diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 635 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp
index 7649256..95d643c 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp
@@ -62,883 +62,883 @@
namespace Swift {
QtChatWindow::QtChatWindow(const QString& contact, QtChatTheme* theme, UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& emoticons) : QtTabbable(), id_(Q2PSTRING(contact)), contact_(contact), nextAlertId_(0), eventStream_(eventStream), blockingState_(BlockingUnsupported), isMUC_(false), supportsImpromptuChat_(false), roomBookmarkState_(RoomNotBookmarked) {
- settings_ = settings;
- unreadCount_ = 0;
- isOnline_ = true;
- completer_ = NULL;
- affiliationEditor_ = NULL;
- theme_ = theme;
- isCorrection_ = false;
- labelModel_ = NULL;
- correctionEnabled_ = Maybe;
- fileTransferEnabled_ = Maybe;
- updateTitleWithUnreadCount();
- assert(settings);
- setAcceptDrops(true);
- alertStyleSheet_ = ".QWidget, QTextEdit { background: rgb(255, 255, 153); color: black }";
- QBoxLayout *layout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, this);
- layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
- layout->setSpacing(2);
- alertLayout_ = new QVBoxLayout();
- layout->addLayout(alertLayout_);
- subjectLayout_ = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
- subject_ = new QLineEdit(this);
- subjectLayout_->addWidget(subject_);
- setSubject("");
- subject_->setReadOnly(true);
- QPushButton* actionButton_ = new QPushButton(this);
- actionButton_->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/actions.png"));
- connect(actionButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleActionButtonClicked()));
- subject_->hide();
- layout->addLayout(subjectLayout_);
- logRosterSplitter_ = new QSplitter(this);
- logRosterSplitter_->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- layout->addWidget(logRosterSplitter_);
- if (settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::USE_PLAIN_CHATS) || settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::USE_SCREENREADER)) {
- messageLog_ = new QtPlainChatView(this, eventStream_);
- }
- else {
- messageLog_ = new QtWebKitChatView(this, eventStream_, theme, this); // I accept that passing the ChatWindow in so that the view can call the signals is somewhat inelegant, but it saves a lot of boilerplate. This patch is unpleasant enough already. So let's fix this soon (it at least needs fixing by the time history is sorted), but not now.
- }
- logRosterSplitter_->addWidget(messageLog_);
- treeWidget_ = new QtOccupantListWidget(eventStream_, settings_, QtTreeWidget::MessageDefaultJID, this);
- treeWidget_->hide();
- logRosterSplitter_->addWidget(treeWidget_);
- logRosterSplitter_->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- connect(logRosterSplitter_, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int, int)), this, SLOT(handleSplitterMoved(int, int)));
- midBar_ = new QWidget(this);
- //layout->addWidget(midBar);
- midBar_->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- QHBoxLayout *midBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout(midBar_);
- midBarLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
- midBarLayout->setSpacing(2);
- //midBarLayout->addStretch();
- labelsWidget_ = new QComboBox(this);
- labelsWidget_->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- labelsWidget_->hide();
- labelsWidget_->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents);
- midBarLayout->addWidget(labelsWidget_,0);
- connect(labelsWidget_, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(handleCurrentLabelChanged(int)));
- defaultLabelsPalette_ = labelsWidget_->palette();
- QHBoxLayout* inputBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- inputBarLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
- inputBarLayout->setSpacing(2);
- input_ = new QtTextEdit(settings_, this);
- input_->setAcceptRichText(false);
- inputBarLayout->addWidget(midBar_);
- inputBarLayout->addWidget(input_);
- correctingLabel_ = new QLabel(tr("Correcting"), this);
- inputBarLayout->addWidget(correctingLabel_);
- correctingLabel_->hide();
- connect(input_, SIGNAL(receivedFocus()), this, SLOT(handleTextInputReceivedFocus()));
- connect(input_, SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(handleTextInputLostFocus()));
- QPushButton* emoticonsButton_ = new QPushButton(this);
- emoticonsButton_->setIcon(QIcon(":/emoticons/smile.png"));
- connect(emoticonsButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleEmoticonsButtonClicked()));
- emoticonsMenu_ = new QMenu(this);
- QtEmoticonsGrid* emoticonsGrid = new QtEmoticonsGrid(emoticons, emoticonsMenu_);
- connect(emoticonsGrid, SIGNAL(emoticonClicked(QString)), this, SLOT(handleEmoticonClicked(QString)));
- // using an extra layout to work around Qt margin glitches on OS X
- QHBoxLayout* actionLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- actionLayout->addWidget(emoticonsButton_);
- actionLayout->addWidget(actionButton_);
- inputBarLayout->addLayout(actionLayout);
- layout->addLayout(inputBarLayout);
- inputClearing_ = false;
- contactIsTyping_ = false;
- tabCompletion_ = false;
- connect(input_, SIGNAL(unhandledKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)));
- connect(input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed()));
- connect(input_, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(handleInputChanged()));
- connect(input_, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(handleCursorPositionChanged()));
- setFocusProxy(input_);
- logRosterSplitter_->setFocusProxy(input_);
- midBar_->setFocusProxy(input_);
- messageLog_->setFocusProxy(input_);
- connect(messageLog_, SIGNAL(gotFocus()), input_, SLOT(setFocus()));
- resize(400,300);
- connect(messageLog_, SIGNAL(fontResized(int)), this, SIGNAL(fontResized(int)));
- connect(messageLog_, SIGNAL(logCleared()), this, SLOT(handleLogCleared()));
- treeWidget_->onSomethingSelectedChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtChatWindow::handleOccupantSelectionChanged, this, _1));
- treeWidget_->onOccupantActionSelected.connect(boost::bind(boost::ref(onOccupantActionSelected), _1, _2));
- settings_->onSettingChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtChatWindow::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
- messageLog_->showEmoticons(settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS));
- setMinimumSize(100, 100);
+ settings_ = settings;
+ unreadCount_ = 0;
+ isOnline_ = true;
+ completer_ = NULL;
+ affiliationEditor_ = NULL;
+ theme_ = theme;
+ isCorrection_ = false;
+ labelModel_ = NULL;
+ correctionEnabled_ = Maybe;
+ fileTransferEnabled_ = Maybe;
+ updateTitleWithUnreadCount();
+ assert(settings);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ alertStyleSheet_ = ".QWidget, QTextEdit { background: rgb(255, 255, 153); color: black }";
+ QBoxLayout *layout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, this);
+ layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ layout->setSpacing(2);
+ alertLayout_ = new QVBoxLayout();
+ layout->addLayout(alertLayout_);
+ subjectLayout_ = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
+ subject_ = new QLineEdit(this);
+ subjectLayout_->addWidget(subject_);
+ setSubject("");
+ subject_->setReadOnly(true);
+ QPushButton* actionButton_ = new QPushButton(this);
+ actionButton_->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/actions.png"));
+ connect(actionButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleActionButtonClicked()));
+ subject_->hide();
+ layout->addLayout(subjectLayout_);
+ logRosterSplitter_ = new QSplitter(this);
+ logRosterSplitter_->setAutoFillBackground(true);
+ layout->addWidget(logRosterSplitter_);
+ if (settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::USE_PLAIN_CHATS) || settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::USE_SCREENREADER)) {
+ messageLog_ = new QtPlainChatView(this, eventStream_);
+ }
+ else {
+ messageLog_ = new QtWebKitChatView(this, eventStream_, theme, this); // I accept that passing the ChatWindow in so that the view can call the signals is somewhat inelegant, but it saves a lot of boilerplate. This patch is unpleasant enough already. So let's fix this soon (it at least needs fixing by the time history is sorted), but not now.
