diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2016-03-31 14:57:35 (GMT)
commitcfbdb43d2cadd40aa87338d41548e4bf89e146e6 (patch)
tree18d94153a302445196fc0c18586abf44a1ce4a38 /Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport
parent1d545a4a7fb877f021508094b88c1f17b30d8b4e (diff)
Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source files
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
Diffstat (limited to 'Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport')
7 files changed, 541 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificate.h b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificate.h
index b8d3728..625c2ae 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificate.h
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificate.h
@@ -17,29 +17,29 @@ namespace Swift {
class SecureTransportCertificate : public Certificate {
- SecureTransportCertificate(SecCertificateRef certificate);
- SecureTransportCertificate(const ByteArray& der);
- virtual ~SecureTransportCertificate();
+ SecureTransportCertificate(SecCertificateRef certificate);
+ SecureTransportCertificate(const ByteArray& der);
+ virtual ~SecureTransportCertificate();
- virtual std::string getSubjectName() const;
- virtual std::vector<std::string> getCommonNames() const;
- virtual std::vector<std::string> getSRVNames() const;
- virtual std::vector<std::string> getDNSNames() const;
- virtual std::vector<std::string> getXMPPAddresses() const;
+ virtual std::string getSubjectName() const;
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> getCommonNames() const;
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> getSRVNames() const;
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> getDNSNames() const;
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> getXMPPAddresses() const;
- virtual ByteArray toDER() const;
+ virtual ByteArray toDER() const;
- void parse();
- typedef boost::remove_pointer<SecCertificateRef>::type SecCertificate;
+ void parse();
+ typedef boost::remove_pointer<SecCertificateRef>::type SecCertificate;
- boost::shared_ptr<SecCertificate> certificateHandle_;
- std::string subjectName_;
- std::vector<std::string> commonNames_;
- std::vector<std::string> srvNames_;
- std::vector<std::string> dnsNames_;
- std::vector<std::string> xmppAddresses_;
+ boost::shared_ptr<SecCertificate> certificateHandle_;
+ std::string subjectName_;
+ std::vector<std::string> commonNames_;
+ std::vector<std::string> srvNames_;
+ std::vector<std::string> dnsNames_;
+ std::vector<std::string> xmppAddresses_;
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/
index 6f8e158..398829c 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ template <typename T, typename S>
T bridge_cast(S source) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
- return (__bridge T)(source);
+ return (__bridge T)(source);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ namespace {
inline std::string ns2StdString(NSString* _Nullable nsString);
inline std::string ns2StdString(NSString* _Nullable nsString) {
- std::string stdString;
- if (nsString != nil) {
- stdString = std::string([nsString cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
- }
- return stdString;
+ std::string stdString;
+ if (nsString != nil) {
+ stdString = std::string([nsString cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+ }
+ return stdString;
@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ inline std::string ns2StdString(NSString* _Nullable nsString) {
namespace Swift {
SecureTransportCertificate::SecureTransportCertificate(SecCertificateRef certificate) {
- assert(certificate);
- CFRetain(certificate);
- certificateHandle_ = boost::shared_ptr<SecCertificate>(certificate, CFRelease);
- parse();
+ assert(certificate);
+ CFRetain(certificate);
+ certificateHandle_ = boost::shared_ptr<SecCertificate>(certificate, CFRelease);
+ parse();
SecureTransportCertificate::SecureTransportCertificate(const ByteArray& der) {
- CFDataRef derData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL,, static_cast<CFIndex>(der.size()), NULL);
- // certificate will take ownership of derData and free it on its release.
- SecCertificateRef certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(NULL, derData);
- if (certificate) {
- certificateHandle_ = boost::shared_ptr<SecCertificate>(certificate, CFRelease);
- parse();
- }
+ CFDataRef derData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL,, static_cast<CFIndex>(der.size()), NULL);
+ // certificate will take ownership of derData and free it on its release.
+ SecCertificateRef certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(NULL, derData);
+ if (certificate) {
+ certificateHandle_ = boost::shared_ptr<SecCertificate>(certificate, CFRelease);
+ parse();
+ }
SecureTransportCertificate::~SecureTransportCertificate() {
@@ -63,89 +63,89 @@ SecureTransportCertificate::~SecureTransportCertificate() {
void SecureTransportCertificate::parse() {
- assert(certificateHandle_);
- CFErrorRef error = NULL;
- // The SecCertificateCopyValues function is not part of the iOS Secure Transport API.
- CFDictionaryRef valueDict = SecCertificateCopyValues(certificateHandle_.get(), 0, &error);
- if (valueDict) {
- // Handle subject.
- CFStringRef subject = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(certificateHandle_.get());
- if (subject) {
- NSString* subjectStr = bridge_cast<NSString*>(subject);
- subjectName_ = ns2StdString(subjectStr);
- CFRelease(subject);
- }
- // Handle a single Common Name.
