diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/intrusive/options.hpp')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/intrusive/options.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/intrusive/options.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83eff09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/intrusive/options.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2007-2013
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for documentation.
+#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/intrusive_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/link_mode.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/pack_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/detail/mpl.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/detail/utilities.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace intrusive {
+//typedef void default_tag;
+struct default_tag;
+struct member_tag;
+namespace detail{
+struct default_hook_tag{};
+struct BOOST_INTRUSIVE_DEFAULT_HOOK_MARKER : public default_hook_tag\
+ template <class T>\
+ struct apply\
+ { typedef typename T::BOOST_INTRUSIVE_DEFAULT_HOOK_MARKER type; };\
+template <class T, class BaseHook>
+struct concrete_hook_base_value_traits
+ typedef typename BaseHook::hooktags tags;
+ typedef bhtraits
+ < T
+ , typename tags::node_traits
+ , tags::link_mode
+ , typename tags::tag
+ , tags::type> type;
+template <class BaseHook>
+struct concrete_hook_base_node_traits
+{ typedef typename BaseHook::hooktags::node_traits type; };
+template <class T, class AnyToSomeHook_ProtoValueTraits>
+struct any_hook_base_value_traits
+ //AnyToSomeHook value_traits derive from a generic_hook
+ //The generic_hook is configured with any_node_traits
+ //and AnyToSomeHook::value_traits with the correct
+ //node traits for the container, so use node_traits
+ //from AnyToSomeHook_ProtoValueTraits and the rest of
+ //elements from the hooktags member of the generic_hook
+ typedef AnyToSomeHook_ProtoValueTraits proto_value_traits;
+ typedef bhtraits
+ < T
+ , typename proto_value_traits::node_traits
+ , proto_value_traits::hooktags::link_mode
+ , typename proto_value_traits::hooktags::tag
+ , proto_value_traits::hooktags::type
+ > type;
+template <class BaseHook>
+struct any_hook_base_node_traits
+{ typedef typename BaseHook::node_traits type; };
+template<class T, class BaseHook>
+struct get_base_value_traits
+ typedef typename detail::eval_if_c
+ < internal_any_hook_bool_is_true<BaseHook>::value
+ , any_hook_base_value_traits<T, BaseHook>
+ , concrete_hook_base_value_traits<T, BaseHook>
+ >::type type;
+template<class BaseHook>
+struct get_base_node_traits
+ typedef typename detail::eval_if_c
+ < internal_any_hook_bool_is_true<BaseHook>::value
+ , any_hook_base_node_traits<BaseHook>
+ , concrete_hook_base_node_traits<BaseHook>
+ >::type type;
+template<class T, class MemberHook>
+struct get_member_value_traits
+ typedef typename MemberHook::member_value_traits type;
+template<class MemberHook>
+struct get_member_node_traits
+ typedef typename MemberHook::member_value_traits::node_traits type;
+template<class T, class SupposedValueTraits>
+struct get_value_traits
+ typedef typename detail::eval_if_c
+ <detail::is_convertible<SupposedValueTraits*, detail::default_hook_tag*>::value
+ ,detail::apply<SupposedValueTraits, T>
+ ,detail::identity<SupposedValueTraits>
+ >::type supposed_value_traits;
+ //...if it's a default hook
+ typedef typename detail::eval_if_c
+ < internal_base_hook_bool_is_true<supposed_value_traits>::value
+ //...get it's internal value traits using
+ //the provided T value type.
+ , get_base_value_traits<T, supposed_value_traits>
+ //...else use its internal value traits tag
+ //(member hooks and custom value traits are in this group)
+ , detail::eval_if_c
+ < internal_member_value_traits<supposed_value_traits>::value
+ , get_member_value_traits<T, supposed_value_traits>
+ , detail::identity<supposed_value_traits>
+ >
+ >::type type;
+template<class ValueTraits>
+struct get_explicit_node_traits
+ typedef typename ValueTraits::node_traits type;
+template<class SupposedValueTraits>
+struct get_node_traits
+ typedef SupposedValueTraits supposed_value_traits;
+ //...if it's a base hook
+ typedef typename detail::eval_if_c
+ < internal_base_hook_bool_is_true<supposed_value_traits>::value
+ //...get it's internal value traits using
+ //the provided T value type.
