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Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/generate.hpp')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/generate.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/generate.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92a47c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/generate.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+/// \file generate.hpp
+/// Contains definition of generate\<\> class template, which end users can
+/// specialize for generating domain-specific expression wrappers.
+// Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
+// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#ifndef BOOST_PROTO_GENERATE_HPP_EAN_02_13_2007
+#define BOOST_PROTO_GENERATE_HPP_EAN_02_13_2007
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/intercept.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/proto/proto_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/proto/args.hpp>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4714) // function 'xxx' marked as __forceinline not inlined
+namespace boost { namespace proto
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct by_value_generator_;
+ template<typename Tag, typename Arg>
+ struct by_value_generator_<proto::expr<Tag, term<Arg>, 0> >
+ {
+ typedef
+ proto::expr<
+ Tag
+ , term<typename detail::term_traits<Arg>::value_type>
+ , 0
+ >
+ type;
+ static type const call(proto::expr<Tag, term<Arg>, 0> const &e)
+ {
+ type that = {e.child0};
+ return that;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename Tag, typename Arg>
+ struct by_value_generator_<proto::basic_expr<Tag, term<Arg>, 0> >
+ {
+ typedef
+ proto::basic_expr<
+ Tag
+ , term<typename detail::term_traits<Arg>::value_type>
+ , 0
+ >
+ type;
+ static type const call(proto::basic_expr<Tag, term<Arg>, 0> const &e)
+ {
+ type that = {e.child0};
+ return that;
+ }
+ };
+ // Include the other specializations of by_value_generator_
+ #include <boost/proto/detail/generate_by_value.hpp>
+ }
+ /// \brief Annotate a generator to indicate that it would
+ /// prefer to be passed instances of \c proto::basic_expr\<\> rather
+ /// than \c proto::expr\<\>. <tt>use_basic_expr\<Generator\></tt> is
+ /// itself a generator.
+ ///
+ template<typename Generator>
+ struct use_basic_expr
+ : Generator
+ {
+ };
+ /// \brief A simple generator that passes an expression
+ /// through unchanged.
+ ///
+ /// Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter
+ /// to the \c domain\<\> class template and control if and how
+ /// expressions within that domain are to be customized.
+ /// The \c default_generator makes no modifications to the expressions
+ /// passed to it.
+ struct default_generator
+ {
+ template<typename Sig>
+ struct result;
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ /// \param expr A Proto expression
+ /// \return expr
+ template<typename Expr>
+ operator ()(Expr const &e) const
+ {
+ return e;
+ }
+ };
+ /// \brief A simple generator that passes an expression
+ /// through unchanged and specifies a preference for
+ /// \c proto::basic_expr\<\> over \c proto::expr\<\>.
+ ///
+ /// Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter
+ /// to the \c domain\<\> class template and control if and how
+ /// expressions within that domain are to be customized.
+ /// The \c default_generator makes no modifications to the expressions
+ /// passed to it.
+ struct basic_default_generator
+ : proto::use_basic_expr<default_generator>
+ {};
+ /// \brief A generator that wraps expressions passed
+ /// to it in the specified extension wrapper.
+ ///
+ /// Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter
+ /// to the \c domain\<\> class template and control if and how
+ /// expressions within that domain are to be customized.
+ /// \c generator\<\> wraps each expression passed to it in
+ /// the \c Extends\<\> wrapper.
+ template<template<typename> class Extends>
+ struct generator
+ {
+ template<typename Sig>
+ struct result;
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Extends<Expr> type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr &)>
+ {
+ typedef Extends<Expr> type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr const &)>
+ {
+ typedef Extends<Expr> type;
+ };
+ /// \param expr A Proto expression
+ /// \return Extends<Expr>(expr)
+ template<typename Expr>
+ Extends<Expr> operator ()(Expr const &e) const
+ {
+ return Extends<Expr>(e);
+ }
+ };
+ /// \brief A generator that wraps expressions passed
+ /// to it in the specified extension wrapper and uses
+ /// aggregate initialization for the wrapper.
+ ///
+ /// Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter
+ /// to the \c domain\<\> class template and control if and how
+ /// expressions within that domain are to be customized.
+ /// \c pod_generator\<\> wraps each expression passed to it in
+ /// the \c Extends\<\> wrapper, and uses aggregate initialzation
+ /// for the wrapped object.
