diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Sluift/core.lua')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Sluift/core.lua b/Sluift/core.lua
index 7487de1..ffbb5f9 100644
--- a/Sluift/core.lua
+++ b/Sluift/core.lua
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ end
-- Contains help for native methods that we want access to from here
local extra_help = {}
+local component_extra_help = {}
local help_data = {}
local help_classes = {}
local help_class_metatables = {}
@@ -481,6 +482,15 @@ local Client = {
Client.__index = Client
register_class_table_help(Client, "Client")
+_H = {
+ [[ Component interface ]]
+local Component = {
+ _with_prompt = function(component) return component:jid() end
+Component.__index = Component
+register_class_table_help(Component, "Component")
_H = {
[[ Interface to communicate with a PubSub service ]]
@@ -783,6 +793,196 @@ function Client:pubsub (jid)
+-- Component
+component_extra_help = {
+ ["Component.get_next_event"] = {
+ [[ Returns the next event. ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ type = "The type of event to return (`message`, `presence`). When omitted, all event types are returned.",
+ timeout = "The amount of time to wait for events.",
+ ["if"] = "A function to filter events. When this function, called with the event as a parameter, returns true, the event will be returned"
+ }
+ },
+ ["Component.get"] = {
+ [[ Sends a `get` query. ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ to = "The JID of the target to send the query to",
+ query = "The query to send",
+ timeout = "The amount of time to wait for the query to finish",
+ }
+ },
+ ["Component.set"] = {
+ [[ Sends a `set` query. ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ to = "The JID of the target to send the query to",
+ query = "The query to send.",
+ timeout = "The amount of time to wait for the query to finish.",
+ }
+ },
+ ["Component.async_connect"] = {
+ [[
+ Connect to the server asynchronously.
+ This method immediately returns.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = {
+ host = "The host to connect to.",
+ port = "The port to connect to."
+ }
+ }
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Connect to the server.
+ This method blocks until the connection has been established.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = component_extra_help["Component.async_connect"].options
+function Component:connect (...)
+ local options = parse_options({}, ...)
+ local f = options.f
+ self:async_connect(options)
+ self:wait_connected()
+ if f then
+ return call {function() return f(self) end, finally = function() self:disconnect() end}
+ end
+ return true
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Returns an iterator over all events.
+ This function blocks until `timeout` is reached (or blocks forever if it is omitted).
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = component_extra_help["Component.get_next_event"].options
+function Component:events (options)
+ local function component_events_iterator(s)
+ return s['component']:get_next_event(s['options'])
+ end
+ return component_events_iterator, {component = self, options = options}
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Calls `f` for each event.
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = merge_tables(get_help(, {
+ f = "The functor to call with each event. Required."
+ })
+function Component:for_each_event (...)
+ local options = parse_options({}, ...)
+ if not type(options.f) == 'function' then error('Expected function') end
+ for event in self:events(options) do
+ local result = options.f(event)
+ if result then
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+for method, event_type in pairs({message = 'message', presence = 'presence'}) do
+ _H = {
+ "Call `f` for all events of type `" .. event_type .. "`.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters("type", get_help(Component.for_each_event).options)
+ }
+ Component['for_each_' .. method] = function (component, ...)
+ local options = parse_options({}, ...)
+ options['type'] = event_type
+ return component:for_each_event (options)
+ end
+ register_help(Component['for_each_' .. method])
+ _H = {
+ "Get the next event of type `" .. event_type .. "`.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters("type", component_extra_help["Component.get_next_event"].options)
+ }
+ Component['get_next_' .. method] = function (component, ...)
+ local options = parse_options({}, ...)
+ options['type'] = event_type
+ return component:get_next_event(options)
+ end
+ register_help(Component['get_next_' .. method])
+for method, event_type in pairs({messages = 'message'}) do
+ _H = {
+ "Returns an iterator over all events of type `" .. event_type .. "`.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters("type", get_help(Component.for_each_event).options)
+ }
+ Component[method] = function (component, ...)
+ local options = parse_options({}, ...)
+ options['type'] = event_type
+ return component:events (options)
+ end
+ register_help(Component[method])
+_H = {
+ [[
+ Process all pending events
+ ]],
+ parameters = { "self" }
+function Component:process_events ()
+ for event in self:events{timeout=0} do end
+-- Register get_* and set_* convenience methods for some type of queries
+-- Example usages:
+-- component:get_software_version{to = 'alice@wonderland.lit'}
+-- component:set_command{to = 'alice@wonderland.lit', command = { type = 'execute', node = 'uptime' }}
+local get_set_shortcuts = {
+ get = {'software_version', 'disco_items', 'xml', 'dom', 'vcard'},
+ set = {'command'}
+for query_action, query_types in pairs(get_set_shortcuts) do
+ for _, query_type in ipairs(query_types) do
+ _H = {
+ "Sends a `" .. query_action .. "` query of type `" .. query_type .. "`.\n" ..
+ "Apart from the options below, all top level elements of `" .. query_type .. "` can be passed.",
+ parameters = { "self" },
+ options = remove_help_parameters({"query", "type"}, component_extra_help["Component.get"].options),
+ }
+ local method = query_action .. '_' .. query_type
+ Component[method] = function (component, options)
+ options = options or {}
+ if type(options) ~= 'table' then error('Invalid options: ' .. options) end
+ options['query'] = merge_tables({_type = query_type}, options[query_type] or {})
+ return component[query_action](component, options)
+ end
+ register_help(Component[method])
+ end
-- PubSub
@@ -1023,6 +1223,7 @@ extra_help['sluift'] = {
return {
Client = Client,
+ Component = Component,
register_help = register_help,
register_class_help = register_class_help,
register_table_tostring = register_table_tostring,
@@ -1035,6 +1236,7 @@ return {
get_help = get_help,
help = help,
extra_help = extra_help,
+ component_extra_help = component_extra_help,
copy = copy,
with = with,
create_form = create_form