+ }
+ logRosterSplitter_->addWidget(messageLog_);
+ treeWidget_ = new QtOccupantListWidget(eventStream_, settings_, QtTreeWidget::MessageDefaultJID, this);
+ treeWidget_->hide();
+ logRosterSplitter_->addWidget(treeWidget_);
+ logRosterSplitter_->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
+ connect(logRosterSplitter_, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int, int)), this, SLOT(handleSplitterMoved(int, int)));
+ midBar_ = new QWidget(this);
+ //layout->addWidget(midBar);
+ midBar_->setAutoFillBackground(true);
+ QHBoxLayout *midBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout(midBar_);
+ midBarLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ midBarLayout->setSpacing(2);
+ //midBarLayout->addStretch();
+ labelsWidget_ = new QComboBox(this);
+ labelsWidget_->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+ labelsWidget_->hide();
+ labelsWidget_->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents);
+ midBarLayout->addWidget(labelsWidget_,0);
+ connect(labelsWidget_, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(handleCurrentLabelChanged(int)));
+ defaultLabelsPalette_ = labelsWidget_->palette();
+ QHBoxLayout* inputBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ inputBarLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ inputBarLayout->setSpacing(2);
+ input_ = new QtTextEdit(settings_, this);
+ input_->setAcceptRichText(false);
+ inputBarLayout->addWidget(midBar_);
+ inputBarLayout->addWidget(input_);
+ correctingLabel_ = new QLabel(tr("Correcting"), this);
+ inputBarLayout->addWidget(correctingLabel_);
+ correctingLabel_->hide();
+ connect(input_, SIGNAL(receivedFocus()), this, SLOT(handleTextInputReceivedFocus()));
+ connect(input_, SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(handleTextInputLostFocus()));
+ QPushButton* emoticonsButton_ = new QPushButton(this);
+ emoticonsButton_->setIcon(QIcon(":/emoticons/smile.png"));
+ connect(emoticonsButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleEmoticonsButtonClicked()));
+ emoticonsMenu_ = new QMenu(this);
+ QtEmoticonsGrid* emoticonsGrid = new QtEmoticonsGrid(emoticons, emoticonsMenu_);
+ connect(emoticonsGrid, SIGNAL(emoticonClicked(QString)), this, SLOT(handleEmoticonClicked(QString)));
+ // using an extra layout to work around Qt margin glitches on OS X
+ QHBoxLayout* actionLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ actionLayout->addWidget(emoticonsButton_);
+ actionLayout->addWidget(actionButton_);
+ inputBarLayout->addLayout(actionLayout);
+ layout->addLayout(inputBarLayout);
+ inputClearing_ = false;
+ contactIsTyping_ = false;
+ tabCompletion_ = false;
+ connect(input_, SIGNAL(unhandledKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)));
+ connect(input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed()));
+ connect(input_, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(handleInputChanged()));
+ connect(input_, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(handleCursorPositionChanged()));
+ setFocusProxy(input_);
+ logRosterSplitter_->setFocusProxy(input_);
+ midBar_->setFocusProxy(input_);
+ messageLog_->setFocusProxy(input_);
+ connect(messageLog_, SIGNAL(gotFocus()), input_, SLOT(setFocus()));
+ resize(400,300);
+ connect(messageLog_, SIGNAL(fontResized(int)), this, SIGNAL(fontResized(int)));
+ connect(messageLog_, SIGNAL(logCleared()), this, SLOT(handleLogCleared()));
+ treeWidget_->onSomethingSelectedChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtChatWindow::handleOccupantSelectionChanged, this, _1));
+ treeWidget_->onOccupantActionSelected.connect(boost::bind(boost::ref(onOccupantActionSelected), _1, _2));
+ settings_->onSettingChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtChatWindow::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
+ messageLog_->showEmoticons(settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS));
+ setMinimumSize(100, 100);
QtChatWindow::~QtChatWindow() {
- settings_->onSettingChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtChatWindow::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
- if (mucConfigurationWindow_) {
- delete;
- }
+ settings_->onSettingChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtChatWindow::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
+ if (mucConfigurationWindow_) {
+ delete;
+ }
void QtChatWindow::handleSettingChanged(const std::string& setting) {
- if (setting == QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS.getKey()) {
- bool showEmoticons = settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS);
- messageLog_->showEmoticons(showEmoticons);
- }
+ if (setting == QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS.getKey()) {
+ bool showEmoticons = settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS);
+ messageLog_->showEmoticons(showEmoticons);
+ }
void QtChatWindow::handleLogCleared() {
- onLogCleared();
+ onLogCleared();
void QtChatWindow::handleOccupantSelectionChanged(RosterItem* item) {
- onOccupantSelectionChanged(dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item));
+ onOccupantSelectionChanged(dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item));
void QtChatWindow::handleFontResized(int fontSizeSteps) {
- messageLog_->resizeFont(fontSizeSteps);
+ messageLog_->resizeFont(fontSizeSteps);
void QtChatWindow::handleAlertButtonClicked() {
- const QObject* alertWidget = QObject::sender()->parent();
- std::map<AlertID, QWidget*>::const_iterator i = alertWidgets_.begin();
- for ( ; i != alertWidgets_.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->second == alertWidget) {
- removeAlert(i->first);
- break;
- }
- }
+ const QObject* alertWidget = QObject::sender()->parent();
+ std::map<AlertID, QWidget*>::const_iterator i = alertWidgets_.begin();
+ for ( ; i != alertWidgets_.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->second == alertWidget) {
+ removeAlert(i->first);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
QtChatWindow::AlertID QtChatWindow::addAlert(const std::string& alertText) {
- QWidget* alertWidget = new QWidget(this);
- QHBoxLayout* alertLayout = new QHBoxLayout(alertWidget);