+ template<template<typename> class Extends>
+ struct pod_generator
+ {
+ template<typename Sig>
+ struct result;
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Extends<Expr> type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr &)>
+ {
+ typedef Extends<Expr> type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr const &)>
+ {
+ typedef Extends<Expr> type;
+ };
+ /// \param expr The expression to wrap
+ /// \return <tt>Extends\<Expr\> that = {expr}; return that;</tt>
+ template<typename Expr>
+ Extends<Expr> operator ()(Expr const &e) const
+ {
+ Extends<Expr> that = {e};
+ return that;
+ }
+ // Work-around for:
+ //
+ template<typename Class, typename Member>
+ Extends<expr<tag::terminal, proto::term<Member Class::*> > > operator ()(expr<tag::terminal, proto::term<Member Class::*> > const &e) const
+ {
+ Extends<expr<tag::terminal, proto::term<Member Class::*> > > that;
+ proto::value(that.proto_expr_) = proto::value(e);
+ return that;
+ }
+ template<typename Class, typename Member>
+ Extends<basic_expr<tag::terminal, proto::term<Member Class::*> > > operator ()(basic_expr<tag::terminal, proto::term<Member Class::*> > const &e) const
+ {
+ Extends<basic_expr<tag::terminal, proto::term<Member Class::*> > > that;
+ proto::value(that.proto_expr_) = proto::value(e);
+ return that;
+ }
+ #endif
+ };
+ /// \brief A generator that replaces child nodes held by
+ /// reference with ones held by value. Use with
+ /// \c compose_generators to forward that result to another
+ /// generator.
+ ///
+ /// Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter
+ /// to the \c domain\<\> class template and control if and how
+ /// expressions within that domain are to be customized.
+ /// \c by_value_generator ensures all child nodes are
+ /// held by value. This generator is typically composed with a
+ /// second generator for further processing, as
+ /// <tt>compose_generators\<by_value_generator, MyGenerator\></tt>.
+ struct by_value_generator
+ {
+ template<typename Sig>
+ struct result;
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename detail::by_value_generator_<Expr>::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr &)>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename detail::by_value_generator_<Expr>::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr const &)>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename detail::by_value_generator_<Expr>::type
+ type;
+ };
+ /// \param expr The expression to modify.
+ /// \return <tt>deep_copy(expr)</tt>
+ template<typename Expr>
+ typename result<by_value_generator(Expr)>::type operator ()(Expr const &e) const
+ {
+ return detail::by_value_generator_<Expr>::call(e);
+ }
+ };
+ /// \brief A composite generator that first applies one
+ /// transform to an expression and then forwards the result
+ /// on to another generator for further transformation.
+ ///
+ /// Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter
+ /// to the \c domain\<\> class template and control if and how
+ /// expressions within that domain are to be customized.
+ /// \c compose_generators\<\> is a composite generator that first
+ /// applies one transform to an expression and then forwards the
+ /// result on to another generator for further transformation.
+ template<typename First, typename Second>
+ struct compose_generators
+ {
+ template<typename Sig>
+ struct result;
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename Second::template result<
+ Second(typename First::template result<First(Expr)>::type)
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr &)>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename Second::template result<
+ Second(typename First::template result<First(Expr)>::type)
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename This, typename Expr>
+ struct result<This(Expr const &)>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename Second::template result<
+ Second(typename First::template result<First(Expr)>::type)
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ /// \param expr The expression to modify.
+ /// \return Second()(First()(expr))
+ template<typename Expr>
+ typename result<compose_generators(Expr)>::type operator ()(Expr const &e) const
+ {
+ return Second()(First()(e));
+ }
+ };
+ /// \brief Tests a generator to see whether it would prefer
+ /// to be passed instances of \c proto::basic_expr\<\> rather than
+ /// \c proto::expr\<\>.
+ ///
+ template<typename Generator, typename Void>
+ struct wants_basic_expr
+ : mpl::false_
+ {};
+ template<typename Generator>
+ struct wants_basic_expr<Generator, typename Generator::proto_use_basic_expr_>
+ : mpl::true_
+ {};
+ template<>
+ struct is_callable<default_generator>
+ : mpl::true_
+ {};
+ template<template<typename> class Extends>
+ struct is_callable<generator<Extends> >
+ : mpl::true_
+ {};
+ template<template<typename> class Extends>
+ struct is_callable<pod_generator<Extends> >
+ : mpl::true_
+ {};
+ template<>
+ struct is_callable<by_value_generator>
+ : mpl::true_
+ {};
+ template<typename First, typename Second>
+ struct is_callable<compose_generators<First, Second> >
+ : mpl::true_
+ {};
+// Specializations of boost::result_of and boost::tr1_result_of to eliminate
+// some unnecessary template instantiations
+namespace boost
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct result_of<proto::default_domain(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct result_of<proto::basic_default_domain(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct result_of<proto::default_generator(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct result_of<proto::basic_default_generator(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104400
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct tr1_result_of<proto::default_domain(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct tr1_result_of<proto::basic_default_domain(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct tr1_result_of<proto::default_generator(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ template<typename Expr>
+ struct tr1_result_of<proto::basic_default_generator(Expr)>
+ {
+ typedef Expr type;
+ };
+ #endif
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+# pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // BOOST_PROTO_GENERATE_HPP_EAN_02_13_2007