigurationFormReceived.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleConfigurationFormReceived, this, _1));
+ highlighter_->setMode(isImpromptu_ ? Highlighter::ChatMode : Highlighter::MUCMode);
+ highlighter_->setNick(nick_);
+ if (timerFactory && stanzaChannel_->isAvailable()) {
+ loginCheckTimer_ = boost::shared_ptr<Timer>(timerFactory->createTimer(MUC_JOIN_WARNING_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS));
+ loginCheckTimer_->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinTimeoutTick, this));
+ loginCheckTimer_->start();
+ }
+ else {
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are currently offline. You will enter this room when you are connected.")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ }
+ if (isImpromptu) {
+ muc_->onUnlocked.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleRoomUnlocked, this));
+ chatWindow_->convertToMUC(ChatWindow::ImpromptuMUC);
+ } else {
+ muc_->onOccupantRoleChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChanged, this, _1, _2, _3));
+ muc_->onOccupantAffiliationChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantAffiliationChanged, this, _1, _2, _3));
+ chatWindow_->convertToMUC(ChatWindow::StandardMUC);
+ chatWindow_->setName(muc->getJID().getNode());
+ }
+ if (stanzaChannel->isAvailable()) {
+ MUCController::setOnline(true);
+ }
+ if (avatarManager_ != NULL) {
+ avatarChangedConnection_ = (avatarManager_->onAvatarChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleAvatarChanged, this, _1)));
+ }
+ MUCController::handleBareJIDCapsChanged(muc->getJID());
+ eventStream_->onUIEvent.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleUIEvent, this, _1));
+ // setup handling of MUC bookmark changes
+ mucBookmarkManagerBookmarkAddedConnection_ = (mucBookmarkManager_->onBookmarkAdded.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleMUCBookmarkAdded, this, _1)));
+ mucBookmarkManagerBookmarkRemovedConnection_ = (mucBookmarkManager_->onBookmarkRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleMUCBookmarkRemoved, this, _1)));
+ std::vector<MUCBookmark> mucBookmarks = mucBookmarkManager_->getBookmarks();
+ std::vector<MUCBookmark>::iterator bookmarkIterator = std::find_if(mucBookmarks.begin(), mucBookmarks.end(), MUCBookmarkPredicate(muc->getJID()));
+ if (bookmarkIterator != mucBookmarks.end()) {
+ updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(*bookmarkIterator);
+ }
+ else {
+ updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(boost::optional<MUCBookmark>());
+ }
MUCController::~MUCController() {
- eventStream_->onUIEvent.disconnect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleUIEvent, this, _1));
- chatWindow_->setRosterModel(NULL);
- delete rosterVCardProvider_;
- delete roster_;
- if (loginCheckTimer_) {
- loginCheckTimer_->stop();
- }
- chatWindow_->setTabComplete(NULL);
- delete completer_;
+ eventStream_->onUIEvent.disconnect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleUIEvent, this, _1));
+ chatWindow_->setRosterModel(NULL);
+ delete rosterVCardProvider_;
+ delete roster_;
+ if (loginCheckTimer_) {
+ loginCheckTimer_->stop();
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setTabComplete(NULL);
+ delete completer_;
void MUCController::cancelReplaces() {
- lastWasPresence_ = false;
+ lastWasPresence_ = false;
void MUCController::handleWindowOccupantSelectionChanged(ContactRosterItem* item) {
- std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction> actions;
- if (item) {
- MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation = muc_->getOccupant(getNick()).getAffiliation();
- MUCOccupant::Role role = muc_->getOccupant(getNick()).getRole();
- if (role == MUCOccupant::Moderator && !isImpromptu_)
- {
- if (affiliation == MUCOccupant::Admin || affiliation == MUCOccupant::Owner) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Ban);
- }
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Kick);
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::MakeModerator);
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::MakeParticipant);
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::MakeVisitor);
- }
- // Add contact is available only if the real JID is also available
- if (muc_->getOccupant(item->getJID().getResource()).getRealJID()) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::AddContact);
- }
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::ShowProfile);
- }
- chatWindow_->setAvailableOccupantActions(actions);
+ std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction> actions;
+ if (item) {
+ MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation = muc_->getOccupant(getNick()).getAffiliation();
+ MUCOccupant::Role role = muc_->getOccupant(getNick()).getRole();
+ if (role == MUCOccupant::Moderator && !isImpromptu_)
+ {
+ if (affiliation == MUCOccupant::Admin || affiliation == MUCOccupant::Owner) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Ban);
+ }
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Kick);
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::MakeModerator);
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::MakeParticipant);
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::MakeVisitor);
+ }
+ // Add contact is available only if the real JID is also available
+ if (muc_->getOccupant(item->getJID().getResource()).getRealJID()) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::AddContact);
+ }
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::ShowProfile);
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setAvailableOccupantActions(actions);
void MUCController::handleActionRequestedOnOccupant(ChatWindow::OccupantAction action, ContactRosterItem* item) {
- JID mucJID = item->getJID();
- MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(mucJID.getResource());
- JID realJID;
- if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
- realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
- }
- switch (action) {
- case ChatWindow::Kick: muc_->kickOccupant(mucJID);break;
- case ChatWindow::Ban: muc_->changeAffiliation(realJID, MUCOccupant::Outcast);break;
- case ChatWindow::MakeModerator: muc_->changeOccupantRole(mucJID, MUCOccupant::Moderator);break;
- case ChatWindow::MakeParticipant: muc_->changeOccupantRole(mucJID, MUCOccupant::Participant);break;
- case ChatWindow::MakeVisitor: muc_->changeOccupantRole(mucJID, MUCOccupant::Visitor);break;
- case ChatWindow::AddContact: if (occupant.getRealJID()) events_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestAddUserDialogUIEvent>(realJID, occupant.getNick()));break;
- case ChatWindow::ShowProfile: events_->send(boost::make_shared<ShowProfileForRosterItemUIEvent>(mucJID));break;
- }
+ JID mucJID = item->getJID();
+ MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(mucJID.getResource());
+ JID realJID;
+ if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
+ realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
+ }
+ switch (action) {
+ case ChatWindow::Kick: muc_->kickOccupant(mucJID);break;
+ case ChatWindow::Ban: muc_->changeAffiliation(realJID, MUCOccupant::Outcast);break;
+ case ChatWindow::MakeModerator: muc_->changeOccupantRole(mucJID, MUCOccupant::Moderator);break;
+ case ChatWindow::MakeParticipant: muc_->changeOccupantRole(mucJID, MUCOccupant::Participant);break;
+ case ChatWindow::MakeVisitor: muc_->changeOccupantRole(mucJID, MUCOccupant::Visitor);break;
+ case ChatWindow::AddContact: if (occupant.getRealJID()) events_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestAddUserDialogUIEvent>(realJID, occupant.getNick()));break;
+ case ChatWindow::ShowProfile: events_->send(boost::make_shared<ShowProfileForRosterItemUIEvent>(mucJID));break;
+ }
void MUCController::handleBareJIDCapsChanged(const JID& /*jid*/) {
- Tristate support = Yes;
- bool any = false;
- foreach (const std::string& nick, currentOccupants_) {
- DiscoInfo::ref disco = entityCapsProvider_->getCaps(toJID_.toBare().toString() + "/" + nick);
- if (disco && disco->hasFeature(DiscoInfo::MessageCorrectionFeature)) {
- any = true;
- } else {
- support = Maybe;
- }
- }
- if (!any) {
- support = No;
- }
- chatWindow_->setCorrectionEnabled(support);
+ Tristate support = Yes;
+ bool any = false;
+ foreach (const std::string& nick, currentOccupants_) {
+ DiscoInfo::ref disco = entityCapsProvider_->getCaps(toJID_.toBare().toString() + "/" + nick);
+ if (disco && disco->hasFeature(DiscoInfo::MessageCorrectionFeature)) {
+ any = true;
+ } else {
+ support = Maybe;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!any) {
+ support = No;
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setCorrectionEnabled(support);
* Join the MUC if not already in it.
