diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
commitcfbdb43d2cadd40aa87338d41548e4bf89e146e6 (patch)
tree18d94153a302445196fc0c18586abf44a1ce4a38 /Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
parent1d545a4a7fb877f021508094b88c1f17b30d8b4e (diff)
Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source files
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
index 6444e0c..5e8d61c 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
@@ -85,203 +85,203 @@ namespace Swift{
po::options_description QtSwift::getOptionsDescription() {
- po::options_description result("Options");
- result.add_options()
- ("debug", "Turn on debug logging")
- ("help", "Show this help message")
- ("version", "Show version information")
- ("netbook-mode", "Use netbook mode display (unsupported)")
- ("no-tabs", "Don't manage chat windows in tabs (unsupported)")
- ("latency-debug", "Use latency debugging (unsupported)")
- ("multi-account", po::value<int>()->default_value(1), "Number of accounts to open windows for (unsupported)")
- ("start-minimized", "Don't show the login/roster window at startup")
- ("enable-jid-adhocs", "Enable AdHoc commands to custom JID's.")
- ("trellis", "Enable support for trellis layout")
+ po::options_description result("Options");
+ result.add_options()
+ ("debug", "Turn on debug logging")
+ ("help", "Show this help message")
+ ("version", "Show version information")
+ ("netbook-mode", "Use netbook mode display (unsupported)")
+ ("no-tabs", "Don't manage chat windows in tabs (unsupported)")
+ ("latency-debug", "Use latency debugging (unsupported)")
+ ("multi-account", po::value<int>()->default_value(1), "Number of accounts to open windows for (unsupported)")
+ ("start-minimized", "Don't show the login/roster window at startup")
+ ("enable-jid-adhocs", "Enable AdHoc commands to custom JID's.")
+ ("trellis", "Enable support for trellis layout")
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
- ("language", po::value<std::string>(), "Use a specific language, instead of the system-wide one")
+ ("language", po::value<std::string>(), "Use a specific language, instead of the system-wide one")
- ;
- return result;
+ ;
+ return result;
XMLSettingsProvider* QtSwift::loadSettingsFile(const QString& fileName) {
- QFile configFile(fileName);
- if (configFile.exists() && {
- QString xmlString;
- while (!configFile.atEnd()) {
- QByteArray line = configFile.readLine();
- xmlString += line + "\n";
- }
- return new XMLSettingsProvider(Q2PSTRING(xmlString));
- }
- return new XMLSettingsProvider("");
+ QFile configFile(fileName);
+ if (configFile.exists() && {
+ QString xmlString;
+ while (!configFile.atEnd()) {
+ QByteArray line = configFile.readLine();
+ xmlString += line + "\n";
+ }
+ return new XMLSettingsProvider(Q2PSTRING(xmlString));
+ }
+ return new XMLSettingsProvider("");
void QtSwift::loadEmoticonsFile(const QString& fileName, std::map<std::string, std::string>& emoticons) {
- QFile file(fileName);
- if (file.exists() && {
- while (!file.atEnd()) {
- QString line = file.readLine();
- line.replace("\n", "");
- line.replace("\r", "");
- QStringList tokens = line.split(" ");
- if (tokens.size() == 2) {
- QString emoticonFile = tokens[1];
- if (!emoticonFile.startsWith(":/") && !emoticonFile.startsWith("qrc:/")) {
- emoticonFile = "file://" + emoticonFile;