- alertLayout_->addWidget(alertWidget);
- QLabel* alertLabel = new QLabel(this);
- alertLabel->setText(alertText.c_str());
- alertLayout->addWidget(alertLabel);
- QToolButton* closeButton = new QToolButton(alertWidget);
- closeButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_TitleBarCloseButton));
- closeButton->setIconSize(QSize(16,16));
- closeButton->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- closeButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: none; padding: 0px; }");
- connect (closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleAlertButtonClicked()));
- alertLayout->addWidget(closeButton);
- QPalette palette = alertWidget->palette();
- palette.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::yellow));
- palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, QColor(Qt::black));
- alertWidget->setStyleSheet(alertStyleSheet_);
- alertLabel->setStyleSheet(alertStyleSheet_);
- AlertID id = nextAlertId_++;
- alertWidgets_[id] = alertWidget;
- return id;
+ QWidget* alertWidget = new QWidget(this);
+ QHBoxLayout* alertLayout = new QHBoxLayout(alertWidget);
+ alertLayout_->addWidget(alertWidget);
+ QLabel* alertLabel = new QLabel(this);
+ alertLabel->setText(alertText.c_str());
+ alertLayout->addWidget(alertLabel);
+ QToolButton* closeButton = new QToolButton(alertWidget);
+ closeButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_TitleBarCloseButton));
+ closeButton->setIconSize(QSize(16,16));
+ closeButton->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
+ closeButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: none; padding: 0px; }");
+ connect (closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleAlertButtonClicked()));
+ alertLayout->addWidget(closeButton);
+ QPalette palette = alertWidget->palette();
+ palette.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::yellow));
+ palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, QColor(Qt::black));
+ alertWidget->setStyleSheet(alertStyleSheet_);
+ alertLabel->setStyleSheet(alertStyleSheet_);
+ AlertID id = nextAlertId_++;
+ alertWidgets_[id] = alertWidget;
+ return id;
void QtChatWindow::removeAlert(const AlertID id) {
- std::map<AlertID, QWidget*>::iterator i = alertWidgets_.find(id);
- if (i != alertWidgets_.end()) {
- alertLayout_->removeWidget(i->second);
- delete i->second;
- alertWidgets_.erase(i);
- }
+ std::map<AlertID, QWidget*>::iterator i = alertWidgets_.find(id);
+ if (i != alertWidgets_.end()) {
+ alertLayout_->removeWidget(i->second);
+ delete i->second;
+ alertWidgets_.erase(i);
+ }
void QtChatWindow::setTabComplete(TabComplete* completer) {
- completer_ = completer;
+ completer_ = completer;
void QtChatWindow::handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) {
- event->ignore();
- if (event->isAccepted()) {
- return;
- }
- event->accept();
- int key = event->key();
- if (key == Qt::Key_Tab) {
- tabComplete();
- }
- else if ((key == Qt::Key_Up) && input_->toPlainText().isEmpty() && !(lastSentMessage_.isEmpty())) {
- beginCorrection();
- }
- else if (key == Qt::Key_Down && isCorrection_ && input_->textCursor().atBlockEnd()) {
- cancelCorrection();
- }
- else if (key == Qt::Key_Down || key == Qt::Key_Up) {
- event->ignore();
- }
- else {
- messageLog_->handleKeyPressEvent(event);
- }
+ event->ignore();
+ if (event->isAccepted()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ event->accept();
+ int key = event->key();
+ if (key == Qt::Key_Tab) {
+ tabComplete();
+ }
+ else if ((key == Qt::Key_Up) && input_->toPlainText().isEmpty() && !(lastSentMessage_.isEmpty())) {
+ beginCorrection();
+ }
+ else if (key == Qt::Key_Down && isCorrection_ && input_->textCursor().atBlockEnd()) {
+ cancelCorrection();
+ }
+ else if (key == Qt::Key_Down || key == Qt::Key_Up) {
+ event->ignore();
+ }
+ else {
+ messageLog_->handleKeyPressEvent(event);
+ }
void QtChatWindow::beginCorrection() {
- boost::optional<AlertID> newCorrectingAlert;
- if (correctionEnabled_ == Maybe) {
- newCorrectingAlert = addAlert(Q2PSTRING(tr("This chat may not support message correction. If you send a correction anyway, it may appear as a duplicate message")));
- }
- else if (correctionEnabled_ == No) {
- newCorrectingAlert = addAlert(Q2PSTRING(tr("This chat does not support message correction. If you send a correction anyway, it will appear as a duplicate message")));
- }
- if (newCorrectingAlert) {
- if (correctingAlert_) {
- removeAlert(*correctingAlert_);
- }
- correctingAlert_ = newCorrectingAlert;
- }
- QTextCursor cursor = input_->textCursor();
- cursor.beginEditBlock();
- cursor.insertText(QString(lastSentMessage_));
- cursor.endEditBlock();
- isCorrection_ = true;
- correctingLabel_->show();
- input_->setStyleSheet(alertStyleSheet_);
- labelsWidget_->setEnabled(false);
+ boost::optional<AlertID> newCorrectingAlert;
+ if (correctionEnabled_ == Maybe) {
+ newCorrectingAlert = addAlert(Q2PSTRING(tr("This chat may not support message correction. If you send a correction anyway, it may appear as a duplicate message")));
+ }
+ else if (correctionEnabled_ == No) {
+ newCorrectingAlert = addAlert(Q2PSTRING(tr("This chat does not support message correction. If you send a correction anyway, it will appear as a duplicate message")));
+ }
+ if (newCorrectingAlert) {
+ if (correctingAlert_) {
+ removeAlert(*correctingAlert_);
+ }
+ correctingAlert_ = newCorrectingAlert;
+ }
+ QTextCursor cursor = input_->textCursor();
+ cursor.beginEditBlock();
+ cursor.insertText(QString(lastSentMessage_));
+ cursor.endEditBlock();
+ isCorrection_ = true;
+ correctingLabel_->show();
+ input_->setStyleSheet(alertStyleSheet_);
+ labelsWidget_->setEnabled(false);
void QtChatWindow::cancelCorrection() {
- if (correctingAlert_) {
- removeAlert(*correctingAlert_);
- correctingAlert_.reset();
- }
- QTextCursor cursor = input_->textCursor();
- cursor.removeSelectedText();
- isCorrection_ = false;
- correctingLabel_->hide();
- input_->setStyleSheet(qApp->styleSheet());
- labelsWidget_->setEnabled(true);
+ if (correctingAlert_) {
+ removeAlert(*correctingAlert_);
+ correctingAlert_.reset();
+ }
+ QTextCursor cursor = input_->textCursor();