void MUCController::rejoin() {
- if (parting_) {
- joined_ = false;
- parting_ = false;
- if (password_) {
- muc_->setPassword(*password_);
- }
- //FIXME: check for received activity
+ if (parting_) {
+ joined_ = false;
+ parting_ = false;
+ if (password_) {
+ muc_->setPassword(*password_);
+ }
+ //FIXME: check for received activity
- if (lastActivity_ == boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time && historyController_) {
- lastActivity_ = historyController_->getLastTimeStampFromMUC(selfJID_, toJID_);
- }
+ if (lastActivity_ == boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time && historyController_) {
+ lastActivity_ = historyController_->getLastTimeStampFromMUC(selfJID_, toJID_);
+ }
- if (lastActivity_ == boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time) {
- muc_->joinAs(nick_);
- }
- else {
- muc_->joinWithContextSince(nick_, lastActivity_);
- }
- }
+ if (lastActivity_ == boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time) {
+ muc_->joinAs(nick_);
+ }
+ else {
+ muc_->joinWithContextSince(nick_, lastActivity_);
+ }
+ }
bool MUCController::isJoined() {
- return joined_;
+ return joined_;
const std::string& MUCController::getNick() {
- return nick_;
+ return nick_;
const boost::optional<std::string> MUCController::getPassword() const {
- return password_;
+ return password_;
bool MUCController::isImpromptu() const {
- return isImpromptu_;
+ return isImpromptu_;
std::map<std::string, JID> MUCController::getParticipantJIDs() const {
- std::map<std::string, JID> participants;
- typedef std::pair<std::string, MUCOccupant> MUCOccupantPair;
- std::map<std::string, MUCOccupant> occupants = muc_->getOccupants();
- foreach(const MUCOccupantPair& occupant, occupants) {
- if (occupant.first != nick_) {
- participants[occupant.first] = occupant.second.getRealJID().is_initialized() ? occupant.second.getRealJID().get().toBare() : JID();
- }
- }
- return participants;
+ std::map<std::string, JID> participants;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, MUCOccupant> MUCOccupantPair;
+ std::map<std::string, MUCOccupant> occupants = muc_->getOccupants();
+ foreach(const MUCOccupantPair& occupant, occupants) {
+ if (occupant.first != nick_) {
+ participants[occupant.first] = occupant.second.getRealJID().is_initialized() ? occupant.second.getRealJID().get().toBare() : JID();
+ }
+ }
+ return participants;
void MUCController::sendInvites(const std::vector<JID>& jids, const std::string& reason) const {
- foreach (const JID& jid, jids) {
- muc_->invitePerson(jid, reason, isImpromptu_);
- }
+ foreach (const JID& jid, jids) {
+ muc_->invitePerson(jid, reason, isImpromptu_);
+ }
void MUCController::handleJoinTimeoutTick() {
- receivedActivity();
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Room %1% is not responding. This operation may never complete.")) % toJID_.toString())), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ receivedActivity();
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Room %1% is not responding. This operation may never complete.")) % toJID_.toString())), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
void MUCController::receivedActivity() {
- if (loginCheckTimer_) {
- loginCheckTimer_->stop();
- }
+ if (loginCheckTimer_) {
+ loginCheckTimer_->stop();
+ }
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
void MUCController::handleJoinFailed(boost::shared_ptr<ErrorPayload> error) {
- receivedActivity();
- std::string errorMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Unable to enter this room");
- std::string rejoinNick;
- if (error) {
- switch (error->getCondition()) {
- case ErrorPayload::Conflict:
- rejoinNick = nick_ + "_";
- errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Unable to enter this room as %1%, retrying as %2%")) % nick_ % rejoinNick);
- break;
- case ErrorPayload::JIDMalformed:
- errorMessage += ": ";
- errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "No nickname specified");
- break;
- case ErrorPayload::NotAuthorized:
- errorMessage += ": ";
- errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The correct room password is needed");
- break;
- case ErrorPayload::RegistrationRequired:
- errorMessage += ": ";
- errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Only members may enter");
- break;
- case ErrorPayload::Forbidden:
- errorMessage += ": ";
- errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are banned from the room");
- break;
- case ErrorPayload::ServiceUnavailable:
- errorMessage += ": ";
- errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room is full");
- break;
- case ErrorPayload::ItemNotFound:
- errorMessage += ": ";
- errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room does not exist");
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Couldn't enter room: %1%.")) % errorMessage);
- chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(errorMessage));
- parting_ = true;
- if (!rejoinNick.empty() && renameCounter_ < 10) {
- renameCounter_++;
- setNick(rejoinNick);
- rejoin();
- }
+ receivedActivity();
+ std::string errorMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Unable to enter this room");
+ std::string rejoinNick;
+ if (error) {
+ switch (error->getCondition()) {
+ case ErrorPayload::Conflict:
+ rejoinNick = nick_ + "_";
+ errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Unable to enter this room as %1%, retrying as %2%")) % nick_ % rejoinNick);
+ break;
+ case ErrorPayload::JIDMalformed:
+ errorMessage += ": ";
+ errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "No nickname specified");
+ break;
+ case ErrorPayload::NotAuthorized:
+ errorMessage += ": ";
+ errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The correct room password is needed");
+ break;
+ case ErrorPayload::RegistrationRequired:
+ errorMessage += ": ";
+ errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Only members may enter");
+ break;
+ case ErrorPayload::Forbidden:
+ errorMessage += ": ";
+ errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are banned from the room");
+ break;
+ case ErrorPayload::ServiceUnavailable:
+ errorMessage += ": ";
+ errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room is full");
+ break;
+ case ErrorPayload::ItemNotFound:
+ errorMessage += ": ";
+ errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room does not exist");
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Couldn't enter room: %1%.")) % errorMessage);
+ chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(errorMessage));
+ parting_ = true;
+ if (!rejoinNick.empty() && renameCounter_ < 10) {
+ renameCounter_++;
+ setNick(rejoinNick);
+ rejoin();
+ }
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
void MUCController::handleJoinComplete(const std::string& nick) {
- receivedActivity();
- renameCounter_ = 0;
- joined_ = true;
- std::string joinMessage;
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- joinMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have joined the chat as %1%.")) % nick);
- } else {
- joinMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have entered room %1% as %2%.")) % toJID_.toString() % nick);
- }
- setNick(nick);
- chatWindow_->replaceSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(joinMessage), lastJoinMessageUID_, ChatWindow::UpdateTimestamp);
- lastJoinMessageUID_ = "";
+ receivedActivity();
+ renameCounter_ = 0;
+ joined_ = true;
+ std::string joinMessage;
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ joinMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have joined the chat as %1%.")) % nick);
+ } else {
+ joinMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have entered room %1% as %2%.")) % toJID_.toString() % nick);
+ }
+ setNick(nick);
+ chatWindow_->replaceSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(joinMessage), lastJoinMessageUID_, ChatWindow::UpdateTimestamp);
+ lastJoinMessageUID_ = "";
- addRecentLogs();
+ addRecentLogs();
- clearPresenceQueue();
- shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = true;
- setEnabled(true);
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- setAvailableRoomActions(MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation, MUCOccupant::Participant);
- } else {
- MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(nick);
- setAvailableRoomActions(occupant.getAffiliation(), occupant.getRole());
- }
- onUserJoined();
+ clearPresenceQueue();
+ shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = true;
+ setEnabled(true);
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ setAvailableRoomActions(MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation, MUCOccupant::Participant);
+ } else {
+ MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(nick);
+ setAvailableRoomActions(occupant.getAffiliation(), occupant.getRole());
+ }
+ onUserJoined();
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- setImpromptuWindowTitle();
- }
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ setImpromptuWindowTitle();
+ }
void MUCController::handleAvatarChanged(const JID& jid) {
- if (parting_ || !jid.equals(toJID_, JID::WithoutResource)) {
- return;
- }
- roster_->applyOnItems(SetAvatar(jid, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid), JID::WithResource));