- CFStringRef commonName = NULL;
- OSStatus error = SecCertificateCopyCommonName(certificateHandle_.get(), &commonName);
- if (!error && commonName) {
- NSString* commonNameStr = bridge_cast<NSString*>(commonName);
- commonNames_.push_back(ns2StdString(commonNameStr));
- }
- if (commonName) {
- CFRelease(commonName);
- }
- // Handle Subject Alternative Names
- NSDictionary* certDict = bridge_cast<NSDictionary*>(valueDict);
- NSDictionary* subjectAltNamesDict = certDict[@""][@"value"];
- for (NSDictionary* entry in subjectAltNamesDict) {
- if ([entry[@"label"] isEqualToString:static_cast<NSString * _Nonnull>([NSString stringWithUTF8String:ID_ON_XMPPADDR_OID])]) {
- xmppAddresses_.push_back(ns2StdString(entry[@"value"]));
- }
- else if ([entry[@"label"] isEqualToString:static_cast<NSString * _Nonnull>([NSString stringWithUTF8String:ID_ON_DNSSRV_OID])]) {
- srvNames_.push_back(ns2StdString(entry[@"value"]));
- }
- else if ([entry[@"label"] isEqualToString:@"DNS Name"]) {
- dnsNames_.push_back(ns2StdString(entry[@"value"]));
- }
- }
- CFRelease(valueDict);
- }
- if (error) {
- CFRelease(error);
- }
+ assert(certificateHandle_);
+ CFErrorRef error = NULL;
+ // The SecCertificateCopyValues function is not part of the iOS Secure Transport API.
+ CFDictionaryRef valueDict = SecCertificateCopyValues(certificateHandle_.get(), 0, &error);
+ if (valueDict) {
+ // Handle subject.
+ CFStringRef subject = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(certificateHandle_.get());
+ if (subject) {
+ NSString* subjectStr = bridge_cast<NSString*>(subject);
+ subjectName_ = ns2StdString(subjectStr);
+ CFRelease(subject);
+ }
+ // Handle a single Common Name.
+ CFStringRef commonName = NULL;
+ OSStatus error = SecCertificateCopyCommonName(certificateHandle_.get(), &commonName);
+ if (!error && commonName) {
+ NSString* commonNameStr = bridge_cast<NSString*>(commonName);
+ commonNames_.push_back(ns2StdString(commonNameStr));
+ }
+ if (commonName) {
+ CFRelease(commonName);
+ }
+ // Handle Subject Alternative Names
+ NSDictionary* certDict = bridge_cast<NSDictionary*>(valueDict);
+ NSDictionary* subjectAltNamesDict = certDict[@""][@"value"];
+ for (NSDictionary* entry in subjectAltNamesDict) {
+ if ([entry[@"label"] isEqualToString:static_cast<NSString * _Nonnull>([NSString stringWithUTF8String:ID_ON_XMPPADDR_OID])]) {
+ xmppAddresses_.push_back(ns2StdString(entry[@"value"]));
+ }
+ else if ([entry[@"label"] isEqualToString:static_cast<NSString * _Nonnull>([NSString stringWithUTF8String:ID_ON_DNSSRV_OID])]) {
+ srvNames_.push_back(ns2StdString(entry[@"value"]));
+ }
+ else if ([entry[@"label"] isEqualToString:@"DNS Name"]) {
+ dnsNames_.push_back(ns2StdString(entry[@"value"]));
+ }
+ }
+ CFRelease(valueDict);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ CFRelease(error);
+ }
std::string SecureTransportCertificate::getSubjectName() const {
- return subjectName_;
+ return subjectName_;
std::vector<std::string> SecureTransportCertificate::getCommonNames() const {
- return commonNames_;
+ return commonNames_;
std::vector<std::string> SecureTransportCertificate::getSRVNames() const {
- return srvNames_;
+ return srvNames_;
std::vector<std::string> SecureTransportCertificate::getDNSNames() const {
- return dnsNames_;
+ return dnsNames_;
std::vector<std::string> SecureTransportCertificate::getXMPPAddresses() const {
- return xmppAddresses_;
+ return xmppAddresses_;
ByteArray SecureTransportCertificate::toDER() const {
- ByteArray der;
- if (certificateHandle_) {
- CFDataRef derData = SecCertificateCopyData(certificateHandle_.get());
- if (derData) {
- try {
- size_t dataSize = boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(CFDataGetLength(derData));
- der.resize(dataSize);
- CFDataGetBytes(derData, CFRangeMake(0,CFDataGetLength(derData)),;
- } catch (...) {
- }
- CFRelease(derData);
- }
- }
- return der;
+ ByteArray der;
+ if (certificateHandle_) {
+ CFDataRef derData = SecCertificateCopyData(certificateHandle_.get());
+ if (derData) {
+ try {
+ size_t dataSize = boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(CFDataGetLength(derData));
+ der.resize(dataSize);
+ CFDataGetBytes(derData, CFRangeMake(0,CFDataGetLength(derData)),;
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ CFRelease(derData);
+ }
+ }
+ return der;
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificateFactory.h b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificateFactory.h
index 1f86541..3ea469d 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificateFactory.h
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificateFactory.h
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
#include <Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportCertificate.h>
namespace Swift {
class SecureTransportCertificateFactory : public CertificateFactory {
- public:
- virtual Certificate* createCertificateFromDER(const ByteArray& der) {
- return new SecureTransportCertificate(der);
- }
- };
+ public:
+ virtual Certificate* createCertificateFromDER(const ByteArray& der) {
+ return new SecureTransportCertificate(der);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContext.h b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContext.h
index aa17c66..4d45f52 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContext.h
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContext.h
@@ -13,46 +13,46 @@
namespace Swift {