+ cursor.removeSelectedText();
+ isCorrection_ = false;
+ correctingLabel_->hide();
+ input_->setStyleSheet(qApp->styleSheet());
+ labelsWidget_->setEnabled(true);
QByteArray QtChatWindow::getSplitterState() {
- return logRosterSplitter_->saveState();
+ return logRosterSplitter_->saveState();
void QtChatWindow::handleChangeSplitterState(QByteArray state) {
- logRosterSplitter_->restoreState(state);
+ logRosterSplitter_->restoreState(state);
void QtChatWindow::handleSplitterMoved(int, int) {
- emit splitterMoved();
+ emit splitterMoved();
void QtChatWindow::tabComplete() {
- if (!completer_) {
- return;
- }
- QTextCursor cursor;
- if (tabCompleteCursor_.hasSelection()) {
- cursor = tabCompleteCursor_;
- }
- else {
- cursor = input_->textCursor();
- while(cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor) && cursor.document()->characterAt(cursor.position() - 1) != ' ') { }
- }
- QString root = cursor.selectedText();
- if (root.isEmpty()) {
- return;
- }
- QString suggestion = P2QSTRING(completer_->completeWord(Q2PSTRING(root)));
- if (root == suggestion) {
- return;
- }
- tabCompletion_ = true;
- cursor.beginEditBlock();
- cursor.removeSelectedText();
- int oldPosition = cursor.position();
- cursor.insertText(suggestion);
- tabCompleteCursor_ = cursor;
- tabCompleteCursor_.setPosition(oldPosition, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
- cursor.endEditBlock();
- tabCompletion_ = false;
+ if (!completer_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextCursor cursor;
+ if (tabCompleteCursor_.hasSelection()) {
+ cursor = tabCompleteCursor_;
+ }
+ else {
+ cursor = input_->textCursor();
+ while(cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor) && cursor.document()->characterAt(cursor.position() - 1) != ' ') { }
+ }
+ QString root = cursor.selectedText();
+ if (root.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QString suggestion = P2QSTRING(completer_->completeWord(Q2PSTRING(root)));
+ if (root == suggestion) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tabCompletion_ = true;
+ cursor.beginEditBlock();
+ cursor.removeSelectedText();
+ int oldPosition = cursor.position();
+ cursor.insertText(suggestion);
+ tabCompleteCursor_ = cursor;
+ tabCompleteCursor_.setPosition(oldPosition, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
+ cursor.endEditBlock();
+ tabCompletion_ = false;
void QtChatWindow::setRosterModel(Roster* roster) {
- treeWidget_->setRosterModel(roster);
+ treeWidget_->setRosterModel(roster);
void QtChatWindow::setAvailableSecurityLabels(const std::vector<SecurityLabelsCatalog::Item>& labels) {
- delete labelModel_;
- labelModel_ = new LabelModel();
- labelModel_->availableLabels_ = labels;
- int i = 0;
- int defaultIndex = 0;
- labelsWidget_->setModel(labelModel_);
- foreach (SecurityLabelsCatalog::Item label, labels) {
- if (label.getIsDefault()) {
- defaultIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- labelsWidget_->setCurrentIndex(defaultIndex);
+ delete labelModel_;
+ labelModel_ = new LabelModel();
+ labelModel_->availableLabels_ = labels;
+ int i = 0;
+ int defaultIndex = 0;
+ labelsWidget_->setModel(labelModel_);
+ foreach (SecurityLabelsCatalog::Item label, labels) {
+ if (label.getIsDefault()) {
+ defaultIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ labelsWidget_->setCurrentIndex(defaultIndex);
void QtChatWindow::handleCurrentLabelChanged(int index) {
- if (static_cast<size_t>(index) >= labelModel_->availableLabels_.size()) {
- SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "User selected a label that doesn't exist";
- return;
- }
- const SecurityLabelsCatalog::Item& label = labelModel_->availableLabels_[index];
- if (label.getLabel()) {
- QPalette palette = labelsWidget_->palette();
- //palette.setColor(QPalette::Base, P2QSTRING(label.getLabel()->getBackgroundColor()));
- palette.setColor(labelsWidget_->backgroundRole(), P2QSTRING(label.getLabel()->getBackgroundColor()));
- palette.setColor(labelsWidget_->foregroundRole(), P2QSTRING(label.getLabel()->getForegroundColor()));
- labelsWidget_->setPalette(palette);
- midBar_->setPalette(palette);
- labelsWidget_->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- }
- else {
- labelsWidget_->setAutoFillBackground(false);
- labelsWidget_->setPalette(defaultLabelsPalette_);
- midBar_->setPalette(defaultLabelsPalette_);
- }
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(index) >= labelModel_->availableLabels_.size()) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "User selected a label that doesn't exist";
+ return;
+ }
+ const SecurityLabelsCatalog::Item& label = labelModel_->availableLabels_[index];
+ if (label.getLabel()) {
+ QPalette palette = labelsWidget_->palette();
+ //palette.setColor(QPalette::Base, P2QSTRING(label.getLabel()->getBackgroundColor()));
+ palette.setColor(labelsWidget_->backgroundRole(), P2QSTRING(label.getLabel()->getBackgroundColor()));
+ palette.setColor(labelsWidget_->foregroundRole(), P2QSTRING(label.getLabel()->getForegroundColor()));
+ labelsWidget_->setPalette(palette);
+ midBar_->setPalette(palette);
+ labelsWidget_->setAutoFillBackground(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ labelsWidget_->setAutoFillBackground(false);
+ labelsWidget_->setPalette(defaultLabelsPalette_);
+ midBar_->setPalette(defaultLabelsPalette_);
+ }
void QtChatWindow::setSecurityLabelsError() {
- labelsWidget_->setEnabled(false);
+ labelsWidget_->setEnabled(false);
void QtChatWindow::setSecurityLabelsEnabled(bool enabled) {
- if (enabled) {
- labelsWidget_->setEnabled(true);
- labelsWidget_->show();
- }
- else {
- labelsWidget_->hide();
- }
+ if (enabled) {
+ labelsWidget_->setEnabled(true);
+ labelsWidget_->show();
+ }
+ else {
+ labelsWidget_->hide();
+ }
void QtChatWindow::setCorrectionEnabled(Tristate enabled) {
- correctionEnabled_ = enabled;
+ correctionEnabled_ = enabled;
void QtChatWindow::setFileTransferEnabled(Tristate enabled) {
- fileTransferEnabled_ = enabled;
+ fileTransferEnabled_ = enabled;
SecurityLabelsCatalog::Item QtChatWindow::getSelectedSecurityLabel() {
- assert(labelsWidget_->isEnabled());
