AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-02-22Cache some recently used entity capability lookups in memoryTobias Markmann
Previously any entity capability lookup was only cached on the disk. This meant that even for a cache hit, you would read from disk and parse the disco info XML in the cache, to return the result. This commit adds an addition LRUCache based in-memory cache. This extends the EntityCapsProvider API with a non-const method, i.e. getCapsCached, which allows active caching of results from the disk cache. Test-Information: All unit tests pass on macOS 10.12.3. This noticeably speeds up the duration of a join of a large MUC room, i.e. about 160 occupants, to about half of the previous duration. Change-Id: I0fc254cda962860416713822ddcad15ae13085f1
2016-11-10Use FeatureOracle to detect file-transfer support in rosterTobias Markmann
The FeatureOracle provides tri-state feature lookup functionality for bare JIDs. It returns Yes if a feature is supported by all resources of the bare JID, Maybe if some support it, and No if none of the resources support it. If passed a full JID, it returns the specific features supported by that end-point. Sending a file to a bare JID, will send a file to the resource of the bare JID with the highest availability by presence, show status and priority and which supports the features required for a Jingle file-transfer. Test-Information: Added unit test verifying new behavior. All tests pass on OS X 10.11.6. Added new unit tests for FeatureOracle. Manually verified that the roster and chat window both use the same mechanism to detect support for file-transfers. Manually verified that file-transfers via the contact list goes to already bound full JIDs if there is an existing ChatController. Change-Id: I0175ac42ecb73f1d54f9c96ffbba773eb5e24296
2016-04-04Modernize code to use C++11 shared_ptr instead of Boost'sTobias Markmann
This change was done by applying the following 'gsed' replacement calls to all source files: 's/\#include <boost\/shared_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/enable_shared_from_this\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/smart_ptr\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/weak_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/boost::make_shared/std::make_shared/g' 's/boost::dynamic_pointer_cast/std::dynamic_pointer_cast/g' 's/boost::shared_ptr/std::shared_ptr/g' 's/boost::weak_ptr/std::weak_ptr/g' 's/boost::enable_shared_from_this/std::enable_shared_from_this/g' The remaining issues have been fixed manually. Test-Information: Code builds on OS X 10.11.4 and unit tests pass. Change-Id: Ia7ae34eab869fb9ad6387a1348426b71ae4acd5f
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
2015-04-10Introduce FeatureOracle class for contact feature support detectionTobias Markmann
This modifies the feature detection in the ChatController to try to use the common features of all available resources feature detection if no full JID has been bound to the chat yet. Test-Information: Tested with two Swift instances. Tested a) the initial chat start case and, b) the offline/online. In case a) Swift used to initally show a yellow warning about no support for message receipts. This warning is gone now. In case b), after a user gone offline and online again in a running chat, Swift used to show a warning about missing support for message receipts. This warning is gone now. Change-Id: I7a769fde8d14847b180503aeaa58280c572d81b3
2010-03-28Removing submodules.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Moved Swiften to a separate module.Remko Tronçon