class SecureTransportContext : public TLSContext {
- public:
- SecureTransportContext(bool checkCertificateRevocation);
- virtual ~SecureTransportContext();
+ public:
+ SecureTransportContext(bool checkCertificateRevocation);
+ virtual ~SecureTransportContext();
- virtual void connect();
+ virtual void connect();
- virtual bool setClientCertificate(CertificateWithKey::ref cert);
+ virtual bool setClientCertificate(CertificateWithKey::ref cert);
- virtual void handleDataFromNetwork(const SafeByteArray&);
- virtual void handleDataFromApplication(const SafeByteArray&);
+ virtual void handleDataFromNetwork(const SafeByteArray&);
+ virtual void handleDataFromApplication(const SafeByteArray&);
- virtual std::vector<Certificate::ref> getPeerCertificateChain() const;
- virtual CertificateVerificationError::ref getPeerCertificateVerificationError() const;
+ virtual std::vector<Certificate::ref> getPeerCertificateChain() const;
+ virtual CertificateVerificationError::ref getPeerCertificateVerificationError() const;
- virtual ByteArray getFinishMessage() const;
- private:
- static OSStatus SSLSocketReadCallback(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data, size_t *dataLength);
- static OSStatus SSLSocketWriteCallback(SSLConnectionRef connection, const void *data, size_t *dataLength);
+ virtual ByteArray getFinishMessage() const;
- private:
- enum State { None, Handshake, HandshakeDone, Error};
- static std::string stateToString(State state);
- void setState(State newState);
+ private:
+ static OSStatus SSLSocketReadCallback(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data, size_t *dataLength);
+ static OSStatus SSLSocketWriteCallback(SSLConnectionRef connection, const void *data, size_t *dataLength);
- static boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> nativeToTLSError(OSStatus error);
- boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> CSSMErrorToVerificationError(OSStatus resultCode);
+ private:
+ enum State { None, Handshake, HandshakeDone, Error};
+ static std::string stateToString(State state);
+ void setState(State newState);
- void processHandshake();
- void verifyServerCertificate();
+ static boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> nativeToTLSError(OSStatus error);
+ boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> CSSMErrorToVerificationError(OSStatus resultCode);
- void fatalError(boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> error, boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> certificateError);
+ void processHandshake();
+ void verifyServerCertificate();
- private:
- boost::shared_ptr<SSLContext> sslContext_;
- SafeByteArray readingBuffer_;
- State state_;
- CertificateVerificationError::ref verificationError_;
- CertificateWithKey::ref clientCertificate_;
- bool checkCertificateRevocation_;
+ void fatalError(boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> error, boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> certificateError);
+ private:
+ boost::shared_ptr<SSLContext> sslContext_;
+ SafeByteArray readingBuffer_;
+ State state_;
+ CertificateVerificationError::ref verificationError_;
+ CertificateWithKey::ref clientCertificate_;
+ bool checkCertificateRevocation_;
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/
index ca6c5bb..62889fd 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
#import <Security/SecImportExport.h>
namespace {
- typedef boost::remove_pointer<CFArrayRef>::type CFArray;
- typedef boost::remove_pointer<SecTrustRef>::type SecTrust;
+ typedef boost::remove_pointer<CFArrayRef>::type CFArray;
+ typedef boost::remove_pointer<SecTrustRef>::type SecTrust;
template <typename T, typename S>
T bridge_cast(S source) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
- return (__bridge T)(source);
+ return (__bridge T)(source);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
@@ -37,162 +37,162 @@ namespace Swift {
namespace {
CFArrayRef CreateClientCertificateChainAsCFArrayRef(CertificateWithKey::ref key) {
- boost::shared_ptr<PKCS12Certificate> pkcs12 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PKCS12Certificate>(key);
- if (!key) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SafeByteArray safePassword = pkcs12->getPassword();
- CFIndex passwordSize = 0;
- try {
- passwordSize = boost::numeric_cast<CFIndex>(safePassword.size());
- } catch (...) {
- return NULL;
- }
- CFMutableArrayRef certChain = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, 0);
- OSStatus securityError = errSecSuccess;
- CFStringRef password = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault,, passwordSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
- const void* keys[] = { kSecImportExportPassphrase };
- const void* values[] = { password };
- CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys, values, 1, NULL, NULL);
- CFArrayRef items = NULL;
- CFDataRef pkcs12Data = bridge_cast<CFDataRef>([NSData dataWithBytes: static_cast<const void *>(pkcs12->getData().data()) length:pkcs12->getData().size()]);
- securityError = SecPKCS12Import(pkcs12Data, options, &items);
- CFRelease(options);
- NSArray* nsItems = bridge_cast<NSArray*>(items);
- switch(securityError) {
- case errSecSuccess:
- break;
- case errSecAuthFailed:
- // Password did not work for decoding the certificate.
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Invalid password." << std::endl;
- break;
- case errSecDecode:
- // Other decoding error.