- assert(labelsWidget_->currentIndex() >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(labelsWidget_->currentIndex()) < labelModel_->availableLabels_.size());
- return labelModel_->availableLabels_[labelsWidget_->currentIndex()];
+ assert(labelsWidget_->isEnabled());
+ assert(labelsWidget_->currentIndex() >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(labelsWidget_->currentIndex()) < labelModel_->availableLabels_.size());
+ return labelModel_->availableLabels_[labelsWidget_->currentIndex()];
void QtChatWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) {
- event->accept();
- emit windowClosing();
- onClosed();
+ event->accept();
+ emit windowClosing();
+ onClosed();
void QtChatWindow::convertToMUC(MUCType mucType) {
- impromptu_ = (mucType == ImpromptuMUC);
- treeWidget_->setMessageTarget(impromptu_ ? QtTreeWidget::MessageDisplayJID : QtTreeWidget::MessageDefaultJID);
- isMUC_ = true;
- treeWidget_->show();
- subject_->setVisible(!impromptu_);
+ impromptu_ = (mucType == ImpromptuMUC);
+ treeWidget_->setMessageTarget(impromptu_ ? QtTreeWidget::MessageDisplayJID : QtTreeWidget::MessageDefaultJID);
+ isMUC_ = true;
+ treeWidget_->show();
+ subject_->setVisible(!impromptu_);
void QtChatWindow::setOnline(bool online) {
- isOnline_ = online;
- if (!online) {
- if (mucConfigurationWindow_) {
- delete;
- }
- if (affiliationEditor_) {
- delete;
- }
- }
+ isOnline_ = online;
+ if (!online) {
+ if (mucConfigurationWindow_) {
+ delete;
+ }
+ if (affiliationEditor_) {
+ delete;
+ }
+ }
void QtChatWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) {
- emit windowOpening();
- QWidget::showEvent(event);
+ emit windowOpening();
+ QWidget::showEvent(event);
void QtChatWindow::setUnreadMessageCount(int count) {
- if (unreadCount_ != count) {
- unreadCount_ = count;
- updateTitleWithUnreadCount();
- emit countUpdated();
- }
+ if (unreadCount_ != count) {
+ unreadCount_ = count;
+ updateTitleWithUnreadCount();
+ emit countUpdated();
+ }
void QtChatWindow::setContactChatState(ChatState::ChatStateType state) {
- contactIsTyping_ = (state == ChatState::Composing);
- emit titleUpdated();
+ contactIsTyping_ = (state == ChatState::Composing);
+ emit titleUpdated();
QtTabbable::AlertType QtChatWindow::getWidgetAlertState() {
- if (contactIsTyping_) {
- return ImpendingActivity;
- }
- if (unreadCount_ > 0) {
- return WaitingActivity;
- }
- return NoActivity;
+ if (contactIsTyping_) {
+ return ImpendingActivity;
+ }
+ if (unreadCount_ > 0) {
+ return WaitingActivity;
+ }
+ return NoActivity;
void QtChatWindow::setName(const std::string& name) {
- contact_ = P2QSTRING(name);
- updateTitleWithUnreadCount();
+ contact_ = P2QSTRING(name);
+ updateTitleWithUnreadCount();
void QtChatWindow::updateTitleWithUnreadCount() {
- if (isWindow()) {
- setWindowTitle(unreadCount_ > 0 ? QString("(%1) %2").arg(unreadCount_).arg(contact_) : contact_);
- }
- else {
- setWindowTitle(contact_);
- }
- emit titleUpdated();
+ if (isWindow()) {
+ setWindowTitle(unreadCount_ > 0 ? QString("(%1) %2").arg(unreadCount_).arg(contact_) : contact_);
+ }
+ else {
+ setWindowTitle(contact_);
+ }
+ emit titleUpdated();
void QtChatWindow::flash() {
- emit requestFlash();
+ emit requestFlash();
int QtChatWindow::getCount() {
- return unreadCount_;
+ return unreadCount_;
void QtChatWindow::replaceSystemMessage(const ChatWindow::ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const ChatWindow::TimestampBehaviour timestampBehaviour) {
- messageLog_->replaceSystemMessage(message, id, timestampBehaviour);
+ messageLog_->replaceSystemMessage(message, id, timestampBehaviour);
void QtChatWindow::returnPressed() {
- if (!isOnline_ || (blockingState_ == IsBlocked)) {
- return;
- }
- messageLog_->scrollToBottom();
- lastSentMessage_ = QString(input_->toPlainText());
- onSendMessageRequest(Q2PSTRING(input_->toPlainText()), isCorrection_);
- inputClearing_ = true;
- input_->clear();
- cancelCorrection();
- inputClearing_ = false;
+ if (!isOnline_ || (blockingState_ == IsBlocked)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ messageLog_->scrollToBottom();
+ lastSentMessage_ = QString(input_->toPlainText());
+ onSendMessageRequest(Q2PSTRING(input_->toPlainText()), isCorrection_);
+ inputClearing_ = true;
+ input_->clear();
+ cancelCorrection();
+ inputClearing_ = false;
void QtChatWindow::handleInputChanged() {
- if (inputClearing_) {
- return;
- }
- if (input_->toPlainText().isEmpty()) {
- onUserCancelsTyping();
- }
- else {
- onUserTyping();
- }
+ if (inputClearing_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (input_->toPlainText().isEmpty()) {
+ onUserCancelsTyping();
+ }
+ else {
+ onUserTyping();
+ }
void QtChatWindow::handleCursorPositionChanged() {
- if (tabCompletion_) {
- return;
- }
- tabCompleteCursor_.clearSelection();
+ if (tabCompletion_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tabCompleteCursor_.clearSelection();
void QtChatWindow::show() {
- if (parentWidget() == NULL) {
- QWidget::show();
- }
- emit windowOpening();
+ if (parentWidget() == NULL) {
+ QWidget::show();
+ }
+ emit windowOpening();
bool QtChatWindow::isVisible() const {
- return QWidget::isVisible();
+ return QWidget::isVisible();
void QtChatWindow::activate() {
- if (isWindow()) {
- QWidget::show();
- }
- emit wantsToActivate();
- input_->setFocus();
+ if (isWindow()) {
+ QWidget::show();
+ }
+ emit wantsToActivate();
+ input_->setFocus();
void QtChatWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) {
- emit geometryChanged();
+ emit geometryChanged();
void QtChatWindow::moveEvent(QMoveEvent*) {
- emit geometryChanged();
+ emit geometryChanged();
void QtChatWindow::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) {
- if (isOnline_ && (blockingState_ != IsBlocked)) {
- if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() && event->mimeData()->urls().size() == 1) {
- if (!isMUC_ && fileTransferEnabled_ == Yes) {
- event->acceptProposedAction();
- }
- }
- else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/")) {
- if (isMUC_ || supportsImpromptuChat_) {
- // Prevent invitations or impromptu initializations for contacts that you are already chatting to.
