diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
commitcfbdb43d2cadd40aa87338d41548e4bf89e146e6 (patch)
tree18d94153a302445196fc0c18586abf44a1ce4a38 /Swiften/Client/ClientSession.h
parent1d545a4a7fb877f021508094b88c1f17b30d8b4e (diff)
Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source files
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
Diffstat (limited to 'Swiften/Client/ClientSession.h')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/Swiften/Client/ClientSession.h b/Swiften/Client/ClientSession.h
index a125c71..b1b6755 100644
--- a/Swiften/Client/ClientSession.h
+++ b/Swiften/Client/ClientSession.h
@@ -21,182 +21,182 @@
#include <Swiften/StreamManagement/StanzaAckResponder.h>
namespace Swift {
- class ClientAuthenticator;
- class CertificateTrustChecker;
- class IDNConverter;
- class CryptoProvider;
- class SWIFTEN_API ClientSession : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ClientSession> {
- public:
- enum State {
- Initial,
- WaitingForStreamStart,
- Negotiating,
- Compressing,
- WaitingForEncrypt,
- Encrypting,
- WaitingForCredentials,
- Authenticating,
- EnablingSessionManagement,
- BindingResource,
- StartingSession,
- Initialized,
- Finishing,
- Finished
- };
- struct Error : public Swift::Error {
- enum Type {
- AuthenticationFailedError,
- CompressionFailedError,
- ServerVerificationFailedError,
- NoSupportedAuthMechanismsError,
- UnexpectedElementError,
- ResourceBindError,
- SessionStartError,
- TLSClientCertificateError,
- TLSError,
- StreamError
- } type;
- boost::shared_ptr<boost::system::error_code> errorCode;
- Error(Type type) : type(type) {}
- };
- enum UseTLS {
- NeverUseTLS,
- UseTLSWhenAvailable,
- RequireTLS
- };
- ~ClientSession();
- static boost::shared_ptr<ClientSession> create(const JID& jid, boost::shared_ptr<SessionStream> stream, IDNConverter* idnConverter, CryptoProvider* crypto) {
- return boost::shared_ptr<ClientSession>(new ClientSession(jid, stream, idnConverter, crypto));
- }
- State getState() const {
- return state;
- }
- void setAllowPLAINOverNonTLS(bool b) {
- allowPLAINOverNonTLS = b;
- }
- void setUseStreamCompression(bool b) {
- useStreamCompression = b;
- }
- void setUseTLS(UseTLS b) {
- useTLS = b;
- }
- void setUseAcks(bool b) {
- useAcks = b;
- }
- bool getStreamManagementEnabled() const {
- // Explicitly convert to bool. In C++11, it would be cleaner to
- // compare to nullptr.
- return static_cast<bool>(stanzaAckRequester_);
- }
- bool getRosterVersioningSupported() const {
- return rosterVersioningSupported;
- }
- std::vector<Certificate::ref> getPeerCertificateChain() const {
- return stream->getPeerCertificateChain();
- }
- const JID& getLocalJID() const {
- return localJID;
- }
- void start();
- void finish();
- bool isFinished() const {
- return getState() == Finished;
- }
- void sendCredentials(const SafeByteArray& password);
- void sendStanza(boost::shared_ptr<Stanza>);
- void setCertificateTrustChecker(CertificateTrustChecker* checker) {
- certificateTrustChecker = checker;
- }
- void setSingleSignOn(bool b) {
- singleSignOn = b;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the port number used in Kerberos authentication
- * Does not affect network connectivity.
- */
- void setAuthenticationPort(int i) {
- authenticationPort = i;
- }
- public:
- boost::signal<void ()> onNeedCredentials;
- boost::signal<void ()> onInitialized;
- boost::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error>)> onFinished;
- boost::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<Stanza>)> onStanzaReceived;
- boost::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<Stanza>)> onStanzaAcked;
- private:
- ClientSession(
- const JID& jid,
- boost::shared_ptr<SessionStream>,
- IDNConverter* idnConverter,
- CryptoProvider* crypto);
- void finishSession(Error::Type error);
- void finishSession(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error> error);
- JID getRemoteJID() const {
- return JID("", localJID.getDomain());
- }
- void sendStreamHeader();
- void handleElement(boost::shared_ptr<ToplevelElement>);
- void handleStreamStart(const ProtocolHeader&);
- void handleStreamClosed(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error>);
- void handleTLSEncrypted();
- bool checkState(State);
- void continueSessionInitialization();
- void requestAck();
- void handleStanzaAcked(boost::shared_ptr<Stanza> stanza);
- void ack(unsigned int handledStanzasCount);
- void continueAfterTLSEncrypted();
- void checkTrustOrFinish(const std::vector<Certificate::ref>& certificateChain, boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> error);
- private:
- JID localJID;
- State state;
- boost::shared_ptr<SessionStream> stream;
- IDNConverter* idnConverter;
- CryptoProvider* crypto;
- bool allowPLAINOverNonTLS;
- bool useStreamCompression;
- UseTLS useTLS;
- bool useAcks;
- bool needSessionStart;
- bool needResourceBind;
- bool needAcking;