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "PKCS12 decoding error." << std::endl;
- break;
- default:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Unknown error." << std::endl;
- }
- if (securityError != errSecSuccess) {
- if (items) {
- CFRelease(items);
- items = NULL;
- }
- CFRelease(certChain);
- certChain = NULL;
- }
- if (certChain) {
- CFArrayAppendValue(certChain, nsItems[0][@"identity"]);
- for (CFIndex index = 0; index < CFArrayGetCount(bridge_cast<CFArrayRef>(nsItems[0][@"chain"])); index++) {
- CFArrayAppendValue(certChain, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(bridge_cast<CFArrayRef>(nsItems[0][@"chain"]), index));
- }
- }
- return certChain;
+ boost::shared_ptr<PKCS12Certificate> pkcs12 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PKCS12Certificate>(key);
+ if (!key) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ SafeByteArray safePassword = pkcs12->getPassword();
+ CFIndex passwordSize = 0;
+ try {
+ passwordSize = boost::numeric_cast<CFIndex>(safePassword.size());
+ } catch (...) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CFMutableArrayRef certChain = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, 0);
+ OSStatus securityError = errSecSuccess;
+ CFStringRef password = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault,, passwordSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
+ const void* keys[] = { kSecImportExportPassphrase };
+ const void* values[] = { password };
+ CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys, values, 1, NULL, NULL);
+ CFArrayRef items = NULL;
+ CFDataRef pkcs12Data = bridge_cast<CFDataRef>([NSData dataWithBytes: static_cast<const void *>(pkcs12->getData().data()) length:pkcs12->getData().size()]);
+ securityError = SecPKCS12Import(pkcs12Data, options, &items);
+ CFRelease(options);
+ NSArray* nsItems = bridge_cast<NSArray*>(items);
+ switch(securityError) {
+ case errSecSuccess:
+ break;
+ case errSecAuthFailed:
+ // Password did not work for decoding the certificate.
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Invalid password." << std::endl;
+ break;
+ case errSecDecode:
+ // Other decoding error.
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "PKCS12 decoding error." << std::endl;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Unknown error." << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (securityError != errSecSuccess) {
+ if (items) {
+ CFRelease(items);
+ items = NULL;
+ }
+ CFRelease(certChain);
+ certChain = NULL;
+ }
+ if (certChain) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(certChain, nsItems[0][@"identity"]);
+ for (CFIndex index = 0; index < CFArrayGetCount(bridge_cast<CFArrayRef>(nsItems[0][@"chain"])); index++) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(certChain, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(bridge_cast<CFArrayRef>(nsItems[0][@"chain"]), index));
+ }
+ }
+ return certChain;
SecureTransportContext::SecureTransportContext(bool checkCertificateRevocation) : state_(None), checkCertificateRevocation_(checkCertificateRevocation) {
- sslContext_ = boost::shared_ptr<SSLContext>(SSLCreateContext(NULL, kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType), CFRelease);
- OSStatus error = noErr;
- // set IO callbacks
- error = SSLSetIOFuncs(sslContext_.get(), &SecureTransportContext::SSLSocketReadCallback, &SecureTransportContext::SSLSocketWriteCallback);
- if (error != noErr) {
- SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Unable to set IO functions to SSL context." << std::endl;
- sslContext_.reset();
- }
- error = SSLSetConnection(sslContext_.get(), this);
- if (error != noErr) {
- SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Unable to set connection to SSL context." << std::endl;
- sslContext_.reset();
- }
- error = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext_.get(), kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, true);
- if (error != noErr) {
- SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Unable to set kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth on session." << std::endl;
- sslContext_.reset();
- }
+ sslContext_ = boost::shared_ptr<SSLContext>(SSLCreateContext(NULL, kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType), CFRelease);
+ OSStatus error = noErr;
+ // set IO callbacks
+ error = SSLSetIOFuncs(sslContext_.get(), &SecureTransportContext::SSLSocketReadCallback, &SecureTransportContext::SSLSocketWriteCallback);
+ if (error != noErr) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Unable to set IO functions to SSL context." << std::endl;
+ sslContext_.reset();
+ }
+ error = SSLSetConnection(sslContext_.get(), this);
+ if (error != noErr) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Unable to set connection to SSL context." << std::endl;
+ sslContext_.reset();
+ }
+ error = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext_.get(), kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, true);
+ if (error != noErr) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Unable to set kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth on session." << std::endl;
+ sslContext_.reset();
+ }
SecureTransportContext::~SecureTransportContext() {
- if (sslContext_) {
- SSLClose(sslContext_.get());
- }
+ if (sslContext_) {
+ SSLClose(sslContext_.get());
+ }
std::string SecureTransportContext::stateToString(State state) {
- std::string returnValue;
- switch(state) {
- case Handshake:
- returnValue = "Handshake";
- break;
- case HandshakeDone:
- returnValue = "HandshakeDone";
- break;
- case None:
- returnValue = "None";
- break;
- case Error:
- returnValue = "Error";
- break;
- }
- return returnValue;
+ std::string returnValue;
+ switch(state) {
+ case Handshake:
+ returnValue = "Handshake";
+ break;
+ case HandshakeDone:
+ returnValue = "HandshakeDone";
+ break;
+ case None:
+ returnValue = "None";
+ break;
+ case Error:
+ returnValue = "Error";
+ break;
+ }
+ return returnValue;
void SecureTransportContext::setState(State newState) {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Switch state from " << stateToString(state_) << " to " << stateToString(newState) << "." << std::endl;
- state_ = newState;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Switch state from " << stateToString(state_) << " to " << stateToString(newState) << "." << std::endl;
