diff options
authorAlex Clayton <>2016-02-08 12:30:12 (GMT)
committerAlex Clayton <>2016-02-16 11:02:39 (GMT)
commit2ebf488dfee7156fbbe0b3d3eccebe13d86a8634 (patch)
tree8f0c873e2048e9f3a5bca51f358f60b21e690dd2 /test/com/isode/stroke/filetransfer/
parent810abab2eb236c68c75025e383609d952af71e4f (diff)
Add the FileTransfer tests
Add the missing FileTransfer tests to stroke. When porting the tests I found some of them were failing and required changes to the classes being tested to fix. Had to add a DummyNetworkEnvironment as well for the OutgoingJingleFileTransferTest. Test-information: All unit tests pass. Change-Id: Id511a556ef3a5d66e0e107f36f736db3bbb3a437
Diffstat (limited to 'test/com/isode/stroke/filetransfer/')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/com/isode/stroke/filetransfer/ b/test/com/isode/stroke/filetransfer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87dbaa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/com/isode/stroke/filetransfer/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2016, Isode Limited, London, England.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Acquisition and use of this software and related materials for any
+ * purpose requires a written license agreement from Isode Limited,
+ * or a written license from an organisation licensed by Isode Limited
+ * to grant such a license.
+ *
+ */
+package com.isode.stroke.filetransfer;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.isode.stroke.base.ByteArray;
+import com.isode.stroke.base.IDGenerator;
+import com.isode.stroke.base.SimpleIDGenerator;
+import com.isode.stroke.client.DummyStanzaChannel;
+import com.isode.stroke.crypto.CryptoProvider;
+import com.isode.stroke.crypto.JavaCryptoProvider;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.IBB;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.IQ;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.IQ.Type;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.JingleContentPayload;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.JingleFileTransferDescription;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.JingleFileTransferFileInfo;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.JingleIBBTransportPayload;
+import com.isode.stroke.elements.JingleS5BTransportPayload;
+import com.isode.stroke.eventloop.DummyEventLoop;
+import com.isode.stroke.eventloop.EventLoop;
+import com.isode.stroke.jid.JID;
+import com.isode.stroke.jingle.FakeJingleSession;
+import com.isode.stroke.jingle.JingleContentID;
+import com.isode.stroke.queries.IQRouter;
+ * Tests for {@link IncomingJingleFileTransfer}
+ */
+public class IncomingJingleFileTransferTest {
+ private final CryptoProvider crypto = new JavaCryptoProvider();
+ private final EventLoop eventLoop = new DummyEventLoop();
+ private final DomainNameResolver resolver = new StaticDomainNameResolver(eventLoop);
+ private final FakeJingleSession session =
+ new FakeJingleSession(new JID(""),"mysession");
+ private final JingleContentPayload jingleContentPayload = new JingleContentPayload();
+ private final DummyStanzaChannel stanzaChannel = new DummyStanzaChannel();
+ private final DummyConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
+ new DummyConnectionFactory(eventLoop);
+ private final DummyConnectionServerFactory serverConnectionFactory =
+ new DummyConnectionServerFactory(eventLoop);
+ private final IQRouter iqRouter = new IQRouter(stanzaChannel);
+ private final SOCKS5BytestreamRegistry bytestreamRegistry = new SOCKS5BytestreamRegistry();
+ private final NetworkEnvironment networkEnvironment = new DummyNetworkEnvironment();
+ private final NATTraverser natTraverser = new NullNATTraverser(eventLoop);
+ private final SOCKS5BytestreamServerManager bytestreamServerManager =
+ new SOCKS5BytestreamServerManager(bytestreamRegistry, serverConnectionFactory,
+ networkEnvironment, natTraverser);
+ private final IDGenerator idGenerator = new SimpleIDGenerator();
+ private final DummyTimerFactory timerFactory = new DummyTimerFactory();
+ private final SOCKS5BytestreamProxiesManager bytestreamProxy =
+ new SOCKS5BytestreamProxiesManager(connectionFactory, timerFactory, resolver,
+ iqRouter, new JID(""));
+ private final FileTransferTransporterFactory ftTransporterFactory =
+ new DefaultFileTransferTransporterFactory(bytestreamRegistry, bytestreamServerManager,
+ bytestreamProxy, idGenerator, connectionFactory, timerFactory, crypto, iqRouter);
+ @Test
+ public void test_AcceptOnyIBBSendsSessionAccept() {
+ // Tests whether IncomingJingleFileTransfer would accept a IBB only file transfer.