- bool rosterVersioningSupported;
- ClientAuthenticator* authenticator;
- boost::shared_ptr<StanzaAckRequester> stanzaAckRequester_;
- boost::shared_ptr<StanzaAckResponder> stanzaAckResponder_;
- boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error> error_;
- CertificateTrustChecker* certificateTrustChecker;
- bool singleSignOn;
- int authenticationPort;
- };
+ class ClientAuthenticator;
+ class CertificateTrustChecker;
+ class IDNConverter;
+ class CryptoProvider;
+ class SWIFTEN_API ClientSession : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<ClientSession> {
+ public:
+ enum State {
+ Initial,
+ WaitingForStreamStart,
+ Negotiating,
+ Compressing,
+ WaitingForEncrypt,
+ Encrypting,
+ WaitingForCredentials,
+ Authenticating,
+ EnablingSessionManagement,
+ BindingResource,
+ StartingSession,
+ Initialized,
+ Finishing,
+ Finished
+ };
+ struct Error : public Swift::Error {
+ enum Type {
+ AuthenticationFailedError,
+ CompressionFailedError,
+ ServerVerificationFailedError,
+ NoSupportedAuthMechanismsError,
+ UnexpectedElementError,
+ ResourceBindError,
+ SessionStartError,
+ TLSClientCertificateError,
+ TLSError,
+ StreamError
+ } type;
+ boost::shared_ptr<boost::system::error_code> errorCode;
+ Error(Type type) : type(type) {}
+ };
+ enum UseTLS {
+ NeverUseTLS,
+ UseTLSWhenAvailable,
+ RequireTLS
+ };
+ ~ClientSession();
+ static boost::shared_ptr<ClientSession> create(const JID& jid, boost::shared_ptr<SessionStream> stream, IDNConverter* idnConverter, CryptoProvider* crypto) {
+ return boost::shared_ptr<ClientSession>(new ClientSession(jid, stream, idnConverter, crypto));
+ }
+ State getState() const {
+ return state;
+ }
+ void setAllowPLAINOverNonTLS(bool b) {
+ allowPLAINOverNonTLS = b;
+ }
+ void setUseStreamCompression(bool b) {
+ useStreamCompression = b;
+ }
+ void setUseTLS(UseTLS b) {
+ useTLS = b;
+ }
+ void setUseAcks(bool b) {
+ useAcks = b;
+ }
+ bool getStreamManagementEnabled() const {
+ // Explicitly convert to bool. In C++11, it would be cleaner to
+ // compare to nullptr.
+ return static_cast<bool>(stanzaAckRequester_);
+ }
+ bool getRosterVersioningSupported() const {
+ return rosterVersioningSupported;
+ }
+ std::vector<Certificate::ref> getPeerCertificateChain() const {
+ return stream->getPeerCertificateChain();
+ }
+ const JID& getLocalJID() const {
+ return localJID;
+ }
+ void start();
+ void finish();
+ bool isFinished() const {
+ return getState() == Finished;
+ }
+ void sendCredentials(const SafeByteArray& password);
+ void sendStanza(boost::shared_ptr<Stanza>);
+ void setCertificateTrustChecker(CertificateTrustChecker* checker) {
+ certificateTrustChecker = checker;
+ }
+ void setSingleSignOn(bool b) {
+ singleSignOn = b;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the port number used in Kerberos authentication
+ * Does not affect network connectivity.
+ */
+ void setAuthenticationPort(int i) {
+ authenticationPort = i;
+ }
+ public:
+ boost::signal<void ()> onNeedCredentials;
+ boost::signal<void ()> onInitialized;
+ boost::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error>)> onFinished;
+ boost::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<Stanza>)> onStanzaReceived;
+ boost::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<Stanza>)> onStanzaAcked;
+ private:
+ ClientSession(
+ const JID& jid,
+ boost::shared_ptr<SessionStream>,
+ IDNConverter* idnConverter,
+ CryptoProvider* crypto);
+ void finishSession(Error::Type error);
+ void finishSession(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error> error);
+ JID getRemoteJID() const {
+ return JID("", localJID.getDomain());
+ }
+ void sendStreamHeader();
+ void handleElement(boost::shared_ptr<ToplevelElement>);
+ void handleStreamStart(const ProtocolHeader&);
+ void handleStreamClosed(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error>);
+ void handleTLSEncrypted();
+ bool checkState(State);
+ void continueSessionInitialization();
+ void requestAck();
+ void handleStanzaAcked(boost::shared_ptr<Stanza> stanza);
+ void ack(unsigned int handledStanzasCount);
+ void continueAfterTLSEncrypted();
+ void checkTrustOrFinish(const std::vector<Certificate::ref>& certificateChain, boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> error);
+ private:
+ JID localJID;
+ State state;
+ boost::shared_ptr<SessionStream> stream;
+ IDNConverter* idnConverter;
+ CryptoProvider* crypto;
+ bool allowPLAINOverNonTLS;
+ bool useStreamCompression;
+ UseTLS useTLS;
+ bool useAcks;
+ bool needSessionStart;
+ bool needResourceBind;
+ bool needAcking;
+ bool rosterVersioningSupported;
+ ClientAuthenticator* authenticator;
+ boost::shared_ptr<StanzaAckRequester> stanzaAckRequester_;
+ boost::shared_ptr<StanzaAckResponder> stanzaAckResponder_;
+ boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Error> error_;
+ CertificateTrustChecker* certificateTrustChecker;
+ bool singleSignOn;
+ int authenticationPort;
+ };