+ state_ = newState;
void SecureTransportContext::connect() {
- SWIFT_LOG_ASSERT(state_ == None, error) << "current state '" << stateToString(state_) << " invalid." << std::endl;
- if (clientCertificate_) {
- CFArrayRef certs = CreateClientCertificateChainAsCFArrayRef(clientCertificate_);
- if (certs) {
- boost::shared_ptr<CFArray> certRefs(certs, CFRelease);
- OSStatus result = SSLSetCertificate(sslContext_.get(), certRefs.get());
- if (result != noErr) {
- SWIFT_LOG(error) << "SSLSetCertificate failed with error " << result << "." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- processHandshake();
+ SWIFT_LOG_ASSERT(state_ == None, error) << "current state '" << stateToString(state_) << " invalid." << std::endl;
+ if (clientCertificate_) {
+ CFArrayRef certs = CreateClientCertificateChainAsCFArrayRef(clientCertificate_);
+ if (certs) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<CFArray> certRefs(certs, CFRelease);
+ OSStatus result = SSLSetCertificate(sslContext_.get(), certRefs.get());
+ if (result != noErr) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(error) << "SSLSetCertificate failed with error " << result << "." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ processHandshake();
void SecureTransportContext::processHandshake() {
- SWIFT_LOG_ASSERT(state_ == None || state_ == Handshake, error) << "current state '" << stateToString(state_) << " invalid." << std::endl;
- OSStatus error = SSLHandshake(sslContext_.get());
- if (error == errSSLWouldBlock) {
- setState(Handshake);
- }
- else if (error == noErr) {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "TLS handshake successful." << std::endl;
- setState(HandshakeDone);
- onConnected();
- }
- else if (error == errSSLPeerAuthCompleted) {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Received server certificate. Start verification." << std::endl;
- setState(Handshake);
- verifyServerCertificate();
- }
- else {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Error returned from SSLHandshake call is " << error << "." << std::endl;
- fatalError(nativeToTLSError(error), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
- }
+ SWIFT_LOG_ASSERT(state_ == None || state_ == Handshake, error) << "current state '" << stateToString(state_) << " invalid." << std::endl;
+ OSStatus error = SSLHandshake(sslContext_.get());
+ if (error == errSSLWouldBlock) {
+ setState(Handshake);
+ }
+ else if (error == noErr) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "TLS handshake successful." << std::endl;
+ setState(HandshakeDone);
+ onConnected();
+ }
+ else if (error == errSSLPeerAuthCompleted) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Received server certificate. Start verification." << std::endl;
+ setState(Handshake);
+ verifyServerCertificate();
+ }
+ else {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Error returned from SSLHandshake call is " << error << "." << std::endl;
+ fatalError(nativeToTLSError(error), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
+ }
@@ -200,296 +200,296 @@ void SecureTransportContext::processHandshake() {
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
void SecureTransportContext::verifyServerCertificate() {
- SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
- OSStatus error = SSLCopyPeerTrust(sslContext_.get(), &trust);
- if (error != noErr) {
- fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
- return;
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust> trustRef = boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust>(trust, CFRelease);
- if (checkCertificateRevocation_) {
- error = SecTrustSetOptions(trust, kSecTrustOptionRequireRevPerCert | kSecTrustOptionFetchIssuerFromNet);
- if (error != noErr) {
- fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
- return;
- }
- }
- SecTrustResultType trustResult;
- error = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &trustResult);
- if (error != errSecSuccess) {
- fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
- return;
- }
- OSStatus cssmResult = 0;
- switch(trustResult) {
- case kSecTrustResultUnspecified:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Successful implicit validation. Result unspecified." << std::endl;
- break;
- case kSecTrustResultProceed:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Validation resulted in explicitly trusted." << std::endl;
- break;
- case kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "recoverable trust failure" << std::endl;
- error = SecTrustGetCssmResultCode(trust, &cssmResult);
- if (error == errSecSuccess) {
- verificationError_ = CSSMErrorToVerificationError(cssmResult);
- // Find out the reason why the verification failed.
- CFArrayRef certChain;
- error = SecTrustGetResult(trustRef.get(), &trustResult, &certChain, &statusChain);
- if (error == errSecSuccess) {
- boost::shared_ptr<CFArray> certChainRef = boost::shared_ptr<CFArray>(certChain, CFRelease);
- for (CFIndex index = 0; index < CFArrayGetCount(certChainRef.get()); index++) {
- for (CFIndex n = 0; n < statusChain[index].NumStatusCodes; n++) {
- // Even though Secure Transport reported CSSMERR_APPLETP_INCOMPLETE_REVOCATION_CHECK on the whole certificate
- // chain, the actual cause can be that a revocation check for a specific cert returned CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED.
- if (!verificationError_ || verificationError_->getType() == CertificateVerificationError::RevocationCheckFailed) {
- verificationError_ = CSSMErrorToVerificationError(statusChain[index].StatusCodes[n]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- verificationError_ = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::UnknownError);
- }
- break;
- case kSecTrustResultOtherError:
- verificationError_ = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::UnknownError);
- break;
- default:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Unhandled trust result " << trustResult << "." << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- // We proceed with the TLS handshake here to give the application an opportunity
- // to apply custom validation and trust management. The application is responsible
- // to call \ref getPeerCertificateVerificationError directly after the \ref onConnected
- // signal is called and before any application data is send to the context.
