diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
index 89dfa01..28c7044 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtSwift.cpp
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
#include <Swiften/Base/Path.h>
#include <Swiften/Base/Paths.h>
#include <Swiften/Base/Platform.h>
+#include <Swiften/Base/String.h>
#include <Swiften/Client/Client.h>
#include <Swiften/Elements/Presence.h>
+#include <Swiften/StringCodecs/Base64.h>
#include <Swiften/TLS/TLSContextFactory.h>
#include <SwifTools/Application/PlatformApplicationPathProvider.h>
@@ -92,8 +94,6 @@ po::options_description QtSwift::getOptionsDescription() {
("version", "Show version information")
("no-tabs", "Don't manage chat windows in tabs (unsupported)")
("latency-debug", "Use latency debugging (unsupported)")
- ("multi-account", po::value<int>()->default_value(1), "Number of accounts to open windows for (unsupported)")
- ("start-minimized", "Don't show the login/roster window at startup")
("enable-jid-adhocs", "Enable AdHoc commands to custom JIDs.")
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
("language", po::value<std::string>(), "Use a specific language, instead of the system-wide one")
@@ -167,19 +167,11 @@ QtSwift::QtSwift(const po::variables_map& options) : networkFactories_(&clientMa
- std::map<std::string, std::string> emoticons;
- loadEmoticonsFile(":/emoticons/emoticons.txt", emoticons);
- loadEmoticonsFile(P2QSTRING(pathToString(Paths::getExecutablePath() / "emoticons.txt")), emoticons);
+ loadEmoticonsFile(":/emoticons/emoticons.txt", emoticons_);
+ loadEmoticonsFile(P2QSTRING(pathToString(Paths::getExecutablePath() / "emoticons.txt")), emoticons_);
splitter_ = new QtSingleWindow(qtSettings_);
- int numberOfAccounts = 1;
- try {
- numberOfAccounts = options["multi-account"].as<int>();
- } catch (...) {
- /* This seems to fail on a Mac when the .app is launched directly (the usual path).*/
- numberOfAccounts = 1;
- }
+ connect(splitter_, SIGNAL(wantsToAddAccount()), this, SLOT(handleWantsToAddAccount()));
if (options.count("debug")) {
@@ -202,6 +194,8 @@ QtSwift::QtSwift(const po::variables_map& options) : networkFactories_(&clientMa
SWIFT_LOG(error) << "Error while retrieving the specified log file name from the command line" << std::endl;
+ //TODO this old option can be purged
+ useDelayForLatency_ = options.count("latency-debug") > 0;
// Load fonts
std::vector<std::string> fontNames = {
@@ -240,13 +234,10 @@ QtSwift::QtSwift(const po::variables_map& options) : networkFactories_(&clientMa
QFont::insertSubstitution(QApplication::font().family(), "Segoe UI Emoji");
- bool enableAdHocCommandOnJID = options.count("enable-jid-adhocs") > 0;
- tabs_ = new QtChatTabs(settingsHierarchy_, true);
- bool startMinimized = options.count("start-minimized") > 0;
+ enableAdHocCommandOnJID_ = options.count("enable-jid-adhocs") > 0;
applicationPathProvider_ = new PlatformApplicationPathProvider(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME);
storagesFactory_ = new FileStoragesFactory(applicationPathProvider_->getDataDir(), networkFactories_.getCryptoProvider());
certificateStorageFactory_ = new CertificateFileStorageFactory(applicationPathProvider_->getDataDir(), tlsFactories_.getCertificateFactory(), networkFactories_.getCryptoProvider());
- chatWindowFactory_ = new QtChatWindowFactory(splitter_, settingsHierarchy_, qtSettings_, tabs_, ":/themes/Default/", emoticons);
soundPlayer_ = new QtSoundPlayer(applicationPathProvider_);
// Ugly, because the dock depends on the tray, but the temporary