+ if (parting_ || !jid.equals(toJID_, JID::WithoutResource)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ roster_->applyOnItems(SetAvatar(jid, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid), JID::WithResource));
void MUCController::handleWindowClosed() {
- parting_ = true;
- shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = false;
- muc_->part();
- onUserLeft();
+ parting_ = true;
+ shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = false;
+ muc_->part();
+ onUserLeft();
void MUCController::handleOccupantJoined(const MUCOccupant& occupant) {
- if (nick_ != occupant.getNick()) {
- completer_->addWord(occupant.getNick());
- }
- receivedActivity();
- JID jid(nickToJID(occupant.getNick()));
- JID realJID;
- if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
- realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
- }
- currentOccupants_.insert(occupant.getNick());
- NickJoinPart event(occupant.getNick(), Join);
- appendToJoinParts(joinParts_, event);
- MUCOccupant::Role role = MUCOccupant::Participant;
- MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation = MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation;
- if (!isImpromptu_) {
- role = occupant.getRole();
- affiliation = occupant.getAffiliation();
- }
- std::string groupName(roleToGroupName(role));
- roster_->addContact(jid, realJID, occupant.getNick(), groupName, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid));
- roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(jid, role, affiliation));
- roster_->getGroup(groupName)->setManualSort(roleToSortName(role));
- if (joined_) {
- std::string joinString;
- if (role != MUCOccupant::NoRole && role != MUCOccupant::Participant) {
- joinString = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the %3% as a %2%.")) % occupant.getNick() % roleToFriendlyName(role) % (isImpromptu_ ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "room")));
- }
- else {
- joinString = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the %2%.")) % occupant.getNick() % (isImpromptu_ ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "room")));
- }
- if (shouldUpdateJoinParts()) {
- updateJoinParts();
- } else {
- addPresenceMessage(joinString);
- }
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- setImpromptuWindowTitle();
- onActivity("");
- }
- }
- if (avatarManager_ != NULL) {
- handleAvatarChanged(jid);
- }
+ if (nick_ != occupant.getNick()) {
+ completer_->addWord(occupant.getNick());
+ }
+ receivedActivity();
+ JID jid(nickToJID(occupant.getNick()));
+ JID realJID;
+ if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
+ realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
+ }
+ currentOccupants_.insert(occupant.getNick());
+ NickJoinPart event(occupant.getNick(), Join);
+ appendToJoinParts(joinParts_, event);
+ MUCOccupant::Role role = MUCOccupant::Participant;
+ MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation = MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation;
+ if (!isImpromptu_) {
+ role = occupant.getRole();
+ affiliation = occupant.getAffiliation();
+ }
+ std::string groupName(roleToGroupName(role));
+ roster_->addContact(jid, realJID, occupant.getNick(), groupName, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid));
+ roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(jid, role, affiliation));
+ roster_->getGroup(groupName)->setManualSort(roleToSortName(role));
+ if (joined_) {
+ std::string joinString;
+ if (role != MUCOccupant::NoRole && role != MUCOccupant::Participant) {
+ joinString = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the %3% as a %2%.")) % occupant.getNick() % roleToFriendlyName(role) % (isImpromptu_ ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "room")));
+ }
+ else {
+ joinString = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the %2%.")) % occupant.getNick() % (isImpromptu_ ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "room")));
+ }
+ if (shouldUpdateJoinParts()) {
+ updateJoinParts();
+ } else {
+ addPresenceMessage(joinString);
+ }
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ setImpromptuWindowTitle();
+ onActivity("");
+ }
+ }
+ if (avatarManager_ != NULL) {
+ handleAvatarChanged(jid);
+ }
void MUCController::addPresenceMessage(const std::string& message) {
- lastWasPresence_ = true;
- chatWindow_->addPresenceMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(message), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ lastWasPresence_ = true;
+ chatWindow_->addPresenceMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(message), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
void MUCController::setAvailableRoomActions(const MUCOccupant::Affiliation& affiliation, const MUCOccupant::Role& role)
- std::vector<ChatWindow::RoomAction> actions;
- if (role <= MUCOccupant::Participant) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::ChangeSubject);
- }
- if (affiliation == MUCOccupant::Owner) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Configure);
- }
- if (affiliation <= MUCOccupant::Admin) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Affiliations);
- }
- if (affiliation == MUCOccupant::Owner) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Destroy);
- }
- if (role <= MUCOccupant::Visitor) {
- actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Invite);
- }
- chatWindow_->setAvailableRoomActions(actions);
+ std::vector<ChatWindow::RoomAction> actions;
+ if (role <= MUCOccupant::Participant) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::ChangeSubject);
+ }
+ if (affiliation == MUCOccupant::Owner) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Configure);
+ }
+ if (affiliation <= MUCOccupant::Admin) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Affiliations);
+ }
+ if (affiliation == MUCOccupant::Owner) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Destroy);
+ }
+ if (role <= MUCOccupant::Visitor) {
+ actions.push_back(ChatWindow::Invite);
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setAvailableRoomActions(actions);
void MUCController::clearPresenceQueue() {
- lastWasPresence_ = false;
- joinParts_.clear();
+ lastWasPresence_ = false;
+ joinParts_.clear();
std::string MUCController::roleToFriendlyName(MUCOccupant::Role role) {
- switch (role) {
- case MUCOccupant::Moderator: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "moderator");
- case MUCOccupant::Participant: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "participant");
- case MUCOccupant::Visitor: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "visitor");
- case MUCOccupant::NoRole: return "";
- }
- assert(false);
- return "";
+ switch (role) {
+ case MUCOccupant::Moderator: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "moderator");
+ case MUCOccupant::Participant: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "participant");
+ case MUCOccupant::Visitor: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "visitor");
+ case MUCOccupant::NoRole: return "";
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ return "";
std::string MUCController::roleToSortName(MUCOccupant::Role role) {
- switch (role) {
- case MUCOccupant::Moderator: return "1";
- case MUCOccupant::Participant: return "2";
- case MUCOccupant::Visitor: return "3";
- case MUCOccupant::NoRole: return "4";
- }
- assert(false);
- return "5";
+ switch (role) {
+ case MUCOccupant::Moderator: return "1";
+ case MUCOccupant::Participant: return "2";
+ case MUCOccupant::Visitor: return "3";
+ case MUCOccupant::NoRole: return "4";
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ return "5";
JID MUCController::nickToJID(const std::string& nick) {
- return muc_->getJID().withResource(nick);
+ return muc_->getJID().withResource(nick);
bool MUCController::messageTargetsMe(boost::shared_ptr<Message> message) {
- std::string stringRegexp(".*\\b" + boost::to_lower_copy(nick_) + "\\b.*");
- boost::regex myRegexp(stringRegexp);
- return boost::regex_match(boost::to_lower_copy(message->getBody().get_value_or("")), myRegexp);
+ std::string stringRegexp(".*\\b" + boost::to_lower_copy(nick_) + "\\b.*");
+ boost::regex myRegexp(stringRegexp);
+ return boost::regex_match(boost::to_lower_copy(message->getBody().get_value_or("")), myRegexp);
void MUCController::preHandleIncomingMessage(boost::shared_ptr<MessageEvent> messageEvent) {
- if (messageEvent->getStanza()->getType() == Message::Groupchat) {
- lastActivity_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
- }
- clearPresenceQueue();
- boost::shared_ptr<Message> message = messageEvent->getStanza();
- if (joined_ && messageEvent->getStanza()->getFrom().getResource() != nick_ && messageTargetsMe(message) && !message->getPayload<Delay>() && messageEvent->isReadable()) {
- chatWindow_->flash();
- }
- else {
- messageEvent->setTargetsMe(false);
- }
- if (messageEvent->isReadable() && isImpromptu_) {
- chatWindow_->flash(); /* behave like a regular char*/
- }
- if (joined_) {
- std::string nick = message->getFrom().getResource();
- if (nick != nick_ && currentOccupants_.find(nick) != currentOccupants_.end()) {
- completer_->addWord(nick);
- }
- }
- /*Buggy implementations never send the status code, so use an incoming message as a hint that joining's done (e.g. the old ejabberd on*/
- receivedActivity();
- joined_ = true;
- if (message->hasSubject() && !message->getPayload<Body>() && !message->getPayload<Thread>()) {
