diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/Controllers/AccountController.h')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/Controllers/AccountController.h b/Swift/Controllers/AccountController.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30ae265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Swift/Controllers/AccountController.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Isode Limited.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * See the COPYING file for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include <Swiften/Client/ClientError.h>
+#include <Swiften/Client/ClientXMLTracer.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/CapsInfo.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/DiscoInfo.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/ErrorPayload.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/Presence.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/VCard.h>
+#include <Swiften/JID/JID.h>
+#include <Swiften/Network/Timer.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/ProfileSettingsProvider.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Settings/SettingsProvider.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/UIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/XMPPEvents/ErrorEvent.h>
+namespace Swift {
+ class IdleDetector;
+ class UIFactory;
+ class EventLoop;
+ class Client;
+ class Chattables;
+ class ChatController;
+ class ChatsManager;
+ class CertificateStorageFactory;
+ class CertificateStorage;
+ class CertificateStorageTrustChecker;
+ class EventController;
+ class MainWindow;
+ class RosterController;
+ class LoginWindow;
+ class EventLoop;
+ class MUCController;
+ class Notifier;
+ class ProfileController;
+ class ShowProfileController;
+ class ContactEditController;
+ class TogglableNotifier;
+ class PresenceNotifier;
+ class EventNotifier;
+ class SystemTray;
+ class SystemTrayController;
+ class SoundEventController;
+ class SoundPlayer;
+ class XMLConsoleController;
+ class HistoryViewController;
+ class HistoryController;
+ class FileTransferListController;
+ class UIEventStream;
+ class EventWindowFactory;
+ class EventWindowController;
+ class MUCSearchController;
+ class UserSearchController;
+ class StatusTracker;
+ class Dock;
+ class Storages;
+ class StoragesFactory;
+ class NetworkFactories;
+ class URIHandler;
+ class XMPPURIController;
+ class AdHocManager;
+ class AdHocCommandWindowFactory;
+ class FileTransferOverview;
+ class WhiteboardManager;
+ class HighlightManager;
+ class HighlightEditorController;
+ class BlockListController;
+ class ContactSuggester;
+ class ContactsFromXMPPRoster;
+ class AccountController {
+ public:
+ AccountController(
+ EventLoop* eventLoop,
+ NetworkFactories* networkFactories,
+ UIFactory* uiFactories,
+ SettingsProvider *settings,
+ SystemTray* systemTray,
+ SoundPlayer* soundPlayer,
+ StoragesFactory* storagesFactory,
+ CertificateStorageFactory* certificateStorageFactory,
+ Dock* dock,
+ Notifier* notifier,
+ URIHandler* uriHandler,
+ IdleDetector* idleDetector,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string>& emoticons,
+ bool useDelayForLatency);
+ ~AccountController();
+ private:
+ void resetClient();
+ void handleConnected();
+ void handleLoginRequest(const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const std::string& certificatePath, CertificateWithKey::ref certificate, const ClientOptions& options, bool remember, bool loginAutomatically);
+ void handleCancelLoginRequest();
+ void handleQuitRequest();
+ void handleChangeStatusRequest(StatusShow::Type show, const std::string &statusText);
+ void handleDisconnected(const boost::optional<ClientError>& error);
+ void handleServerDiscoInfoResponse(std::shared_ptr<DiscoInfo>, ErrorPayload::ref);
+ void handleEventQueueLengthChange(int count);
+ void handleVCardReceived(const JID& j, VCard::ref vCard);
+ void handleSettingChanged(const std::string& settingPath);
+ void handlePurgeSavedLoginRequest(const std::string& username);
+ void sendPresence(std::shared_ptr<Presence> presence);
+ void handleInputIdleChanged(bool);
+ void handleShowCertificateRequest();
+ void logout();
+ void signOut();
+ void setReconnectTimer();
+ void resetPendingReconnects();
+ void resetCurrentError();
+ void enableMessageCarbons();
+ void performLoginFromCachedCredentials();
+ void reconnectAfterError();
+ void setManagersOffline();
+ void handleNotificationClicked(const JID& jid);
+ void handleForceQuit();
+ void purgeCachedCredentials();
+ std::string serializeClientOptions(const ClientOptions& options);
+ private:
+ EventLoop* eventLoop_;
+ NetworkFactories* networkFactories_;
+ UIFactory* uiFactory_;
+ StoragesFactory* storagesFactory_;
+ Storages* storages_;
+ CertificateStorageFactory* certificateStorageFactory_;
+ CertificateStorage* certificateStorage_;
+ CertificateStorageTrustChecker* certificateTrustChecker_;
+ bool clientInitialized_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Client> client_;
+ SettingsProvider *settings_;
+ ProfileSettingsProvider* profileSettings_ = nullptr;
+ Dock* dock_;
+ URIHandler* uriHandler_;
+ IdleDetector* idleDetector_;
+ TogglableNotifier* notifier_;
+ PresenceNotifier* presenceNotifier_;
+ EventNotifier* eventNotifier_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Chattables> chattables_;
+ RosterController* rosterController_;
+ EventController* eventController_;
+ EventWindowController* eventWindowController_;
+ AdHocManager* adHocManager_;
+ LoginWindow* loginWindow_;
+ UIEventStream* uiEventStream_;
+ XMLConsoleController* xmlConsoleController_;
+ HistoryViewController* historyViewController_;
+ HistoryController* historyController_;
+ FileTransferListController* fileTransferListController_;
+ BlockListController* blockListController_;
+ ChatsManager* chatsManager_;
+ ProfileController* profileController_;
+ ShowProfileController* showProfileController_;
+ ContactEditController* contactEditController_;
+ ContactsFromXMPPRoster* contactsFromRosterProvider_;
+ ContactSuggester* contactSuggesterWithoutRoster_;
+ ContactSuggester* contactSuggesterWithRoster_;
+ JID jid_;
+ JID boundJID_;
+ SystemTrayController* systemTrayController_;
+ SoundEventController* soundEventController_;
+ XMPPURIController* xmppURIController_;
+ std::string vCardPhotoHash_;
+ std::string password_;
+ CertificateWithKey::ref certificate_;
+ ClientOptions clientOptions_;
+ std::shared_ptr<ErrorEvent> lastDisconnectError_;
+ bool useDelayForLatency_;
+ UserSearchController* userSearchControllerChat_;
+ UserSearchController* userSearchControllerAdd_;
+ UserSearchController* userSearchControllerInvite_;
+ int timeBeforeNextReconnect_;
+ Timer::ref reconnectTimer_;
+ StatusTracker* statusTracker_;
+ bool myStatusLooksOnline_ = false;
+ bool quitRequested_;
+ bool offlineRequested_;
+ static const int SecondsToWaitBeforeForceQuitting;
+ FileTransferOverview* ftOverview_;
+ WhiteboardManager* whiteboardManager_;
+ HighlightManager* highlightManager_;
+ HighlightEditorController* highlightEditorController_;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> emoticons_;
+ boost::signals2::connection enableCarbonsRequestHandlerConnection_;
+ };