- }
- emoticons[Q2PSTRING(tokens[0])] = Q2PSTRING(emoticonFile);
- }
- }
- }
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (file.exists() && {
+ while (!file.atEnd()) {
+ QString line = file.readLine();
+ line.replace("\n", "");
+ line.replace("\r", "");
+ QStringList tokens = line.split(" ");
+ if (tokens.size() == 2) {
+ QString emoticonFile = tokens[1];
+ if (!emoticonFile.startsWith(":/") && !emoticonFile.startsWith("qrc:/")) {
+ emoticonFile = "file://" + emoticonFile;
+ }
+ emoticons[Q2PSTRING(tokens[0])] = Q2PSTRING(emoticonFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
QtSwift::QtSwift(const po::variables_map& options) : networkFactories_(&clientMainThreadCaller_), autoUpdater_(NULL), idleDetector_(&idleQuerier_, networkFactories_.getTimerFactory(), 1000) {
- QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
- QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(SWIFT_ORGANIZATION_NAME);
- QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(SWIFT_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN);
- QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(buildVersion);
- qtSettings_ = new QtSettingsProvider();
- xmlSettings_ = loadSettingsFile(P2QSTRING(pathToString(Paths::getExecutablePath() / "system-settings.xml")));
- settingsHierachy_ = new SettingsProviderHierachy();
- settingsHierachy_->addProviderToTopOfStack(xmlSettings_);
- settingsHierachy_->addProviderToTopOfStack(qtSettings_);
- networkFactories_.getTLSContextFactory()->setDisconnectOnCardRemoval(settingsHierachy_->getSetting(SettingConstants::DISCONNECT_ON_CARD_REMOVAL));
- std::map<std::string, std::string> emoticons;
- loadEmoticonsFile(":/emoticons/emoticons.txt", emoticons);
- loadEmoticonsFile(P2QSTRING(pathToString(Paths::getExecutablePath() / "emoticons.txt")), emoticons);
- if (options.count("netbook-mode")) {
- splitter_ = new QtSingleWindow(qtSettings_);
- } else {
- splitter_ = NULL;
- }
- int numberOfAccounts = 1;
- try {
- numberOfAccounts = options["multi-account"].as<int>();
- } catch (...) {
- /* This seems to fail on a Mac when the .app is launched directly (the usual path).*/
- numberOfAccounts = 1;
- }
- if (options.count("debug")) {
- Log::setLogLevel(Swift::Log::debug);
- }
- bool enableAdHocCommandOnJID = options.count("enable-jid-adhocs") > 0;
- tabs_ = NULL;
- if (options.count("no-tabs") && !splitter_) {
- tabs_ = new QtChatTabsShortcutOnlySubstitute();
- }
- else {
- tabs_ = new QtChatTabs(splitter_ != NULL, settingsHierachy_, options.count("trellis"));
- }
- bool startMinimized = options.count("start-minimized") > 0;
- applicationPathProvider_ = new PlatformApplicationPathProvider(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
- storagesFactory_ = new FileStoragesFactory(applicationPathProvider_->getDataDir(), networkFactories_.getCryptoProvider());
- certificateStorageFactory_ = new CertificateFileStorageFactory(applicationPathProvider_->getDataDir(), tlsFactories_.getCertificateFactory(), networkFactories_.getCryptoProvider());
- chatWindowFactory_ = new QtChatWindowFactory(splitter_, settingsHierachy_, qtSettings_, tabs_, ":/themes/Default/", emoticons);
- soundPlayer_ = new QtSoundPlayer(applicationPathProvider_);
- // Ugly, because the dock depends on the tray, but the temporary
- // multi-account hack creates one tray per account.