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room subject is now: %1%")) % message->getSubject())), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- chatWindow_->setSubject(message->getSubject());
- doneGettingHistory_ = true;
- }
- if (!doneGettingHistory_ && !message->getPayload<Delay>()) {
- doneGettingHistory_ = true;
- }
- if (!doneGettingHistory_) {
- checkDuplicates(message);
- messageEvent->conclude();
- }
+ if (messageEvent->getStanza()->getType() == Message::Groupchat) {
+ lastActivity_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ }
+ clearPresenceQueue();
+ boost::shared_ptr<Message> message = messageEvent->getStanza();
+ if (joined_ && messageEvent->getStanza()->getFrom().getResource() != nick_ && messageTargetsMe(message) && !message->getPayload<Delay>() && messageEvent->isReadable()) {
+ chatWindow_->flash();
+ }
+ else {
+ messageEvent->setTargetsMe(false);
+ }
+ if (messageEvent->isReadable() && isImpromptu_) {
+ chatWindow_->flash(); /* behave like a regular char*/
+ }
+ if (joined_) {
+ std::string nick = message->getFrom().getResource();
+ if (nick != nick_ && currentOccupants_.find(nick) != currentOccupants_.end()) {
+ completer_->addWord(nick);
+ }
+ }
+ /*Buggy implementations never send the status code, so use an incoming message as a hint that joining's done (e.g. the old ejabberd on*/
+ receivedActivity();
+ joined_ = true;
+ if (message->hasSubject() && !message->getPayload<Body>() && !message->getPayload<Thread>()) {
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room subject is now: %1%")) % message->getSubject())), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ chatWindow_->setSubject(message->getSubject());
+ doneGettingHistory_ = true;
+ }
+ if (!doneGettingHistory_ && !message->getPayload<Delay>()) {
+ doneGettingHistory_ = true;
+ }
+ if (!doneGettingHistory_) {
+ checkDuplicates(message);
+ messageEvent->conclude();
+ }
void MUCController::addMessageHandleIncomingMessage(const JID& from, const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
- if (from.isBare()) {
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(message, ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- }
- else {
- ChatControllerBase::addMessageHandleIncomingMessage(from, message, senderIsSelf, label, time);
- }
+ if (from.isBare()) {
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(message, ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ }
+ else {
+ ChatControllerBase::addMessageHandleIncomingMessage(from, message, senderIsSelf, label, time);
+ }
void MUCController::postHandleIncomingMessage(boost::shared_ptr<MessageEvent> messageEvent, const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& chatMessage) {
- boost::shared_ptr<Message> message = messageEvent->getStanza();
- if (joined_ && messageEvent->getStanza()->getFrom().getResource() != nick_ && !message->getPayload<Delay>()) {
- if (messageTargetsMe(message) || isImpromptu_) {
- eventController_->handleIncomingEvent(messageEvent);
- }
- if (!messageEvent->getConcluded()) {
- handleHighlightActions(chatMessage);
- }
- }
+ boost::shared_ptr<Message> message = messageEvent->getStanza();
+ if (joined_ && messageEvent->getStanza()->getFrom().getResource() != nick_ && !message->getPayload<Delay>()) {
+ if (messageTargetsMe(message) || isImpromptu_) {
+ eventController_->handleIncomingEvent(messageEvent);
+ }
+ if (!messageEvent->getConcluded()) {
+ handleHighlightActions(chatMessage);
+ }
+ }
void MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChanged(const std::string& nick, const MUCOccupant& occupant, const MUCOccupant::Role& oldRole) {
- clearPresenceQueue();
- receivedActivity();
- JID jid(nickToJID(nick));
- roster_->removeContactFromGroup(jid, roleToGroupName(oldRole));
- JID realJID;
- if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
- realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
- }
- std::string group(roleToGroupName(occupant.getRole()));
- roster_->addContact(jid, realJID, nick, group, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid));
- roster_->getGroup(group)->setManualSort(roleToSortName(occupant.getRole()));
- roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(jid, occupant.getRole(), occupant.getAffiliation()));
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% is now a %2%")) % nick % roleToFriendlyName(occupant.getRole()))), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- if (nick == nick_) {
- setAvailableRoomActions(occupant.getAffiliation(), occupant.getRole());
- }
+ clearPresenceQueue();
+ receivedActivity();
+ JID jid(nickToJID(nick));
+ roster_->removeContactFromGroup(jid, roleToGroupName(oldRole));
+ JID realJID;
+ if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
+ realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
+ }
+ std::string group(roleToGroupName(occupant.getRole()));
+ roster_->addContact(jid, realJID, nick, group, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid));
+ roster_->getGroup(group)->setManualSort(roleToSortName(occupant.getRole()));
+ roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(jid, occupant.getRole(), occupant.getAffiliation()));
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% is now a %2%")) % nick % roleToFriendlyName(occupant.getRole()))), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ if (nick == nick_) {
+ setAvailableRoomActions(occupant.getAffiliation(), occupant.getRole());
+ }
void MUCController::handleOccupantAffiliationChanged(const std::string& nick, const MUCOccupant::Affiliation& affiliation, const MUCOccupant::Affiliation& /*oldAffiliation*/)
- if (nick == nick_) {
- setAvailableRoomActions(affiliation, muc_->getOccupant(nick_).getRole());
- }
- JID jid(nickToJID(nick));
- MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(nick);
- roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(jid, occupant.getRole(), affiliation));
+ if (nick == nick_) {
+ setAvailableRoomActions(affiliation, muc_->getOccupant(nick_).getRole());
+ }
+ JID jid(nickToJID(nick));
+ MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(nick);
+ roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(jid, occupant.getRole(), affiliation));
std::string MUCController::roleToGroupName(MUCOccupant::Role role) {
- std::string result;
- switch (role) {
- case MUCOccupant::Moderator: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Moderators"); break;
- case MUCOccupant::Participant: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Participants"); break;
- case MUCOccupant::Visitor: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Visitors"); break;
- case MUCOccupant::NoRole: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Occupants"); break;
- }
- return result;
+ std::string result;
+ switch (role) {
+ case MUCOccupant::Moderator: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Moderators"); break;
+ case MUCOccupant::Participant: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Participants"); break;
+ case MUCOccupant::Visitor: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Visitors"); break;
+ case MUCOccupant::NoRole: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Occupants"); break;
+ }
+ return result;
void MUCController::setOnline(bool online) {
- ChatControllerBase::setOnline(online);
- if (!online) {
- muc_->part();
- parting_ = true;
- processUserPart();
- } else {
- if (shouldJoinOnReconnect_) {
- renameCounter_ = 0;
- boost::shared_ptr<BlockList> blockList = clientBlockListManager_->getBlockList();
- if (blockList && blockList->isBlocked(muc_->getJID())) {
- handleBlockingStateChanged();
- lastJoinMessageUID_ = chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You've blocked this room. To enter the room, first unblock it using the cog menu and try again")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- }
- else {
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- lastJoinMessageUID_ = chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Trying to join chat")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- } else {
- lastJoinMessageUID_ = chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Trying to enter room %1%")) % toJID_.toString())), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- }
- if (loginCheckTimer_) {
- loginCheckTimer_->start();
- }
- setNick(desiredNick_);
- rejoin();
- }
- }
- }
+ ChatControllerBase::setOnline(online);
+ if (!online) {
+ muc_->part();
+ parting_ = true;
+ processUserPart();
+ } else {
+ if (shouldJoinOnReconnect_) {
+ renameCounter_ = 0;
+ boost::shared_ptr<BlockList> blockList = clientBlockListManager_->getBlockList();
+ if (blockList && blockList->isBlocked(muc_->getJID())) {
+ handleBlockingStateChanged();
+ lastJoinMessageUID_ = chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You've blocked this room. To enter the room, first unblock it using the cog menu and try again")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ lastJoinMessageUID_ = chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Trying to join chat")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ } else {
+ lastJoinMessageUID_ = chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Trying to enter room %1%")) % toJID_.toString())), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ }
+ if (loginCheckTimer_) {
+ loginCheckTimer_->start();
+ }
+ setNick(desiredNick_);
+ rejoin();
+ }
+ }
+ }
void MUCController::processUserPart() {
