path: root/Swift
diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2018-07-12 09:02:56 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2018-07-12 09:02:56 (GMT)
commit95b04304452c4cf0a01f676a12779dacc6fa51a4 (patch)
tree9a8dce3db8213b68901893a0a6d371243684c3ee /Swift
parent2bb40b14d3d7f5cebc56601dad066d5201040bd2 (diff)
Fix Python 3 compatibility of our SCons and tooling Python code
For the upcoming update to Scons 3, which works with Python 2 and Python 3, this change makes our code compatible with Python 3 so that it still works with Python 2. Test-Information: Tested these changes with SCons 3.0.1 on macOS 10.13.6 with Python 2.7.15 and Python 3.7.0. Change-Id: Idb5207b179a79a0dbe89d7e620d182a7d2f1ca6c
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift')
3 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/Packaging/SConscript b/Swift/Packaging/SConscript
index 3aa791f..556c596 100644
--- a/Swift/Packaging/SConscript
+++ b/Swift/Packaging/SConscript
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ if env["SCONS_STAGE"] == "build" :
target='$HELP2MAN_DEBIAN_DIR/swift-im.1', source='#/Swift/QtUI/swift-im',
action = Action('$HELP2MAN --no-discard-stderr -m "Swift Manual" -S "Swift" -n "swift-im" -N $SOURCE > $TARGET', cmdstr = "$HELP2MANSTR"))
- print "Enabled help2man but help2man is not in the PATH of the current environment."
+ print("Enabled help2man but help2man is not in the PATH of the current environment.")
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/SConscript b/Swift/QtUI/SConscript
index 8ee82e4..29aa8b8 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/SConscript
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/SConscript
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Import("env")
myenv = env.Clone()
# Disable warnings that affect Qt
-myenv["CXXFLAGS"] = filter(lambda x : x != "-Wfloat-equal", myenv["CXXFLAGS"])
+myenv["CXXFLAGS"] = list(filter(lambda x : x != "-Wfloat-equal", myenv["CXXFLAGS"]))
if "clang" in env["CC"] :
myenv.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wno-float-equal", "-Wno-shorten-64-to-32", "-Wno-conversion"])
@@ -512,16 +512,16 @@ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
def signToolAction(target = None, source = None, env = None):
signresult = 0
for x in range (1, 4) :
- print "Attemping to sign the packages [%s]" % x
+ print("Attemping to sign the packages [%s]" % x)
signresult = env.Execute('signtool.exe sign /fd SHA256 /f "${SIGNTOOL_KEY_PFX}" /t "${SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_URL}" /d "Swift Installer" ' + str(target[0]))
if signresult != 1 :
#If all 3 attemps to sign the package failed, stop the build.
if signresult == 1 :
- print "Error: The build has failed to sign the installer package"
+ print("Error: The build has failed to sign the installer package")
if signresult == 2 :
- print "Signing was completed with warnings."
+ print("Signing was completed with warnings.")
myenv.AddPostAction(lightTask, signToolAction)
diff --git a/Swift/SConscript b/Swift/SConscript
index b211435..30b09e0 100644
--- a/Swift/SConscript
+++ b/Swift/SConscript
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ SConscript("Controllers/SConscript")
if env["SCONS_STAGE"] == "build" :
if not GetOption("help") and not env.get("HAVE_QT", 0) :
if "Swift" in env["PROJECTS"] :
- print "Warning: Swift requires Qt. Not building the Swift Qt application."
+ print("Warning: Swift requires Qt. Not building the Swift Qt application.")
elif not GetOption("help") and env["target"] == "native" and "Swift" in env["PROJECTS"] :
try :
except Exception as e:
- print "Warning: %s" % str(e)
+ print("Warning: %s" % str(e))
if "Swift" in env["PROJECTS"] and env["BOOST_1_64_DETECTED"] and not env.get("allow_boost_1_64") and not env.GetOption("clean") :
#Version 1.64 has some issues with the serialization of boost::optional, see
- print "Boost 1.64 has been detected. It is not recommended to use this version due to a regression within the library. Swift has been removed from the current build. You can still use this version by setting allow_boost_1_64 to true, but recent chats and highlighting rules will reset."
+ print("Boost 1.64 has been detected. It is not recommended to use this version due to a regression within the library. Swift has been removed from the current build. You can still use this version by setting allow_boost_1_64 to true, but recent chats and highlighting rules will reset.")
if env["help2man"]:
SConscript("Packaging/SConscript") \ No newline at end of file