+ , get_base_node_traits<supposed_value_traits>
+ //...else use its internal value traits tag
+ //(member hooks and custom value traits are in this group)
+ , detail::eval_if_c
+ < internal_member_value_traits<supposed_value_traits>::value
+ , get_member_node_traits<supposed_value_traits>
+ , get_explicit_node_traits<supposed_value_traits>
+ >
+ >::type type;
+} //namespace detail{
+//!This option setter specifies if the intrusive
+//!container stores its size as a member to
+//!obtain constant-time size() member.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(constant_time_size, bool, Enabled, constant_time_size)
+//!This option setter specifies a container header holder type
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(header_holder_type, HeaderHolder, HeaderHolder, header_holder_type)
+//!This option setter specifies the type that
+//!the container will use to store its size.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(size_type, SizeType, SizeType, size_type)
+//!This option setter specifies the strict weak ordering
+//!comparison functor for the value type
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(compare, Compare, Compare, compare)
+//!This option setter for scapegoat containers specifies if
+//!the intrusive scapegoat container should use a non-variable
+//!alpha value that does not need floating-point operations.
+//!If activated, the fixed alpha value is 1/sqrt(2). This
+//!option also saves some space in the container since
+//!the alpha value and some additional data does not need
+//!to be stored in the container.
+//!If the user only needs an alpha value near 1/sqrt(2), this
+//!option also improves performance since avoids logarithm
+//!and division operations when rebalancing the tree.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(floating_point, bool, Enabled, floating_point)
+//!This option setter specifies the equality
+//!functor for the value type
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(equal, Equal, Equal, equal)
+//!This option setter specifies the equality
+//!functor for the value type
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(priority, Priority, Priority, priority)
+//!This option setter specifies the hash
+//!functor for the value type
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(hash, Hash, Hash, hash)
+//!This option setter specifies the relationship between the type
+//!to be managed by the container (the value type) and the node to be
+//!used in the node algorithms. It also specifies the linking policy.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(value_traits, ValueTraits, ValueTraits, proto_value_traits)
+//template< class Parent , class MemberHook , MemberHook Parent::* PtrToMember>
+//struct member_hook {
+// template<class Base> struct pack : Base {
+// typedef mhtraits < Parent , MemberHook , PtrToMember > proto_value_traits;
+// };
+//!This option setter specifies the member hook the
+//!container must use.
+template< typename Parent
+ , typename MemberHook
+ , MemberHook Parent::* PtrToMember>
+struct member_hook
+// @cond
+// typedef typename MemberHook::hooktags::node_traits node_traits;
+// typedef typename node_traits::node node_type;
+// typedef node_type Parent::* Ptr2MemNode;
+// typedef mhtraits
+// < Parent
+// , node_traits
+// //This cast is really ugly but necessary to reduce template bloat.
+// //Since we control the layout between the hook and the node, and there is
+// //always single inheritance, the offset of the node is exactly the offset of
+// //the hook. Since the node type is shared between all member hooks, this saves
+// //quite a lot of symbol stuff.