- processHandshake();
+ SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
+ OSStatus error = SSLCopyPeerTrust(sslContext_.get(), &trust);
+ if (error != noErr) {
+ fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
+ return;
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust> trustRef = boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust>(trust, CFRelease);
+ if (checkCertificateRevocation_) {
+ error = SecTrustSetOptions(trust, kSecTrustOptionRequireRevPerCert | kSecTrustOptionFetchIssuerFromNet);
+ if (error != noErr) {
+ fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ SecTrustResultType trustResult;
+ error = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &trustResult);
+ if (error != errSecSuccess) {
+ fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
+ return;
+ }
+ OSStatus cssmResult = 0;
+ switch(trustResult) {
+ case kSecTrustResultUnspecified:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Successful implicit validation. Result unspecified." << std::endl;
+ break;
+ case kSecTrustResultProceed:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Validation resulted in explicitly trusted." << std::endl;
+ break;
+ case kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "recoverable trust failure" << std::endl;
+ error = SecTrustGetCssmResultCode(trust, &cssmResult);
+ if (error == errSecSuccess) {
+ verificationError_ = CSSMErrorToVerificationError(cssmResult);
+ // Find out the reason why the verification failed.
+ CFArrayRef certChain;
+ error = SecTrustGetResult(trustRef.get(), &trustResult, &certChain, &statusChain);
+ if (error == errSecSuccess) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<CFArray> certChainRef = boost::shared_ptr<CFArray>(certChain, CFRelease);
+ for (CFIndex index = 0; index < CFArrayGetCount(certChainRef.get()); index++) {
+ for (CFIndex n = 0; n < statusChain[index].NumStatusCodes; n++) {
+ // Even though Secure Transport reported CSSMERR_APPLETP_INCOMPLETE_REVOCATION_CHECK on the whole certificate
+ // chain, the actual cause can be that a revocation check for a specific cert returned CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED.
+ if (!verificationError_ || verificationError_->getType() == CertificateVerificationError::RevocationCheckFailed) {
+ verificationError_ = CSSMErrorToVerificationError(statusChain[index].StatusCodes[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ verificationError_ = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::UnknownError);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kSecTrustResultOtherError:
+ verificationError_ = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::UnknownError);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Unhandled trust result " << trustResult << "." << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ // We proceed with the TLS handshake here to give the application an opportunity
+ // to apply custom validation and trust management. The application is responsible
+ // to call \ref getPeerCertificateVerificationError directly after the \ref onConnected
+ // signal is called and before any application data is send to the context.
+ processHandshake();
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
bool SecureTransportContext::setClientCertificate(CertificateWithKey::ref cert) {
- CFArrayRef nativeClientChain = CreateClientCertificateChainAsCFArrayRef(cert);
- if (nativeClientChain) {
- clientCertificate_ = cert;
- CFRelease(nativeClientChain);
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
+ CFArrayRef nativeClientChain = CreateClientCertificateChainAsCFArrayRef(cert);
+ if (nativeClientChain) {
+ clientCertificate_ = cert;
+ CFRelease(nativeClientChain);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
void SecureTransportContext::handleDataFromNetwork(const SafeByteArray& data) {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << std::endl;
- SWIFT_LOG_ASSERT(state_ == HandshakeDone || state_ == Handshake, error) << "current state '" << stateToString(state_) << " invalid." << std::endl;
- append(readingBuffer_, data);
- size_t bytesRead = 0;
- OSStatus error = noErr;
- SafeByteArray applicationData;
- switch(state_) {
- case None:
- assert(false && "Invalid state 'None'.");
- break;
- case Handshake:
- processHandshake();
- break;
- case HandshakeDone:
- while (error == noErr) {
- applicationData.resize(readingBuffer_.size());
- error = SSLRead(sslContext_.get(),, applicationData.size(), &bytesRead);
- if (error == noErr) {
- // Read successful.
- }
- else if (error == errSSLWouldBlock) {
- // Secure Transport does not want more data.
- break;
- }
- else {
- SWIFT_LOG(error) << "SSLRead failed with error " << error << ", read bytes: " << bytesRead << "." << std::endl;
- fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
- return;
- }
- if (bytesRead > 0) {
- applicationData.resize(bytesRead);
- onDataForApplication(applicationData);
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case Error:
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Igoring received data in error state." << std::endl;
- break;
- }
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << std::endl;
+ SWIFT_LOG_ASSERT(state_ == HandshakeDone || state_ == Handshake, error) << "current state '" << stateToString(state_) << " invalid." << std::endl;
+ append(readingBuffer_, data);
+ size_t bytesRead = 0;
+ OSStatus error = noErr;
+ SafeByteArray applicationData;
+ switch(state_) {
+ case None:
+ assert(false && "Invalid state 'None'.");
+ break;
+ case Handshake:
+ processHandshake();
+ break;
+ case HandshakeDone:
+ while (error == noErr) {
+ applicationData.resize(readingBuffer_.size());
+ error = SSLRead(sslContext_.get(),, applicationData.size(), &bytesRead);
+ if (error == noErr) {
+ // Read successful.
+ }
+ else if (error == errSSLWouldBlock) {
+ // Secure Transport does not want more data.