- std::vector<JID> droppedJIDs =jidListFromQByteArray(event->mimeData()->data("application/"));
- std::set<JID> conversationJIDs;
- if (isMUC_) {
- conversationJIDs = treeWidget_->getRoster()->getJIDs();
- }
- for (std::vector<JID>::iterator i = droppedJIDs.begin(); i != droppedJIDs.end(); ) {
- const JID& droppedJID = *i;
- if (conversationJIDs.find(droppedJID) != conversationJIDs.end()) {
- i = droppedJIDs.erase(i);
- }
- else {
- ++i;
- }
- }
- if (droppedJIDs.empty()) {
- event->ignore();
- }
- else {
- event->acceptProposedAction();
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (isOnline_ && (blockingState_ != IsBlocked)) {
+ if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() && event->mimeData()->urls().size() == 1) {
+ if (!isMUC_ && fileTransferEnabled_ == Yes) {
+ event->acceptProposedAction();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/")) {
+ if (isMUC_ || supportsImpromptuChat_) {
+ // Prevent invitations or impromptu initializations for contacts that you are already chatting to.
+ std::vector<JID> droppedJIDs =jidListFromQByteArray(event->mimeData()->data("application/"));
+ std::set<JID> conversationJIDs;
+ if (isMUC_) {
+ conversationJIDs = treeWidget_->getRoster()->getJIDs();
+ }
+ for (std::vector<JID>::iterator i = droppedJIDs.begin(); i != droppedJIDs.end(); ) {
+ const JID& droppedJID = *i;
+ if (conversationJIDs.find(droppedJID) != conversationJIDs.end()) {
+ i = droppedJIDs.erase(i);
+ }
+ else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (droppedJIDs.empty()) {
+ event->ignore();
+ }
+ else {
+ event->acceptProposedAction();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
void QtChatWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) {
- if (fileTransferEnabled_ == Yes && event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) {
- if (event->mimeData()->urls().size() == 1) {
- onSendFileRequest(Q2PSTRING(event->mimeData()->urls().at(0).toLocalFile()));
- }
- else {
- std::string messageText(Q2PSTRING(tr("Sending of multiple files at once isn't supported at this time.")));
- ChatMessage message;
- message.append(boost::make_shared<ChatTextMessagePart>(messageText));
- addSystemMessage(message, DefaultDirection);
- }
- }
- else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/")) {
- std::vector<JID> invites = jidListFromQByteArray(event->mimeData()->data("application/"));
- onInviteToChat(invites);
- }
+ if (fileTransferEnabled_ == Yes && event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) {
+ if (event->mimeData()->urls().size() == 1) {
+ onSendFileRequest(Q2PSTRING(event->mimeData()->urls().at(0).toLocalFile()));
+ }
+ else {
+ std::string messageText(Q2PSTRING(tr("Sending of multiple files at once isn't supported at this time.")));
+ ChatMessage message;
+ message.append(boost::make_shared<ChatTextMessagePart>(messageText));
+ addSystemMessage(message, DefaultDirection);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/")) {
+ std::vector<JID> invites = jidListFromQByteArray(event->mimeData()->data("application/"));
+ onInviteToChat(invites);
+ }
std::vector<JID> QtChatWindow::jidListFromQByteArray(const QByteArray& dataBytes) {
- QDataStream dataStream(dataBytes);
- std::vector<JID> invites;
- while (!dataStream.atEnd()) {
- QString jidString;
- dataStream >> jidString;
- invites.push_back(Q2PSTRING(jidString));
- }
- return invites;
+ QDataStream dataStream(dataBytes);
+ std::vector<JID> invites;
+ while (!dataStream.atEnd()) {
+ QString jidString;
+ dataStream >> jidString;
+ invites.push_back(Q2PSTRING(jidString));
+ }
+ return invites;
void QtChatWindow::setAvailableOccupantActions(const std::vector<OccupantAction>& actions) {
- treeWidget_->setAvailableOccupantActions(actions);
+ treeWidget_->setAvailableOccupantActions(actions);
void QtChatWindow::setSubject(const std::string& subject) {
- //subject_->setVisible(!subject.empty());
- subject_->setText(P2QSTRING(subject));
- subject_->setToolTip(P2QSTRING(subject));
- subject_->setCursorPosition(0);
+ //subject_->setVisible(!subject.empty());
+ subject_->setText(P2QSTRING(subject));
+ subject_->setToolTip(P2QSTRING(subject));
+ subject_->setCursorPosition(0);
void QtChatWindow::handleEmoticonsButtonClicked() {
- emoticonsMenu_->adjustSize();
- QSize menuSize = emoticonsMenu_->size();
- emoticonsMenu_->exec(QPoint(QCursor::pos().x() - menuSize.width(), QCursor::pos().y() - menuSize.height()));
+ emoticonsMenu_->adjustSize();
+ QSize menuSize = emoticonsMenu_->size();
+ emoticonsMenu_->exec(QPoint(QCursor::pos().x() - menuSize.width(), QCursor::pos().y() - menuSize.height()));
void QtChatWindow::handleEmoticonClicked(QString emoticonAsText) {
- input_->textCursor().insertText(emoticonAsText);
- input_->setFocus();
+ input_->textCursor().insertText(emoticonAsText);
+ input_->setFocus();
void QtChatWindow::handleTextInputReceivedFocus() {
- lastLineTracker_.setHasFocus(true);
- input_->setFocus();
- onAllMessagesRead();
+ lastLineTracker_.setHasFocus(true);
+ input_->setFocus();
+ onAllMessagesRead();
void QtChatWindow::handleTextInputLostFocus() {
- lastLineTracker_.setHasFocus(false);
+ lastLineTracker_.setHasFocus(false);
void QtChatWindow::handleActionButtonClicked() {
- QMenu contextMenu;
- QAction* changeSubject = NULL;
- QAction* configure = NULL;
- QAction* affiliations = NULL;
- QAction* destroy = NULL;
- QAction* invite = NULL;
- QAction* block = NULL;
- QAction* unblock = NULL;
- if (availableRoomActions_.empty()) {
- if (blockingState_ == IsBlocked) {
- unblock = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Unblock"));
- unblock->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- }
- else if (!isMUC_ && blockingState_ == IsUnblocked) {
- block = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Block"));
- block->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- }
- if (supportsImpromptuChat_) {
- invite = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Invite person to this chat…"));
- invite->setEnabled(isOnline_ && (blockingState_ != IsBlocked));
- }
- }
- else {
- foreach(ChatWindow::RoomAction availableAction, availableRoomActions_)
- {
- if (impromptu_) {
- // hide options we don't need in impromptu chats
- if (availableAction == ChatWindow::ChangeSubject ||
- availableAction == ChatWindow::Configure ||
- availableAction == ChatWindow::Affiliations ||
- availableAction == ChatWindow::Destroy) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- switch(availableAction)
- {
- case ChatWindow::ChangeSubject:
- changeSubject = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Change subject…"));
- changeSubject->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- break;
- case ChatWindow::Configure:
- configure = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Configure room…"));
- configure->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- break;
- case ChatWindow::Affiliations:
- affiliations = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit affiliations…"));
