AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-04-01Modernize code to use C++11 nullptr using clang-tidyTobias Markmann
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
2016-01-18Remove unused variable reported by GCCTobias Markmann
2015-08-11Fix crash on trellis shortcuts if no chat window is openTobias Markmann
2015-05-26Fix trellis related bugsTobias Markmann
2015-02-23Fix chat window title showing wrong chat titleswift-3.0beta1Tobias Markmann
2015-02-11Fix code styleTobias Markmann
2015-02-09Fix focus handling bug with regard to tab changingTobias Markmann
2014-12-15Update Copyright in SwiftKevin Smith
2014-12-14Add support for new trellis layout for chat windows.Tobias Markmann