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ SWIFT_LOG(error) << "SSLRead failed with error " << error << ", read bytes: " << bytesRead << "." << std::endl;
+ fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (bytesRead > 0) {
+ applicationData.resize(bytesRead);
+ onDataForApplication(applicationData);
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Error:
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Igoring received data in error state." << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
void SecureTransportContext::handleDataFromApplication(const SafeByteArray& data) {
- size_t processedBytes = 0;
- OSStatus error = SSLWrite(sslContext_.get(),, data.size(), &processedBytes);
- switch(error) {
- case errSSLWouldBlock:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Unexpected because the write callback does not block." << std::endl;
- return;
- case errSSLClosedGraceful:
- case noErr:
- return;
- default:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "SSLWrite returned error code: " << error << ", processed bytes: " << processedBytes << std::endl;
- fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError>());
- }
+ size_t processedBytes = 0;
+ OSStatus error = SSLWrite(sslContext_.get(),, data.size(), &processedBytes);
+ switch(error) {
+ case errSSLWouldBlock:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Unexpected because the write callback does not block." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ case errSSLClosedGraceful:
+ case noErr:
+ return;
+ default:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "SSLWrite returned error code: " << error << ", processed bytes: " << processedBytes << std::endl;
+ fatalError(boost::make_shared<TLSError>(), boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError>());
+ }
std::vector<Certificate::ref> SecureTransportContext::getPeerCertificateChain() const {
- std::vector<Certificate::ref> peerCertificateChain;
- if (sslContext_) {
- typedef boost::remove_pointer<SecTrustRef>::type SecTrust;
- boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust> securityTrust;
- SecTrustRef secTrust = NULL;;
- OSStatus error = SSLCopyPeerTrust(sslContext_.get(), &secTrust);
- if (error == noErr) {
- securityTrust = boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust>(secTrust, CFRelease);
- CFIndex chainSize = SecTrustGetCertificateCount(securityTrust.get());
- for (CFIndex n = 0; n < chainSize; n++) {
- SecCertificateRef certificate = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(securityTrust.get(), n);
- if (certificate) {
- peerCertificateChain.push_back(boost::make_shared<SecureTransportCertificate>(certificate));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Failed to obtain peer trust structure; error = " << error << "." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- return peerCertificateChain;
+ std::vector<Certificate::ref> peerCertificateChain;
+ if (sslContext_) {
+ typedef boost::remove_pointer<SecTrustRef>::type SecTrust;
+ boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust> securityTrust;
+ SecTrustRef secTrust = NULL;;
+ OSStatus error = SSLCopyPeerTrust(sslContext_.get(), &secTrust);
+ if (error == noErr) {
+ securityTrust = boost::shared_ptr<SecTrust>(secTrust, CFRelease);
+ CFIndex chainSize = SecTrustGetCertificateCount(securityTrust.get());
+ for (CFIndex n = 0; n < chainSize; n++) {
+ SecCertificateRef certificate = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(securityTrust.get(), n);
+ if (certificate) {
+ peerCertificateChain.push_back(boost::make_shared<SecureTransportCertificate>(certificate));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Failed to obtain peer trust structure; error = " << error << "." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ return peerCertificateChain;
CertificateVerificationError::ref SecureTransportContext::getPeerCertificateVerificationError() const {
- return verificationError_;
+ return verificationError_;
ByteArray SecureTransportContext::getFinishMessage() const {
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Access to TLS handshake finish message is not part of OS X Secure Transport APIs." << std::endl;
- return ByteArray();
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Access to TLS handshake finish message is not part of OS X Secure Transport APIs." << std::endl;
+ return ByteArray();
- * This I/O callback simulates an asynchronous read to the read buffer of the context. If it is empty, it returns errSSLWouldBlock; else
+ * This I/O callback simulates an asynchronous read to the read buffer of the context. If it is empty, it returns errSSLWouldBlock; else
* the data within the buffer is returned.
OSStatus SecureTransportContext::SSLSocketReadCallback(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data, size_t *dataLength) {
- SecureTransportContext* context = const_cast<SecureTransportContext*>(static_cast<const SecureTransportContext*>(connection));
- OSStatus retValue = noErr;
- if (context->readingBuffer_.size() < *dataLength) {
- // Would block because Secure Transport is trying to read more data than there currently is available in the buffer.
- *dataLength = 0;
- retValue = errSSLWouldBlock;
- }
- else {
- size_t bufferLen = *dataLength;
- size_t copyToBuffer = bufferLen < context->readingBuffer_.size() ? bufferLen : context->readingBuffer_.size();
- memcpy(data, context->, copyToBuffer);
- context->readingBuffer_ = SafeByteArray(context-> + copyToBuffer, context-> + context->readingBuffer_.size());
- *dataLength = copyToBuffer;
- }
- return retValue;
+ SecureTransportContext* context = const_cast<SecureTransportContext*>(static_cast<const SecureTransportContext*>(connection));
+ OSStatus retValue = noErr;
+ if (context->readingBuffer_.size() < *dataLength) {
+ // Would block because Secure Transport is trying to read more data than there currently is available in the buffer.