@@ -298,32 +289,8 @@ QtSwift::QtSwift(const po::variables_map& options) : networkFactories_(&clientMa
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAccounts; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- // Don't add the first tray (see note above)
- systemTrays_.push_back(new QtSystemTray());
- }
- QtUIFactory* uiFactory = new QtUIFactory(settingsHierarchy_, qtSettings_, tabs_, splitter_, systemTrays_[i], chatWindowFactory_, networkFactories_.getTimerFactory(), statusCache_, autoUpdater_, startMinimized, !emoticons.empty(), enableAdHocCommandOnJID);
- uiFactories_.push_back(uiFactory);
- MainController* mainController = new MainController(
- &clientMainThreadCaller_,
- &networkFactories_,
- uiFactory,
- settingsHierarchy_,
- systemTrays_[i],
- soundPlayer_,
- storagesFactory_,
- certificateStorageFactory_,
- dock_,
- notifier_,
- uriHandler_,
- &idleDetector_,
- emoticons,
- options.count("latency-debug") > 0);
- mainControllers_.push_back(mainController);
- }
+ migrateLastLoginAccount();
+ restoreAccounts();
connect(qApp, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), this, SLOT(handleAboutToQuit()));
@@ -339,8 +306,6 @@ QtSwift::~QtSwift() {
for (auto* tray : systemTrays_) {
delete tray;
- delete tabs_;
- delete chatWindowFactory_;
delete splitter_;
delete settingsHierarchy_;
delete qtSettings_;
@@ -379,4 +344,139 @@ void QtSwift::handleAutoUpdaterStateChanged(AutoUpdater::State updatedState) {
+void QtSwift::handleWantsToAddAccount() {
+ auto loginWindow = addAccount();
+ if (!settingsHierarchy_->getSetting(SettingConstants::FORGET_PASSWORDS)) {
+ for (const auto& profile : settingsHierarchy_->getAvailableProfiles()) {
+ ProfileSettingsProvider profileSettings(profile, settingsHierarchy_);
+ if (profileSettings.getIntSetting("enabled", 0)) {
+ // No point showing accounts that're already logged in
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto& password = profileSettings.getStringSetting("pass");
+ const auto& certificate = profileSettings.getStringSetting("certificate");
+ const auto& jid = profileSettings.getStringSetting("jid");
+ const auto& clientOptions = parseClientOptions(profileSettings.getStringSetting("options"));
+ loginWindow->addAvailableAccount(jid, password, certificate, clientOptions);
+ }
+ }
+void QtSwift::restoreAccounts() {
+ if (!settingsHierarchy_->getSetting(SettingConstants::FORGET_PASSWORDS)) {
+ for (const auto& profile : settingsHierarchy_->getAvailableProfiles()) {
+ ProfileSettingsProvider profileSettings(profile, settingsHierarchy_);
+ if (!profileSettings.getIntSetting("enabled", 0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto& jid = profileSettings.getStringSetting("jid");
+ const auto& password = profileSettings.getStringSetting("pass");
+ const auto& certificate = profileSettings.getStringSetting("certificate");
+ const auto& clientOptions = parseClientOptions(profileSettings.getStringSetting("options"));
+ auto loginWindow = addAccount();
+ loginWindow->addAvailableAccount(jid, password, certificate, clientOptions);
+ loginWindow->loginClicked();
+ }
+ }
+void QtSwift::migrateLastLoginAccount() {
+ const SettingsProvider::Setting<bool> loginAutomatically = SettingsProvider::Setting<bool>("loginAutomatically", false);
+ if (settingsHierarchy_->getSetting(loginAutomatically)) {
+ auto selectedLoginJID = settingsHierarchy_->getSetting(SettingsProvider::Setting<std::string>("lastLoginJID", ""));
+ for (const auto& profile : settingsHierarchy_->getAvailableProfiles()) {
+ ProfileSettingsProvider profileSettings(profile, settingsHierarchy_);