+// , (Ptr2MemNode)PtrToMember
+// , MemberHook::hooktags::link_mode> member_value_traits;
+ typedef mhtraits <Parent, MemberHook, PtrToMember> member_value_traits;
+ template<class Base>
+ struct pack : Base
+ {
+ typedef member_value_traits proto_value_traits;
+ };
+/// @endcond
+//!This option setter specifies the function object that will
+//!be used to convert between values to be inserted in a container
+//!and the hook to be used for that purpose.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(function_hook, Functor, fhtraits<Functor>, proto_value_traits)
+//!This option setter specifies that the container
+//!must use the specified base hook
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(base_hook, BaseHook, BaseHook, proto_value_traits)
+//!This option setter specifies the type of
+//!a void pointer. This will instruct the hook
+//!to use this type of pointer instead of the
+//!default one
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(void_pointer, VoidPointer, VoidPointer, void_pointer)
+//!This option setter specifies the type of
+//!the tag of a base hook. A type cannot have two
+//!base hooks of the same type, so a tag can be used
+//!to differentiate two base hooks with otherwise same type
+//!This option setter specifies the link mode
+//!(normal_link, safe_link or auto_unlink)
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(link_mode, link_mode_type, LinkType, link_mode)
+//!This option setter specifies if the hook
+//!should be optimized for size instead of for speed.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(optimize_size, bool, Enabled, optimize_size)
+//!This option setter specifies if the slist container should
+//!use a linear implementation instead of a circular one.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(linear, bool, Enabled, linear)
+//!If true, slist also stores a pointer to the last element of the singly linked list.
+//!This allows O(1) swap and splice_after(iterator, slist &) for circular slists and makes
+//!possible new functions like push_back(reference) and back().
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(cache_last, bool, Enabled, cache_last)
+//!This option setter specifies the bucket traits
+//!class for unordered associative containers. When this option is specified,
+//!instead of using the default bucket traits, a user defined holder will be defined
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_TYPE(bucket_traits, BucketTraits, BucketTraits, bucket_traits)
+//!This option setter specifies if the unordered hook
+//!should offer room to store the hash value.
+//!Storing the hash in the hook will speed up rehashing
+//!processes in applications where rehashing is frequent,
+//!rehashing might throw or the value is heavy to hash.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(store_hash, bool, Enabled, store_hash)
+//!This option setter specifies if the unordered hook
+//!should offer room to store another link to another node
+//!with the same key.
+//!Storing this link will speed up lookups and insertions on
+//!unordered_multiset containers with a great number of elements
+//!with the same key.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(optimize_multikey, bool, Enabled, optimize_multikey)
+//!This option setter specifies if the bucket array will be always power of two.
+//!This allows using masks instead of the default modulo operation to determine
+//!the bucket number from the hash value, leading to better performance.
+//!In debug mode, if power of two buckets mode is activated, the bucket length
+//!will be checked to through assertions to assure the bucket length is power of two.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(power_2_buckets, bool, Enabled, power_2_buckets)
+//!This option setter specifies if the container will cache a pointer to the first
+//!non-empty bucket so that begin() is always constant-time.
+//!This is specially helpful when we can have containers with a few elements
+//!but with big bucket arrays (that is, hashtables with low load factors).
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(cache_begin, bool, Enabled, cache_begin)
+//!This option setter specifies if the container will compare the hash value
+//!before comparing objects. This option can't be specified if store_hash<>
+//!is not true.
+//!This is specially helpful when we have containers with a high load factor.
+//!and the comparison function is much more expensive that comparing already
+//!stored hash values.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(compare_hash, bool, Enabled, compare_hash)
+//!This option setter specifies if the hash container will use incremental
+//!hashing. With incremental hashing the cost of hash table expansion is spread
+//!out across each hash table insertion operation, as opposed to be incurred all at once.
+//!Therefore linear hashing is well suited for interactive applications or real-time
+//!appplications where the worst-case insertion time of non-incremental hash containers
+//!(rehashing the whole bucket array) is not admisible.
+BOOST_INTRUSIVE_OPTION_CONSTANT(incremental, bool, Enabled, incremental)
+/// @cond
+struct none
+ template<class Base>
+ struct pack : Base
+ {};
+struct hook_defaults
+ typedef void* void_pointer;
+ static const link_mode_type link_mode = safe_link;
+ typedef default_tag tag;
+ static const bool optimize_size = false;
+ static const bool store_hash = false;
+ static const bool linear = false;
+ static const bool optimize_multikey = false;
+/// @endcond
+} //namespace intrusive {
+} //namespace boost {
+#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_end.hpp>