+ *dataLength = 0;
+ retValue = errSSLWouldBlock;
+ }
+ else {
+ size_t bufferLen = *dataLength;
+ size_t copyToBuffer = bufferLen < context->readingBuffer_.size() ? bufferLen : context->readingBuffer_.size();
+ memcpy(data, context->, copyToBuffer);
+ context->readingBuffer_ = SafeByteArray(context-> + copyToBuffer, context-> + context->readingBuffer_.size());
+ *dataLength = copyToBuffer;
+ }
+ return retValue;
OSStatus SecureTransportContext::SSLSocketWriteCallback(SSLConnectionRef connection, const void *data, size_t *dataLength) {
- SecureTransportContext* context = const_cast<SecureTransportContext*>(static_cast<const SecureTransportContext*>(connection));
- OSStatus retValue = noErr;
- SafeByteArray safeData;
- safeData.resize(*dataLength);
- memcpy(, data, safeData.size());
- context->onDataForNetwork(safeData);
- return retValue;
+ SecureTransportContext* context = const_cast<SecureTransportContext*>(static_cast<const SecureTransportContext*>(connection));
+ OSStatus retValue = noErr;
+ SafeByteArray safeData;
+ safeData.resize(*dataLength);
+ memcpy(, data, safeData.size());
+ context->onDataForNetwork(safeData);
+ return retValue;
boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> SecureTransportContext::nativeToTLSError(OSStatus /* error */) {
- boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> swiftenError;
- swiftenError = boost::make_shared<TLSError>();
- return swiftenError;
+ boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> swiftenError;
+ swiftenError = boost::make_shared<TLSError>();
+ return swiftenError;
boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> SecureTransportContext::CSSMErrorToVerificationError(OSStatus resultCode) {
- boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> error;
- switch(resultCode) {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED" << std::endl;
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::Untrusted);
- break;
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_CERT_NOT_VALID_YET" << std::endl;
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::NotYetValid);
- break;
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_CERT_EXPIRED" << std::endl;
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::Expired);
- break;
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED" << std::endl;
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::Revoked);
- break;
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_VERIFY_ACTION_FAILED" << std::endl;
- break;
- if (checkCertificateRevocation_) {
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::RevocationCheckFailed);
- }
- break;
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_APPLETP_OCSP_UNAVAILABLE" << std::endl;
- if (checkCertificateRevocation_) {
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::RevocationCheckFailed);
- }
- break;
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_APPLETP_SSL_BAD_EXT_KEY_USE" << std::endl;
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::InvalidPurpose);
- break;
- default:
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "unhandled CSSM error: " << resultCode << ", CSSM_TP_BASE_TP_ERROR: " << CSSM_TP_BASE_TP_ERROR << std::endl;
- error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::UnknownError);
- break;
- }
- return error;
+ boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> error;
+ switch(resultCode) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED" << std::endl;
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::Untrusted);
+ break;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_CERT_NOT_VALID_YET" << std::endl;
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::NotYetValid);
+ break;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_CERT_EXPIRED" << std::endl;
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::Expired);
+ break;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED" << std::endl;
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::Revoked);
+ break;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_TP_VERIFY_ACTION_FAILED" << std::endl;
+ break;
+ if (checkCertificateRevocation_) {
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::RevocationCheckFailed);
+ }
+ break;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_APPLETP_OCSP_UNAVAILABLE" << std::endl;
+ if (checkCertificateRevocation_) {
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::RevocationCheckFailed);
+ }
+ break;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "CSSM result code: CSSMERR_APPLETP_SSL_BAD_EXT_KEY_USE" << std::endl;
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::InvalidPurpose);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "unhandled CSSM error: " << resultCode << ", CSSM_TP_BASE_TP_ERROR: " << CSSM_TP_BASE_TP_ERROR << std::endl;
+ error = boost::make_shared<CertificateVerificationError>(CertificateVerificationError::UnknownError);
+ break;
+ }
+ return error;
void SecureTransportContext::fatalError(boost::shared_ptr<TLSError> error, boost::shared_ptr<CertificateVerificationError> certificateError) {
- setState(Error);
- if (sslContext_) {
- SSLClose(sslContext_.get());
- }
- verificationError_ = certificateError;
- onError(error);
+ setState(Error);
+ if (sslContext_) {
+ SSLClose(sslContext_.get());
+ }
+ verificationError_ = certificateError;
+ onError(error);
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.cpp b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.cpp
index ce19839..1fac1fb 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.cpp
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.cpp
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ SecureTransportContextFactory::~SecureTransportContextFactory() {
bool SecureTransportContextFactory::canCreate() const {
- return true;
+ return true;
TLSContext* SecureTransportContextFactory::createTLSContext(const TLSOptions& /* tlsOptions */) {
- return new SecureTransportContext(checkCertificateRevocation_);
+ return new SecureTransportContext(checkCertificateRevocation_);
void SecureTransportContextFactory::setCheckCertificateRevocation(bool b) {
- checkCertificateRevocation_ = b;
+ checkCertificateRevocation_ = b;
void SecureTransportContextFactory::setDisconnectOnCardRemoval(bool b) {
- disconnectOnCardRemoval_ = b;
- if (disconnectOnCardRemoval_) {
- SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Smart cards have not been tested yet" << std::endl;
- }
+ disconnectOnCardRemoval_ = b;
+ if (disconnectOnCardRemoval_) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(warning) << "Smart cards have not been tested yet" << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.h b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.h
index f490768..74c598f 100644
--- a/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.h
+++ b/Swiften/TLS/SecureTransport/SecureTransportContextFactory.h
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@
namespace Swift {
class SecureTransportContextFactory : public TLSContextFactory {
- public:
- SecureTransportContextFactory();
- virtual ~SecureTransportContextFactory();
+ public:
+ SecureTransportContextFactory();
+ virtual ~SecureTransportContextFactory();
- virtual bool canCreate() const;
+ virtual bool canCreate() const;
- virtual TLSContext* createTLSContext(const TLSOptions& tlsOptions);
- virtual void setCheckCertificateRevocation(bool b);
- virtual void setDisconnectOnCardRemoval(bool b);
+ virtual TLSContext* createTLSContext(const TLSOptions& tlsOptions);
+ virtual void setCheckCertificateRevocation(bool b);
+ virtual void setDisconnectOnCardRemoval(bool b);
- private:
- bool checkCertificateRevocation_;
- bool disconnectOnCardRemoval_;
+ private:
+ bool checkCertificateRevocation_;
+ bool disconnectOnCardRemoval_;