- QtSystemTray* systemTray = new QtSystemTray();
- systemTrays_.push_back(systemTray);
+ QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
+ QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(SWIFT_ORGANIZATION_NAME);
+ QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(SWIFT_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN);
+ QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(buildVersion);
+ qtSettings_ = new QtSettingsProvider();
+ xmlSettings_ = loadSettingsFile(P2QSTRING(pathToString(Paths::getExecutablePath() / "system-settings.xml")));
+ settingsHierachy_ = new SettingsProviderHierachy();
+ settingsHierachy_->addProviderToTopOfStack(xmlSettings_);
+ settingsHierachy_->addProviderToTopOfStack(qtSettings_);
+ networkFactories_.getTLSContextFactory()->setDisconnectOnCardRemoval(settingsHierachy_->getSetting(SettingConstants::DISCONNECT_ON_CARD_REMOVAL));
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> emoticons;
+ loadEmoticonsFile(":/emoticons/emoticons.txt", emoticons);
+ loadEmoticonsFile(P2QSTRING(pathToString(Paths::getExecutablePath() / "emoticons.txt")), emoticons);
+ if (options.count("netbook-mode")) {
+ splitter_ = new QtSingleWindow(qtSettings_);
+ } else {
+ splitter_ = NULL;
+ }
+ int numberOfAccounts = 1;
+ try {
+ numberOfAccounts = options["multi-account"].as<int>();
+ } catch (...) {
+ /* This seems to fail on a Mac when the .app is launched directly (the usual path).*/
+ numberOfAccounts = 1;
+ }
+ if (options.count("debug")) {
+ Log::setLogLevel(Swift::Log::debug);
+ }
+ bool enableAdHocCommandOnJID = options.count("enable-jid-adhocs") > 0;
+ tabs_ = NULL;
+ if (options.count("no-tabs") && !splitter_) {
+ tabs_ = new QtChatTabsShortcutOnlySubstitute();
+ }
+ else {
+ tabs_ = new QtChatTabs(splitter_ != NULL, settingsHierachy_, options.count("trellis"));
+ }
+ bool startMinimized = options.count("start-minimized") > 0;
+ applicationPathProvider_ = new PlatformApplicationPathProvider(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
+ storagesFactory_ = new FileStoragesFactory(applicationPathProvider_->getDataDir(), networkFactories_.getCryptoProvider());
+ certificateStorageFactory_ = new CertificateFileStorageFactory(applicationPathProvider_->getDataDir(), tlsFactories_.getCertificateFactory(), networkFactories_.getCryptoProvider());
+ chatWindowFactory_ = new QtChatWindowFactory(splitter_, settingsHierachy_, qtSettings_, tabs_, ":/themes/Default/", emoticons);
+ soundPlayer_ = new QtSoundPlayer(applicationPathProvider_);
+ // Ugly, because the dock depends on the tray, but the temporary
+ // multi-account hack creates one tray per account.
+ QtSystemTray* systemTray = new QtSystemTray();
+ systemTrays_.push_back(systemTray);
#if defined(HAVE_GROWL)
- notifier_ = new GrowlNotifier(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
+ notifier_ = new GrowlNotifier(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
- notifier_ = new WindowsNotifier(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME, applicationPathProvider_->getResourcePath("/images/logo-icon-32.png"), systemTray->getQSystemTrayIcon());
+ notifier_ = new WindowsNotifier(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME, applicationPathProvider_->getResourcePath("/images/logo-icon-32.png"), systemTray->getQSystemTrayIcon());
- notifier_ = new FreeDesktopNotifier(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
+ notifier_ = new FreeDesktopNotifier(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
- notifier_ = new NotificationCenterNotifier();
+ notifier_ = new NotificationCenterNotifier();
- notifier_ = new NullNotifier();
+ notifier_ = new NullNotifier();
- dock_ = new MacOSXDock(&cocoaApplication_);
+ dock_ = new MacOSXDock(&cocoaApplication_);
- dock_ = new NullDock();
+ dock_ = new NullDock();