- roster_->removeAll();
- /* handleUserLeft won't throw a part back up unless this is called
- when it doesn't yet know we've left - which only happens on
- disconnect, so call with disconnect here so if the signal does
- bubble back up, it'll be with the right type.*/
- muc_->handleUserLeft(MUC::Disconnect);
- setEnabled(false);
+ roster_->removeAll();
+ /* handleUserLeft won't throw a part back up unless this is called
+ when it doesn't yet know we've left - which only happens on
+ disconnect, so call with disconnect here so if the signal does
+ bubble back up, it'll be with the right type.*/
+ muc_->handleUserLeft(MUC::Disconnect);
+ setEnabled(false);
bool MUCController::shouldUpdateJoinParts() {
- return lastWasPresence_;
+ return lastWasPresence_;
void MUCController::handleOccupantLeft(const MUCOccupant& occupant, MUC::LeavingType type, const std::string& reason) {
- NickJoinPart event(occupant.getNick(), Part);
- appendToJoinParts(joinParts_, event);
- currentOccupants_.erase(occupant.getNick());
- completer_->removeWord(occupant.getNick());
- std::string partMessage;
- bool clearAfter = false;
- if (occupant.getNick() != nick_) {
- std::string partType;
- switch (type) {
- case MUC::LeaveKick: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partType = " (kicked)"; break;
- case MUC::LeaveBan: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partType = " (banned)"; break;
- case MUC::LeaveNotMember: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partType = " (no longer a member)"; break;
- case MUC::LeaveDestroy:
- case MUC::Disconnect:
- case MUC::LeavePart: break;
- }
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- partMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the chat%2%")) % occupant.getNick() % partType);
- } else {
- partMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the room%2%")) % occupant.getNick() % partType);
- }
- }
- else if (isImpromptu_) {
- switch (type) {
- case MUC::LeaveKick:
- case MUC::LeaveBan: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been removed from this chat"); break;
- case MUC::LeaveNotMember: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been removed from this chat"); break;
- case MUC::LeaveDestroy: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "This chat has ended"); break;
- case MUC::Disconnect:
- case MUC::LeavePart: partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have left the chat");
- }
- }
- else {
- switch (type) {
- case MUC::LeaveKick: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been kicked out of the room"); break;
- case MUC::LeaveBan: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been banned from the room"); break;
- case MUC::LeaveNotMember: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are no longer a member of the room and have been removed"); break;
- case MUC::LeaveDestroy: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room has been destroyed"); break;
- case MUC::Disconnect:
- case MUC::LeavePart: partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have left the room");
- }
- }
- if (!reason.empty()) {
- partMessage += " (" + reason + ")";
- }
- partMessage += ".";
- if (occupant.getNick() != nick_) {
- if (shouldUpdateJoinParts()) {
- updateJoinParts();
- } else {
- addPresenceMessage(partMessage);
- }
- roster_->removeContact(JID(toJID_.getNode(), toJID_.getDomain(), occupant.getNick()));
- } else {
- addPresenceMessage(partMessage);
- parting_ = true;
- processUserPart();
- }
- if (clearAfter) {
- clearPresenceQueue();
- }
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- setImpromptuWindowTitle();
- }
+ NickJoinPart event(occupant.getNick(), Part);
+ appendToJoinParts(joinParts_, event);
+ currentOccupants_.erase(occupant.getNick());
+ completer_->removeWord(occupant.getNick());
+ std::string partMessage;
+ bool clearAfter = false;
+ if (occupant.getNick() != nick_) {
+ std::string partType;
+ switch (type) {
+ case MUC::LeaveKick: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partType = " (kicked)"; break;
+ case MUC::LeaveBan: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partType = " (banned)"; break;
+ case MUC::LeaveNotMember: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partType = " (no longer a member)"; break;
+ case MUC::LeaveDestroy:
+ case MUC::Disconnect:
+ case MUC::LeavePart: break;
+ }
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ partMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the chat%2%")) % occupant.getNick() % partType);
+ } else {
+ partMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the room%2%")) % occupant.getNick() % partType);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isImpromptu_) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case MUC::LeaveKick:
+ case MUC::LeaveBan: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been removed from this chat"); break;
+ case MUC::LeaveNotMember: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been removed from this chat"); break;
+ case MUC::LeaveDestroy: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "This chat has ended"); break;
+ case MUC::Disconnect:
+ case MUC::LeavePart: partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have left the chat");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (type) {
+ case MUC::LeaveKick: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been kicked out of the room"); break;
+ case MUC::LeaveBan: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have been banned from the room"); break;
+ case MUC::LeaveNotMember: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are no longer a member of the room and have been removed"); break;
+ case MUC::LeaveDestroy: clearPresenceQueue(); clearAfter = true; partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room has been destroyed"); break;
+ case MUC::Disconnect:
+ case MUC::LeavePart: partMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have left the room");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!reason.empty()) {
+ partMessage += " (" + reason + ")";
+ }
+ partMessage += ".";
+ if (occupant.getNick() != nick_) {
+ if (shouldUpdateJoinParts()) {
+ updateJoinParts();
+ } else {
+ addPresenceMessage(partMessage);
+ }
+ roster_->removeContact(JID(toJID_.getNode(), toJID_.getDomain(), occupant.getNick()));
+ } else {
+ addPresenceMessage(partMessage);
+ parting_ = true;
+ processUserPart();
+ }
+ if (clearAfter) {
+ clearPresenceQueue();
+ }
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ setImpromptuWindowTitle();
+ }
void MUCController::handleOccupantNicknameChanged(const std::string& oldNickname, const std::string& newNickname) {
- addPresenceMessage(generateNicknameChangeString(oldNickname, newNickname));
- JID oldJID = muc_->getJID().withResource(oldNickname);
- JID newJID = muc_->getJID().withResource(newNickname);
- // adjust occupants
- currentOccupants_.erase(oldNickname);
- currentOccupants_.insert(newNickname);
- // adjust completer
- completer_->removeWord(oldNickname);
- completer_->addWord(newNickname);
- // update contact
- roster_->removeContact(oldJID);
- MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(newNickname);
- JID realJID;
- if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
- realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
- }
- MUCOccupant::Role role = MUCOccupant::Participant;
- MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation = MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation;
- if (!isImpromptu_) {
- role = occupant.getRole();
- affiliation = occupant.getAffiliation();
- }
- std::string groupName(roleToGroupName(role));
- roster_->addContact(newJID, realJID, newNickname, groupName, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(newJID));
- roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(newJID, role, affiliation));
- if (avatarManager_ != NULL) {
- handleAvatarChanged(newJID);
- }
- clearPresenceQueue();
- onUserNicknameChanged(oldNickname, newNickname);
+ addPresenceMessage(generateNicknameChangeString(oldNickname, newNickname));
+ JID oldJID = muc_->getJID().withResource(oldNickname);
+ JID newJID = muc_->getJID().withResource(newNickname);
+ // adjust occupants
+ currentOccupants_.erase(oldNickname);
+ currentOccupants_.insert(newNickname);
+ // adjust completer
+ completer_->removeWord(oldNickname);
+ completer_->addWord(newNickname);
+ // update contact
+ roster_->removeContact(oldJID);
+ MUCOccupant occupant = muc_->getOccupant(newNickname);
+ JID realJID;
+ if (occupant.getRealJID()) {
+ realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get();
+ }
+ MUCOccupant::Role role = MUCOccupant::Participant;
+ MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation = MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation;
+ if (!isImpromptu_) {
+ role = occupant.getRole();
+ affiliation = occupant.getAffiliation();
+ }
+ std::string groupName(roleToGroupName(role));
+ roster_->addContact(newJID, realJID, newNickname, groupName, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(newJID));
+ roster_->applyOnItems(SetMUC(newJID, role, affiliation));
+ if (avatarManager_ != NULL) {
+ handleAvatarChanged(newJID);
+ }
+ clearPresenceQueue();
+ onUserNicknameChanged(oldNickname, newNickname);
void MUCController::handleOccupantPresenceChange(boost::shared_ptr<Presence> presence) {