- affiliations->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- break;
- case ChatWindow::Destroy:
- destroy = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Destroy room"));
- destroy->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- break;
- case ChatWindow::Invite:
- invite = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Invite person to this room…"));
- invite->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- QAction* bookmark = NULL;
- if (isMUC_) {
- if (roomBookmarkState_ == RoomNotBookmarked) {
- bookmark = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Bookmark this room..."));
- }
- else {
- bookmark = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit bookmark..."));
- }
- bookmark->setEnabled(isOnline_);
- }
- QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(QCursor::pos());
- if (result == NULL) {
- /* Skip processing. Note that otherwise, because the actions could be null they could match */
- }
- else if (result == changeSubject) {
- bool ok;
- QString subject = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Change room subject"), tr("New subject:"), QLineEdit::Normal, subject_->text(), &ok);
- if (ok) {
- onChangeSubjectRequest(Q2PSTRING(subject));
- }
- }
- else if (result == configure) {
- onConfigureRequest(Form::ref());
- }
- else if (result == affiliations) {
- if (!affiliationEditor_) {
- onGetAffiliationsRequest();
- affiliationEditor_ = new QtAffiliationEditor(this);
- connect(affiliationEditor_, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(handleAffiliationEditorAccepted()));
- }
- affiliationEditor_->show();
- }
- else if (result == destroy) {
- QMessageBox msgBox;
- msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Confirm room destruction"));
- msgBox.setText(tr("Are you sure you want to destroy the room?"));
- msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("This will destroy the room."));
- msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
- msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
- if (msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) {
- onDestroyRequest();
- }
- }
- else if (result == invite) {
- onInviteToChat(std::vector<JID>());
- }
- else if (result == block) {
- onBlockUserRequest();
- }
- else if (result == unblock) {
- onUnblockUserRequest();
- }
- else if (result == bookmark) {
- onBookmarkRequest();
- }
+ QMenu contextMenu;
+ QAction* changeSubject = NULL;
+ QAction* configure = NULL;
+ QAction* affiliations = NULL;
+ QAction* destroy = NULL;
+ QAction* invite = NULL;
+ QAction* block = NULL;
+ QAction* unblock = NULL;
+ if (availableRoomActions_.empty()) {
+ if (blockingState_ == IsBlocked) {
+ unblock = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Unblock"));
+ unblock->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ }
+ else if (!isMUC_ && blockingState_ == IsUnblocked) {
+ block = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Block"));
+ block->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ }
+ if (supportsImpromptuChat_) {
+ invite = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Invite person to this chat…"));
+ invite->setEnabled(isOnline_ && (blockingState_ != IsBlocked));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach(ChatWindow::RoomAction availableAction, availableRoomActions_)
+ {
+ if (impromptu_) {
+ // hide options we don't need in impromptu chats
+ if (availableAction == ChatWindow::ChangeSubject ||
+ availableAction == ChatWindow::Configure ||
+ availableAction == ChatWindow::Affiliations ||
+ availableAction == ChatWindow::Destroy) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(availableAction)
+ {
+ case ChatWindow::ChangeSubject:
+ changeSubject = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Change subject…"));
+ changeSubject->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::Configure:
+ configure = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Configure room…"));
+ configure->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::Affiliations:
+ affiliations = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit affiliations…"));
+ affiliations->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::Destroy:
+ destroy = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Destroy room"));
+ destroy->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::Invite:
+ invite = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Invite person to this room…"));
+ invite->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QAction* bookmark = NULL;
+ if (isMUC_) {
+ if (roomBookmarkState_ == RoomNotBookmarked) {
+ bookmark = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Bookmark this room..."));
+ }
+ else {
+ bookmark = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit bookmark..."));
+ }
+ bookmark->setEnabled(isOnline_);
+ }
+ QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(QCursor::pos());
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ /* Skip processing. Note that otherwise, because the actions could be null they could match */
+ }
+ else if (result == changeSubject) {
+ bool ok;
+ QString subject = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Change room subject"), tr("New subject:"), QLineEdit::Normal, subject_->text(), &ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ onChangeSubjectRequest(Q2PSTRING(subject));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result == configure) {
+ onConfigureRequest(Form::ref());
+ }
+ else if (result == affiliations) {
+ if (!affiliationEditor_) {
+ onGetAffiliationsRequest();
+ affiliationEditor_ = new QtAffiliationEditor(this);
+ connect(affiliationEditor_, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(handleAffiliationEditorAccepted()));
+ }
+ affiliationEditor_->show();
+ }
+ else if (result == destroy) {
+ QMessageBox msgBox;
+ msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Confirm room destruction"));
+ msgBox.setText(tr("Are you sure you want to destroy the room?"));
+ msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("This will destroy the room."));
+ msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
+ if (msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) {
+ onDestroyRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result == invite) {
+ onInviteToChat(std::vector<JID>());
+ }
+ else if (result == block) {
+ onBlockUserRequest();
+ }
+ else if (result == unblock) {
+ onUnblockUserRequest();
+ }
+ else if (result == bookmark) {
+ onBookmarkRequest();
+ }
void QtChatWindow::handleAffiliationEditorAccepted() {
- onChangeAffiliationsRequest(affiliationEditor_->getChanges());
+ onChangeAffiliationsRequest(affiliationEditor_->getChanges());
void QtChatWindow::setAffiliations(MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation, const std::vector<JID>& jids) {
- if (!affiliationEditor_) return;
- affiliationEditor_->setAffiliations(affiliation, jids);
+ if (!affiliationEditor_) return;