- uriHandler_ = new QtURIHandler();
+ uriHandler_ = new QtURIHandler();
#elif defined(SWIFTEN_PLATFORM_WIN32)
- uriHandler_ = new NullURIHandler();
+ uriHandler_ = new NullURIHandler();
- uriHandler_ = new QtDBUSURIHandler();
+ uriHandler_ = new QtDBUSURIHandler();
- statusCache_ = new StatusCache(applicationPathProvider_);
- if (splitter_) {
- splitter_->show();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAccounts; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- // Don't add the first tray (see note above)
- systemTrays_.push_back(new QtSystemTray());
- }
- QtUIFactory* uiFactory = new QtUIFactory(settingsHierachy_, qtSettings_, tabs_, splitter_, systemTrays_[i], chatWindowFactory_, networkFactories_.getTimerFactory(), statusCache_, startMinimized, !emoticons.empty(), enableAdHocCommandOnJID);
- uiFactories_.push_back(uiFactory);
- MainController* mainController = new MainController(
- &clientMainThreadCaller_,
- &networkFactories_,
- uiFactory,
- settingsHierachy_,
- systemTrays_[i],
- soundPlayer_,
- storagesFactory_,
- certificateStorageFactory_,
- dock_,
- notifier_,
- uriHandler_,
- &idleDetector_,
- emoticons,
- options.count("latency-debug") > 0);
- mainControllers_.push_back(mainController);
- }
- // PlatformAutoUpdaterFactory autoUpdaterFactory;
- // if (autoUpdaterFactory.isSupported()) {
- // autoUpdater_ = autoUpdaterFactory.createAutoUpdater(SWIFT_APPCAST_URL);
- // autoUpdater_->checkForUpdates();
- // }
+ statusCache_ = new StatusCache(applicationPathProvider_);
+ if (splitter_) {
+ splitter_->show();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAccounts; i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ // Don't add the first tray (see note above)
+ systemTrays_.push_back(new QtSystemTray());
+ }
+ QtUIFactory* uiFactory = new QtUIFactory(settingsHierachy_, qtSettings_, tabs_, splitter_, systemTrays_[i], chatWindowFactory_, networkFactories_.getTimerFactory(), statusCache_, startMinimized, !emoticons.empty(), enableAdHocCommandOnJID);
+ uiFactories_.push_back(uiFactory);
+ MainController* mainController = new MainController(
+ &clientMainThreadCaller_,
+ &networkFactories_,
+ uiFactory,
+ settingsHierachy_,
+ systemTrays_[i],
+ soundPlayer_,
+ storagesFactory_,
+ certificateStorageFactory_,
+ dock_,
+ notifier_,
+ uriHandler_,
+ &idleDetector_,
+ emoticons,
+ options.count("latency-debug") > 0);
+ mainControllers_.push_back(mainController);
+ }
+ // PlatformAutoUpdaterFactory autoUpdaterFactory;
+ // if (autoUpdaterFactory.isSupported()) {
+ // autoUpdater_ = autoUpdaterFactory.createAutoUpdater(SWIFT_APPCAST_URL);
+ // autoUpdater_->checkForUpdates();
+ // }
QtSwift::~QtSwift() {
- delete autoUpdater_;
- foreach (QtUIFactory* factory, uiFactories_) {
- delete factory;
- }
- foreach (MainController* controller, mainControllers_) {
- delete controller;
- }
- delete notifier_;
- foreach (QtSystemTray* tray, systemTrays_) {
- delete tray;
- }
- delete tabs_;
- delete splitter_;
- delete settingsHierachy_;
- delete qtSettings_;
- delete xmlSettings_;
- delete statusCache_;
- delete uriHandler_;
- delete dock_;
- delete soundPlayer_;
- delete chatWindowFactory_;
- delete certificateStorageFactory_;
- delete storagesFactory_;
- delete applicationPathProvider_;
+ delete autoUpdater_;
+ foreach (QtUIFactory* factory, uiFactories_) {
+ delete factory;
+ }
+ foreach (MainController* controller, mainControllers_) {
+ delete controller;
+ }
+ delete notifier_;
+ foreach (QtSystemTray* tray, systemTrays_) {
+ delete tray;
+ }
+ delete tabs_;
+ delete splitter_;
+ delete settingsHierachy_;
+ delete qtSettings_;
+ delete xmlSettings_;
+ delete statusCache_;
+ delete uriHandler_;
+ delete dock_;
+ delete soundPlayer_;
+ delete chatWindowFactory_;
+ delete certificateStorageFactory_;
+ delete storagesFactory_;
+ delete applicationPathProvider_;