- receivedActivity();
- roster_->applyOnItems(SetPresence(presence, JID::WithResource));
+ receivedActivity();
+ roster_->applyOnItems(SetPresence(presence, JID::WithResource));
bool MUCController::isIncomingMessageFromMe(boost::shared_ptr<Message> message) {
- JID from = message->getFrom();
- return nick_ == from.getResource();
+ JID from = message->getFrom();
+ return nick_ == from.getResource();
std::string MUCController::senderHighlightNameFromMessage(const JID& from) {
- return from.getResource();
+ return from.getResource();
std::string MUCController::senderDisplayNameFromMessage(const JID& from) {
- return from.getResource();
+ return from.getResource();
void MUCController::preSendMessageRequest(boost::shared_ptr<Message> message) {
- message->setType(Swift::Message::Groupchat);
+ message->setType(Swift::Message::Groupchat);
boost::optional<boost::posix_time::ptime> MUCController::getMessageTimestamp(boost::shared_ptr<Message> message) const {
- return message->getTimestampFrom(toJID_);
+ return message->getTimestampFrom(toJID_);
void MUCController::updateJoinParts() {
- chatWindow_->replaceLastMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(generateJoinPartString(joinParts_, isImpromptu())), ChatWindow::UpdateTimestamp);
+ chatWindow_->replaceLastMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(generateJoinPartString(joinParts_, isImpromptu())), ChatWindow::UpdateTimestamp);
void MUCController::appendToJoinParts(std::vector<NickJoinPart>& joinParts, const NickJoinPart& newEvent) {
- std::vector<NickJoinPart>::iterator it = joinParts.begin();
- bool matched = false;
- for (; it != joinParts.end(); ++it) {
- if ((*it).nick == newEvent.nick) {
- matched = true;
- JoinPart type = (*it).type;
- switch (newEvent.type) {
- case Join: type = (type == Part) ? PartThenJoin : Join; break;
- case Part: type = (type == Join) ? JoinThenPart : Part; break;
- case PartThenJoin: break;
- case JoinThenPart: break;
- }
- (*it).type = type;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!matched) {
- joinParts.push_back(newEvent);
- }
+ std::vector<NickJoinPart>::iterator it = joinParts.begin();
+ bool matched = false;
+ for (; it != joinParts.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).nick == newEvent.nick) {
+ matched = true;
+ JoinPart type = (*it).type;
+ switch (newEvent.type) {
+ case Join: type = (type == Part) ? PartThenJoin : Join; break;
+ case Part: type = (type == Join) ? JoinThenPart : Part; break;
+ case PartThenJoin: break;
+ case JoinThenPart: break;
+ }
+ (*it).type = type;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matched) {
+ joinParts.push_back(newEvent);
+ }
std::string MUCController::concatenateListOfNames(const std::vector<NickJoinPart>& joinParts) {
- std::string result;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < joinParts.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- if (i < joinParts.size() - 1) {
- result += ", ";
- } else {
- result += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", " and ");
- }
- }
- NickJoinPart event = joinParts[i];
- result += event.nick;
- }
- return result;
+ std::string result;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < joinParts.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ if (i < joinParts.size() - 1) {
+ result += ", ";
+ } else {
+ result += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", " and ");
+ }
+ }
+ NickJoinPart event = joinParts[i];
+ result += event.nick;
+ }
+ return result;
std::string MUCController::generateJoinPartString(const std::vector<NickJoinPart>& joinParts, bool isImpromptu) {
- std::vector<NickJoinPart> sorted[4];
- std::string eventStrings[4];
- foreach (NickJoinPart event, joinParts) {
- sorted[event.type].push_back(event);
- }
- std::string result;
- std::vector<JoinPart> populatedEvents;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- std::string names = concatenateListOfNames(sorted[i]);
- if (!names.empty()) {
- std::string eventString;
- switch (i) {
- case Join:
- if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have joined the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have entered the room"));
- }
- else {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has joined the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the room"));
- }
- break;
- case Part:
- if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the room"));
- }
- else {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the room"));
- }
- break;
- case JoinThenPart:
- if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have joined then left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have entered then left the room"));
- }
- else {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has joined then left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered then left the room"));
- }
- break;
- case PartThenJoin:
- if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left then returned to the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left then returned to the room"));
- }
- else {
- eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left then returned to the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left then returned to the room"));
- }
- break;
- }
- populatedEvents.push_back(static_cast<JoinPart>(i));
- eventStrings[i] = str(boost::format(eventString) % names);
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < populatedEvents.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- if (i < populatedEvents.size() - 1) {
- result += ", ";
- } else {
- result += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", " and ");
- }
- }
- result += eventStrings[populatedEvents[i]];
- }
- return result;
+ std::vector<NickJoinPart> sorted[4];
+ std::string eventStrings[4];
+ foreach (NickJoinPart event, joinParts) {
+ sorted[event.type].push_back(event);
+ }
+ std::string result;
+ std::vector<JoinPart> populatedEvents;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ std::string names = concatenateListOfNames(sorted[i]);
+ if (!names.empty()) {
+ std::string eventString;
+ switch (i) {
+ case Join:
+ if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have joined the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have entered the room"));
+ }
+ else {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has joined the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the room"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case Part:
+ if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the room"));
+ }
+ else {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the room"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case JoinThenPart:
+ if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have joined then left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have entered then left the room"));
+ }
+ else {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has joined then left the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered then left the room"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case PartThenJoin:
+ if (sorted[i].size() > 1) {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left then returned to the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left then returned to the room"));
+ }
+ else {
+ eventString = (isImpromptu ? QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left then returned to the chat") : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left then returned to the room"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ populatedEvents.push_back(static_cast<JoinPart>(i));
+ eventStrings[i] = str(boost::format(eventString) % names);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < populatedEvents.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ if (i < populatedEvents.size() - 1) {
+ result += ", ";
+ } else {
+ result += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", " and ");
+ }
+ }
+ result += eventStrings[populatedEvents[i]];
+ }
+ return result;
std::string MUCController::generateNicknameChangeString(const std::string& oldNickname, const std::string& newNickname) {
- return str(boost::format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% is now known as %2%.")) % oldNickname % newNickname);
+ return str(boost::format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% is now known as %2%.")) % oldNickname % newNickname);
void MUCController::handleChangeSubjectRequest(const std::string& subject) {
- muc_->changeSubject(subject);
+ muc_->changeSubject(subject);
void MUCController::handleBookmarkRequest() {
- const JID jid = muc_->getJID();
+ const JID jid = muc_->getJID();
- // Prepare new bookmark for this room.
- MUCBookmark roomBookmark(jid, jid.toBare().toString());
- roomBookmark.setPassword(password_);
- roomBookmark.setNick(nick_);
+ // Prepare new bookmark for this room.
+ MUCBookmark roomBookmark(jid, jid.toBare().toString());
+ roomBookmark.setPassword(password_);
+ roomBookmark.setNick(nick_);
- // Check for existing bookmark for this room and, if it exists, use it instead.
- std::vector<MUCBookmark> bookmarks = mucBookmarkManager_->getBookmarks();
- foreach (const MUCBookmark& bookmark, bookmarks) {
- if (bookmark.getRoom() == jid.toBare()) {
- roomBookmark = bookmark;
- break;
- }
- }
+ // Check for existing bookmark for this room and, if it exists, use it instead.