+ affiliationEditor_->setAffiliations(affiliation, jids);
void QtChatWindow::setAvailableRoomActions(const std::vector<RoomAction>& actions) {
- availableRoomActions_ = actions;
+ availableRoomActions_ = actions;
void QtChatWindow::setBlockingState(BlockingState state) {
- blockingState_ = state;
+ blockingState_ = state;
void QtChatWindow::setCanInitiateImpromptuChats(bool supportsImpromptu) {
- supportsImpromptuChat_ = supportsImpromptu;
+ supportsImpromptuChat_ = supportsImpromptu;
void QtChatWindow::showBookmarkWindow(const MUCBookmark& bookmark) {
- if (roomBookmarkState_ == RoomNotBookmarked) {
- QtAddBookmarkWindow* window = new QtAddBookmarkWindow(eventStream_, bookmark);
- window->show();
- }
- else {
- QtEditBookmarkWindow* window = new QtEditBookmarkWindow(eventStream_, bookmark);
- window->show();
- }
+ if (roomBookmarkState_ == RoomNotBookmarked) {
+ QtAddBookmarkWindow* window = new QtAddBookmarkWindow(eventStream_, bookmark);
+ window->show();
+ }
+ else {
+ QtEditBookmarkWindow* window = new QtEditBookmarkWindow(eventStream_, bookmark);
+ window->show();
+ }
std::string QtChatWindow::getID() const {
- return id_;
+ return id_;
void QtChatWindow::showRoomConfigurationForm(Form::ref form) {
- if (mucConfigurationWindow_) {
- delete;
- }
- mucConfigurationWindow_ = new QtMUCConfigurationWindow(form);
- mucConfigurationWindow_->onFormComplete.connect(boost::bind(boost::ref(onConfigureRequest), _1));
- mucConfigurationWindow_->onFormCancelled.connect(boost::bind(boost::ref(onConfigurationFormCancelled)));
+ if (mucConfigurationWindow_) {
+ delete;
+ }
+ mucConfigurationWindow_ = new QtMUCConfigurationWindow(form);
+ mucConfigurationWindow_->onFormComplete.connect(boost::bind(boost::ref(onConfigureRequest), _1));
+ mucConfigurationWindow_->onFormCancelled.connect(boost::bind(boost::ref(onConfigurationFormCancelled)));
void QtChatWindow::handleAppendedToLog() {
- if (lastLineTracker_.getShouldMoveLastLine()) {
- /* should this be queued? */
- messageLog_->addLastSeenLine();
- }
- if (isWidgetSelected()) {
- onAllMessagesRead();
- }
+ if (lastLineTracker_.getShouldMoveLastLine()) {
+ /* should this be queued? */
+ messageLog_->addLastSeenLine();
+ }
+ if (isWidgetSelected()) {
+ onAllMessagesRead();
+ }
void QtChatWindow::addMUCInvitation(const std::string& senderName, const JID& jid, const std::string& reason, const std::string& password, bool direct, bool isImpromptu, bool isContinuation) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- messageLog_->addMUCInvitation(senderName, jid, reason, password, direct, isImpromptu, isContinuation);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ messageLog_->addMUCInvitation(senderName, jid, reason, password, direct, isImpromptu, isContinuation);
std::string QtChatWindow::addMessage(const ChatMessage& message, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- return messageLog_->addMessage(message, senderName, senderIsSelf, label, avatarPath, time);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ return messageLog_->addMessage(message, senderName, senderIsSelf, label, avatarPath, time);
std::string QtChatWindow::addAction(const ChatMessage& message, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- return messageLog_->addAction(message, senderName, senderIsSelf, label, avatarPath, time);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ return messageLog_->addAction(message, senderName, senderIsSelf, label, avatarPath, time);
std::string QtChatWindow::addSystemMessage(const ChatMessage& message, Direction direction) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- return messageLog_->addSystemMessage(message, direction);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ return messageLog_->addSystemMessage(message, direction);
void QtChatWindow::addPresenceMessage(const ChatMessage& message, Direction direction) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- messageLog_->addPresenceMessage(message, direction);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ messageLog_->addPresenceMessage(message, direction);
void QtChatWindow::addErrorMessage(const ChatMessage& message) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- messageLog_->addErrorMessage(message);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ messageLog_->addErrorMessage(message);
void QtChatWindow::replaceMessage(const ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- messageLog_->replaceMessage(message, id, time);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ messageLog_->replaceMessage(message, id, time);
void QtChatWindow::replaceWithAction(const ChatMessage& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- messageLog_->replaceWithAction(message, id, time);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ messageLog_->replaceWithAction(message, id, time);
std::string QtChatWindow::addFileTransfer(const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, const std::string& filename, const boost::uintmax_t sizeInBytes, const std::string& description) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- return messageLog_->addFileTransfer(senderName, senderIsSelf, filename, sizeInBytes, description);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ return messageLog_->addFileTransfer(senderName, senderIsSelf, filename, sizeInBytes, description);
void QtChatWindow::setFileTransferProgress(std::string id, const int percentageDone) {
- messageLog_->setFileTransferProgress(id, percentageDone);
+ messageLog_->setFileTransferProgress(id, percentageDone);
void QtChatWindow::setFileTransferStatus(std::string id, const FileTransferState state, const std::string& msg) {
- messageLog_->setFileTransferStatus(id, state, msg);
+ messageLog_->setFileTransferStatus(id, state, msg);
std::string QtChatWindow::addWhiteboardRequest(bool senderIsSelf) {
- handleAppendedToLog();
- return messageLog_->addWhiteboardRequest(contact_, senderIsSelf);
+ handleAppendedToLog();
+ return messageLog_->addWhiteboardRequest(contact_, senderIsSelf);
void QtChatWindow::setWhiteboardSessionStatus(std::string id, const ChatWindow::WhiteboardSessionState state) {
- messageLog_->setWhiteboardSessionStatus(id, state);
+ messageLog_->setWhiteboardSessionStatus(id, state);
void QtChatWindow::replaceLastMessage(const ChatMessage& message, const TimestampBehaviour timestampBehaviour) {
- messageLog_->replaceLastMessage(message, timestampBehaviour);
+ messageLog_->replaceLastMessage(message, timestampBehaviour);
void QtChatWindow::setAckState(const std::string& id, AckState state) {
- messageLog_->setAckState(id, state);
+ messageLog_->setAckState(id, state);
void QtChatWindow::setMessageReceiptState(const std::string& id, ChatWindow::ReceiptState state) {
- messageLog_->setMessageReceiptState(id, state);
+ messageLog_->setMessageReceiptState(id, state);
void QtChatWindow::setBookmarkState(RoomBookmarkState bookmarkState) {
- roomBookmarkState_ = bookmarkState;
+ roomBookmarkState_ = bookmarkState;