AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-06-26Use size_t instead of int in SpellParser::PositionPairTobias Markmann
Use of int required a lot of casts when using the indices with std::string methods. Furthermore code used -1 as error code, which should have used std::optional for invalid PoistionPair instnaces. Test-Information: All tests pass on Debian Stretch with clang-3.9. Change-Id: Ic5c44ed606deb58b6123d654f25fc50f047dfbc8
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
2016-03-30Apply consistent #include grouping and sorting styleTobias Markmann
Changed "" style includes to <> style. Test-Information: Build with Clang 3.9.0 and ran all tests on OS X 10.11.4. Change-Id: Ic05e53f2e5dba39cc1307b116fc5f17b62ab9eb8
2013-03-18Only attempt ten extensions before giving up on joining a roomKevin Smith
Change-Id: Ic7d26086a51e346605cb85201d55bf8cbc4249f1
2013-03-15Spell checker implementation using HunspellVlad Voicu
Change-Id: Ia15b6532edf6eef7c45bdfb273e77f65ce998f13 License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for details