+ std::vector<MUCBookmark> bookmarks = mucBookmarkManager_->getBookmarks();
+ foreach (const MUCBookmark& bookmark, bookmarks) {
+ if (bookmark.getRoom() == jid.toBare()) {
+ roomBookmark = bookmark;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- chatWindow_->showBookmarkWindow(roomBookmark);
+ chatWindow_->showBookmarkWindow(roomBookmark);
void MUCController::handleConfigureRequest(Form::ref form) {
- if (form) {
- muc_->configureRoom(form);
- }
- else {
- muc_->requestConfigurationForm();
- }
+ if (form) {
+ muc_->configureRoom(form);
+ }
+ else {
+ muc_->requestConfigurationForm();
+ }
void MUCController::handleConfigurationFailed(ErrorPayload::ref error) {
- std::string errorMessage = getErrorMessage(error);
- errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Room configuration failed: %1%.")) % errorMessage);
- chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(errorMessage));
+ std::string errorMessage = getErrorMessage(error);
+ errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Room configuration failed: %1%.")) % errorMessage);
+ chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(errorMessage));
void MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChangeFailed(ErrorPayload::ref error, const JID&, MUCOccupant::Role) {
- std::string errorMessage = getErrorMessage(error);
- errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Occupant role change failed: %1%.")) % errorMessage);
- chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(errorMessage));
+ std::string errorMessage = getErrorMessage(error);
+ errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Occupant role change failed: %1%.")) % errorMessage);
+ chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(errorMessage));
void MUCController::configureAsImpromptuRoom(Form::ref form) {
- muc_->configureRoom(buildImpromptuRoomConfiguration(form));
- isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_ = true;
- onImpromptuConfigCompleted();
+ muc_->configureRoom(buildImpromptuRoomConfiguration(form));
+ isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_ = true;
+ onImpromptuConfigCompleted();
void MUCController::handleConfigurationFormReceived(Form::ref form) {
- if (isImpromptu_) {
- if (!isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_) {
- configureAsImpromptuRoom(form);
- }
- } else {
- chatWindow_->showRoomConfigurationForm(form);
- }
+ if (isImpromptu_) {
+ if (!isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_) {
+ configureAsImpromptuRoom(form);
+ }
+ } else {
+ chatWindow_->showRoomConfigurationForm(form);
+ }
void MUCController::handleConfigurationCancelled() {
- muc_->cancelConfigureRoom();
+ muc_->cancelConfigureRoom();
void MUCController::handleDestroyRoomRequest() {
- muc_->destroyRoom();
+ muc_->destroyRoom();
void MUCController::handleInvitePersonToThisMUCRequest(const std::vector<JID>& jidsToInvite) {
- RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent::ImpromptuMode mode = isImpromptu_ ? RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent::Impromptu : RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent::NotImpromptu;
- boost::shared_ptr<UIEvent> event(new RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent(muc_->getJID(), jidsToInvite, mode));
- eventStream_->send(event);
+ RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent::ImpromptuMode mode = isImpromptu_ ? RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent::Impromptu : RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent::NotImpromptu;
+ boost::shared_ptr<UIEvent> event(new RequestInviteToMUCUIEvent(muc_->getJID(), jidsToInvite, mode));
+ eventStream_->send(event);
void MUCController::handleUIEvent(boost::shared_ptr<UIEvent> event) {
- boost::shared_ptr<InviteToMUCUIEvent> inviteEvent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<InviteToMUCUIEvent>(event);
- if (inviteEvent && inviteEvent->getRoom() == muc_->getJID()) {
- foreach (const JID& jid, inviteEvent->getInvites()) {
- muc_->invitePerson(jid, inviteEvent->getReason(), isImpromptu_);
- }
- }
+ boost::shared_ptr<InviteToMUCUIEvent> inviteEvent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<InviteToMUCUIEvent>(event);
+ if (inviteEvent && inviteEvent->getRoom() == muc_->getJID()) {
+ foreach (const JID& jid, inviteEvent->getInvites()) {
+ muc_->invitePerson(jid, inviteEvent->getReason(), isImpromptu_);
+ }
+ }
void MUCController::handleGetAffiliationsRequest() {
- muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Owner);
- muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Admin);
- muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Member);
- muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Outcast);
+ muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Owner);
+ muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Admin);
+ muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Member);
+ muc_->requestAffiliationList(MUCOccupant::Outcast);
typedef std::pair<MUCOccupant::Affiliation, JID> AffiliationChangePair;
void MUCController::handleChangeAffiliationsRequest(const std::vector<std::pair<MUCOccupant::Affiliation, JID> >& changes) {
- std::set<JID> addedJIDs;
- foreach (const AffiliationChangePair& change, changes) {
- if (change.first != MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation) {
- addedJIDs.insert(change.second);
- }
- }
- foreach (const AffiliationChangePair& change, changes) {
- if (change.first != MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation || addedJIDs.find(change.second) == addedJIDs.end()) {
- muc_->changeAffiliation(change.second, change.first);
- }
- }
+ std::set<JID> addedJIDs;
+ foreach (const AffiliationChangePair& change, changes) {
+ if (change.first != MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation) {
+ addedJIDs.insert(change.second);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (const AffiliationChangePair& change, changes) {
+ if (change.first != MUCOccupant::NoAffiliation || addedJIDs.find(change.second) == addedJIDs.end()) {
+ muc_->changeAffiliation(change.second, change.first);
+ }
+ }
void MUCController::handleUnblockUserRequest() {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Unblocked, muc_->getJID()));
+ eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Unblocked, muc_->getJID()));
void MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged() {
- boost::shared_ptr<BlockList> blockList = clientBlockListManager_->getBlockList();
- if (blockList->getState() == BlockList::Available) {
- if (blockList->isBlocked(toJID_)) {
- if (!blockedContactAlert_) {
- blockedContactAlert_ = chatWindow_->addAlert(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You've blocked this room. To enter the room, first unblock it using the cog menu and try again"));
- }
- chatWindow_->setBlockingState(ChatWindow::IsBlocked);
- } else {
- if (blockedContactAlert_) {
- chatWindow_->removeAlert(*blockedContactAlert_);
- blockedContactAlert_.reset();
- }
- chatWindow_->setBlockingState(ChatWindow::IsUnblocked);
- }
- }
+ boost::shared_ptr<BlockList> blockList = clientBlockListManager_->getBlockList();
+ if (blockList->getState() == BlockList::Available) {
+ if (blockList->isBlocked(toJID_)) {
+ if (!blockedContactAlert_) {
+ blockedContactAlert_ = chatWindow_->addAlert(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You've blocked this room. To enter the room, first unblock it using the cog menu and try again"));
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setBlockingState(ChatWindow::IsBlocked);
+ } else {
+ if (blockedContactAlert_) {
+ chatWindow_->removeAlert(*blockedContactAlert_);
+ blockedContactAlert_.reset();
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setBlockingState(ChatWindow::IsUnblocked);
+ }
+ }
void MUCController::handleAffiliationListReceived(MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation, const std::vector<JID>& jids) {
- chatWindow_->setAffiliations(affiliation, jids);
+ chatWindow_->setAffiliations(affiliation, jids);
void MUCController::logMessage(const std::string& message, const JID& fromJID, const JID& toJID, const boost::posix_time::ptime& timeStamp, bool isIncoming) {
- // log only incoming messages
- if (isIncoming && historyController_) {
- historyController_->addMessage(message, fromJID, toJID, HistoryMessage::Groupchat, timeStamp);
- }
+ // log only incoming messages
+ if (isIncoming && historyController_) {
+ historyController_->addMessage(message, fromJID, toJID, HistoryMessage::Groupchat, timeStamp);
+ }
void MUCController::addRecentLogs() {
- if (!historyController_) {
- return;
- }
+ if (!historyController_) {
+ return;
+ }
- joinContext_ = historyController_->getMUCContext(selfJID_, toJID_, lastActivity_);
+ joinContext_ = historyController_->getMUCContext(selfJID_, toJID_, lastActivity_);
- foreach (const HistoryMessage& message, joinContext_) {
- bool senderIsSelf = nick_ == message.getFromJID().getResource();
+ foreach (const HistoryMessage& message, joinContext_) {
+ bool senderIsSelf = nick_ == message.getFromJID().getResource();
- // the chatWindow uses utc timestamps
- addMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(message.getMessage()), senderDisplayNameFromMessage(message.getFromJID()), senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel>(new SecurityLabel()), avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(message.getFromJID()), message.getTime() - boost::posix_time::hours(message.getOffset()));
- }
+ // the chatWindow uses utc timestamps
+ addMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(message.getMessage()), senderDisplayNameFromMessage(message.getFromJID()), senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel>(new SecurityLabel()), avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(message.getFromJID()), message.getTime() - boost::posix_time::hours(message.getOffset()));
+ }
void MUCController::checkDuplicates(boost::shared_ptr<Message> newMessage) {
- std::string body = newMessage->getBody().get_value_or("");
- JID jid = newMessage->getFrom();