+ if (profileSettings.getStringSetting("jid") == selectedLoginJID) {
+ profileSettings.storeInt("enabled", 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ settingsHierarchy_->storeSetting(loginAutomatically, false);
+ }
+QtLoginWindow* QtSwift::addAccount() {
+ if (uiFactories_.size() > 0) {
+ // Don't add the first tray (see note above)
+ systemTrays_.push_back(new QtSystemTray());
+ }
+ auto tabs = new QtChatTabs(settingsHierarchy_, true);
+ QtUIFactory* uiFactory = new QtUIFactory(settingsHierarchy_, qtSettings_, tabs, splitter_, systemTrays_[systemTrays_.size() - 1], networkFactories_.getTimerFactory(), statusCache_, autoUpdater_, emoticons_, enableAdHocCommandOnJID_);
+ uiFactories_.push_back(uiFactory);
+ MainController* mainController = new MainController(
+ &clientMainThreadCaller_,
+ &networkFactories_,
+ uiFactory,
+ settingsHierarchy_,
+ systemTrays_[systemTrays_.size() - 1],
+ soundPlayer_,
+ storagesFactory_,
+ certificateStorageFactory_,
+ dock_,
+ notifier_,
+ uriHandler_,
+ &idleDetector_,
+ emoticons_,
+ useDelayForLatency_);
+ mainControllers_.push_back(mainController);
+ //FIXME - mainController has already created the window, so we can pass null here and get the old one
+ auto loginWindow = uiFactory->createLoginWindow(nullptr);
+ return dynamic_cast<QtLoginWindow*>(loginWindow);
+//FIXME: Switch all this to boost::serialise
+#define CHECK_PARSE_LENGTH if (i >= segments.size()) {return result;}
+#define PARSE_INT_RAW(defaultValue) CHECK_PARSE_LENGTH intVal = defaultValue; try {intVal = boost::lexical_cast<int>(segments[i]);} catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) {};i++;
+#define PARSE_STRING_RAW CHECK_PARSE_LENGTH stringVal = byteArrayToString(Base64::decode(segments[i]));i++;
+#define PARSE_BOOL(option, defaultValue) PARSE_INT_RAW(defaultValue); result.option = (intVal == 1);
+#define PARSE_INT(option, defaultValue) PARSE_INT_RAW(defaultValue); result.option = intVal;
+#define PARSE_STRING(option) PARSE_STRING_RAW; result.option = stringVal;
+#define PARSE_SAFE_STRING(option) PARSE_STRING_RAW; result.option = SafeString(createSafeByteArray(stringVal));
+#define PARSE_URL(option) {PARSE_STRING_RAW; result.option = URL::fromString(stringVal);}
+ClientOptions QtSwift::parseClientOptions(const std::string& optionString) {
+ ClientOptions result;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ int intVal = 0;
+ std::string stringVal;
+ std::vector<std::string> segments = String::split(optionString, ',');
+ PARSE_BOOL(useStreamCompression, 1);
+ switch (intVal) {
+ case 1: result.useTLS = ClientOptions::NeverUseTLS; break;
+ case 2: result.useTLS = ClientOptions::UseTLSWhenAvailable; break;
+ case 3: result.useTLS = ClientOptions::RequireTLS; break;
+ default:;
+ }
+ PARSE_BOOL(allowPLAINWithoutTLS, 0);
+ PARSE_BOOL(useStreamResumption, 0);
+ PARSE_BOOL(useAcks, 1);
+ PARSE_STRING(manualHostname);
+ PARSE_INT(manualPort, -1);
+ switch (intVal) {
+ case 1: result.proxyType = ClientOptions::NoProxy; break;
+ case 2: result.proxyType = ClientOptions::SystemConfiguredProxy; break;
+ case 3: result.proxyType = ClientOptions::SOCKS5Proxy; break;
+ case 4: result.proxyType = ClientOptions::HTTPConnectProxy; break;
+ }
+ PARSE_STRING(manualProxyHostname);
+ PARSE_INT(manualProxyPort, -1);
+ PARSE_URL(boshHTTPConnectProxyURL);
+ PARSE_SAFE_STRING(boshHTTPConnectProxyAuthID);
+ PARSE_SAFE_STRING(boshHTTPConnectProxyAuthPassword);
+ PARSE_BOOL(tlsOptions.schannelTLS1_0Workaround, false);
+ PARSE_BOOL(singleSignOn, false);
+ return result;