- boost::optional<boost::posix_time::ptime> time = newMessage->getTimestamp();
- reverse_foreach (const HistoryMessage& message, joinContext_) {
- boost::posix_time::ptime messageTime = message.getTime() - boost::posix_time::hours(message.getOffset());
- if (time && time < messageTime) {
- break;
- }
- if (time && time != messageTime) {
- continue;
- }
- if (message.getFromJID() != jid) {
- continue;
- }
- if (message.getMessage() != body) {
- continue;
- }
- // Mark the message as unreadable
- newMessage->setBody("");
- }
+ std::string body = newMessage->getBody().get_value_or("");
+ JID jid = newMessage->getFrom();
+ boost::optional<boost::posix_time::ptime> time = newMessage->getTimestamp();
+ reverse_foreach (const HistoryMessage& message, joinContext_) {
+ boost::posix_time::ptime messageTime = message.getTime() - boost::posix_time::hours(message.getOffset());
+ if (time && time < messageTime) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (time && time != messageTime) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (message.getFromJID() != jid) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (message.getMessage() != body) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Mark the message as unreadable
+ newMessage->setBody("");
+ }
void MUCController::setNick(const std::string& nick) {
- nick_ = nick;
- highlighter_->setNick(nick_);
+ nick_ = nick;
+ highlighter_->setNick(nick_);
Form::ref MUCController::buildImpromptuRoomConfiguration(Form::ref roomConfigurationForm) {
- Form::ref result = boost::make_shared<Form>(Form::SubmitType);
- std::string impromptuConfigs[] = { "muc#roomconfig_enablelogging", "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom", "muc#roomconfig_publicroom", "muc#roomconfig_whois"};
- std::set<std::string> impromptuConfigsMissing(impromptuConfigs, impromptuConfigs + 4);
- foreach (boost::shared_ptr<FormField> field, roomConfigurationForm->getFields()) {
- boost::shared_ptr<FormField> resultField;
- if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_enablelogging") {
- resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::BooleanType, "0");
- }
- if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom") {
- resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::BooleanType, "0");
- }
- if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_publicroom") {
- resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::BooleanType, "0");
- }
- if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_whois") {
- resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::ListSingleType, "anyone");
- }
- if (field->getName() == "FORM_TYPE") {
- resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::HiddenType, "");
- }
- if (resultField) {
- impromptuConfigsMissing.erase(field->getName());
- resultField->setName(field->getName());
- result->addField(resultField);
- }
- }
- foreach (const std::string& config, impromptuConfigsMissing) {
- if (config == "muc#roomconfig_publicroom") {
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "This server doesn't support hiding your chat from other users.")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- } else if (config == "muc#roomconfig_whois") {
- chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "This server doesn't support sharing people's real identity in this chat.")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
- }
- }
- return result;
+ Form::ref result = boost::make_shared<Form>(Form::SubmitType);
+ std::string impromptuConfigs[] = { "muc#roomconfig_enablelogging", "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom", "muc#roomconfig_publicroom", "muc#roomconfig_whois"};
+ std::set<std::string> impromptuConfigsMissing(impromptuConfigs, impromptuConfigs + 4);
+ foreach (boost::shared_ptr<FormField> field, roomConfigurationForm->getFields()) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<FormField> resultField;
+ if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_enablelogging") {
+ resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::BooleanType, "0");
+ }
+ if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom") {
+ resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::BooleanType, "0");
+ }
+ if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_publicroom") {
+ resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::BooleanType, "0");
+ }
+ if (field->getName() == "muc#roomconfig_whois") {
+ resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::ListSingleType, "anyone");
+ }
+ if (field->getName() == "FORM_TYPE") {
+ resultField = boost::make_shared<FormField>(FormField::HiddenType, "");
+ }
+ if (resultField) {
+ impromptuConfigsMissing.erase(field->getName());
+ resultField->setName(field->getName());
+ result->addField(resultField);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (const std::string& config, impromptuConfigsMissing) {
+ if (config == "muc#roomconfig_publicroom") {
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "This server doesn't support hiding your chat from other users.")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ } else if (config == "muc#roomconfig_whois") {
+ chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(chatMessageParser_->parseMessageBody(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "This server doesn't support sharing people's real identity in this chat.")), ChatWindow::DefaultDirection);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
void MUCController::setImpromptuWindowTitle() {
- std::string title;
- typedef std::pair<std::string, MUCOccupant> StringMUCOccupantPair;
- std::map<std::string, MUCOccupant> occupants = muc_->getOccupants();
- if (occupants.size() <= 1) {
- title = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Empty Chat");
- } else {
- foreach (StringMUCOccupantPair pair, occupants) {
- if (pair.first != nick_) {
- title += (title.empty() ? "" : ", ") + pair.first;
- }
- }
- }
- chatWindow_->setName(title);
+ std::string title;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, MUCOccupant> StringMUCOccupantPair;
+ std::map<std::string, MUCOccupant> occupants = muc_->getOccupants();
+ if (occupants.size() <= 1) {
+ title = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Empty Chat");
+ } else {
+ foreach (StringMUCOccupantPair pair, occupants) {
+ if (pair.first != nick_) {
+ title += (title.empty() ? "" : ", ") + pair.first;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ chatWindow_->setName(title);
void MUCController::handleRoomUnlocked() {
- // Handle buggy MUC implementations where the joined room already exists and is unlocked.
- // Configure the room again in this case.
- if (!isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_) {
- if (isImpromptu_ && (muc_->getOccupant(nick_).getAffiliation() == MUCOccupant::Owner)) {
- muc_->requestConfigurationForm();
- } else if (isImpromptu_) {
- onImpromptuConfigCompleted();
- }
- }
+ // Handle buggy MUC implementations where the joined room already exists and is unlocked.
+ // Configure the room again in this case.
+ if (!isImpromptuAlreadyConfigured_) {
+ if (isImpromptu_ && (muc_->getOccupant(nick_).getAffiliation() == MUCOccupant::Owner)) {
+ muc_->requestConfigurationForm();
+ } else if (isImpromptu_) {
+ onImpromptuConfigCompleted();
+ }
+ }
void MUCController::setAvailableServerFeatures(boost::shared_ptr<DiscoInfo> info) {
- ChatControllerBase::setAvailableServerFeatures(info);
- if (iqRouter_->isAvailable() && info->hasFeature(DiscoInfo::BlockingCommandFeature)) {
- boost::shared_ptr<BlockList> blockList = clientBlockListManager_->getBlockList();
+ ChatControllerBase::setAvailableServerFeatures(info);
+ if (iqRouter_->isAvailable() && info->hasFeature(DiscoInfo::BlockingCommandFeature)) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<BlockList> blockList = clientBlockListManager_->getBlockList();
- blockingOnStateChangedConnection_ = blockList->onStateChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged, this));
- blockingOnItemAddedConnection_ = blockList->onItemAdded.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged, this));
- blockingOnItemRemovedConnection_ = blockList->onItemRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged, this));
+ blockingOnStateChangedConnection_ = blockList->onStateChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged, this));
+ blockingOnItemAddedConnection_ = blockList->onItemAdded.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged, this));
+ blockingOnItemRemovedConnection_ = blockList->onItemRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleBlockingStateChanged, this));
- handleBlockingStateChanged();
- }
+ handleBlockingStateChanged();
+ }
void MUCController::handleMUCBookmarkAdded(const MUCBookmark& bookmark) {
- if (bookmark.getRoom() == muc_->getJID()) {
- updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(bookmark);
- }
+ if (bookmark.getRoom() == muc_->getJID()) {
+ updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(bookmark);
+ }
void MUCController::handleMUCBookmarkRemoved(const MUCBookmark& bookmark) {
- if (bookmark.getRoom() == muc_->getJID()) {
- updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(boost::optional<MUCBookmark>());
- }
+ if (bookmark.getRoom() == muc_->getJID()) {
+ updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(boost::optional<MUCBookmark>());
+ }
void MUCController::updateChatWindowBookmarkStatus(const boost::optional<MUCBookmark>& bookmark) {
- assert(chatWindow_);
- if (bookmark) {
- if (bookmark->getAutojoin()) {
- chatWindow_->setBookmarkState(ChatWindow::RoomAutoJoined);
- }
- else {
- chatWindow_->setBookmarkState(ChatWindow::RoomBookmarked);
- }
- }
- else {
- chatWindow_->setBookmarkState(ChatWindow::RoomNotBookmarked);
- }
+ assert(chatWindow_);
+ if (bookmark) {
+ if (bookmark->getAutojoin()) {
+ chatWindow_->setBookmarkState(ChatWindow::RoomAutoJoined);
+ }
+ else {
+ chatWindow_->setBookmarkState(ChatWindow::RoomBookmarked);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ chatWindow_->setBookmarkState(ChatWindow::RoomNotBookmarked);
+ }