+ // 1 Create your test incoming file transfer
+ JingleFileTransferDescription desc = new JingleFileTransferDescription();
+ desc.setFileInfo(new JingleFileTransferFileInfo("foo.tx", "", 10));
+ jingleContentPayload.addDescription(desc);
+ JingleIBBTransportPayload tpRef = new JingleIBBTransportPayload();
+ tpRef.setSessionID("mysession");
+ jingleContentPayload.addTransport(tpRef);
+ IncomingJingleFileTransfer fileTransfer = createTestling();
+ // 2 Do 'accept' on a dummy writebytestream (you'll have to look if there already is one)
+ ByteArrayWriteBytestream byteStream = new ByteArrayWriteBytestream();
+ fileTransfer.accept(byteStream);;
+ // 3 Check whether accept has been called
+ getCall(FakeJingleSession.AcceptCall.class,0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test_OnlyIBBTransferReceiveWorks() {
+ // 1 Create your test incoming file transfer
+ JingleFileTransferDescription desc = new JingleFileTransferDescription();
+ desc.setFileInfo(new JingleFileTransferFileInfo("foo.tx", "", 10));
+ jingleContentPayload.addDescription(desc);
+ JingleIBBTransportPayload tpRef = new JingleIBBTransportPayload();
+ tpRef.setSessionID("mysession");
+ jingleContentPayload.addTransport(tpRef);
+ IncomingJingleFileTransfer fileTransfer = createTestling();
+ // 2 Do 'accept' on a dummy writebytestream (you'll have to look if there already is one)
+ ByteArrayWriteBytestream byteStream = new ByteArrayWriteBytestream();
+ fileTransfer.accept(byteStream);;
+ // 3 Check whether accept has been called
+ getCall(FakeJingleSession.AcceptCall.class,0);
+ stanzaChannel.onIQReceived.emit(createIBBRequest(
+ IBB.createIBBOpen("myession", 10),
+ new JID(""), "id-open"));
+ stanzaChannel.onIQReceived.emit(createIBBRequest(
+ IBB.createIBBData("mysession", 0, new ByteArray("abc")),
+ new JID(""), "id-open"));
+ assertEquals(new ByteArray("abc"),byteStream.getData());
+ }
+// This test is not run in the Swiften code (If it is run it fails there too)
+// public void test_AcceptFailingS5BFallsBackToIBB() {
+// // 1 Create your test incoming file transfer
+// addFileTransferDescription();
+// // add SOCKS5BytestreamTransportPayload
+// JingleS5BTransportPayload payload = addJingleS5BPayload();
+// IncomingJingleFileTransfer fileTransfer = createTestling();
+// // 2 Do 'accept' on a dummy writebytestream (you'll have to look if there already is one)
+// ByteArrayWriteBytestream byteStream = new ByteArrayWriteBytestream();
+// fileTransfer.accept(byteStream);;
+// // Candidates are gathered
+// // Check whether accept has been called
+// FakeJingleSession.AcceptCall acceptCall = getCall(FakeJingleSession.AcceptCall.class, 0);
+// assertEquals(payload.getSessionID(),acceptCall.payload.getSessionID());
+// // Check for candiate error
+// FakeJingleSession.InfoTransportCall infoTransportCall = getCall(FakeJingleSession.InfoTransportCall.class,1);
+// JingleS5BTransportPayload s5bPayload = null;
+// if (infoTransportCall.payload instanceof JingleS5BTransportPayload) {
+// s5bPayload = (JingleS5BTransportPayload) infoTransportCall.payload;
+// }
+// assertNotNull(s5bPayload);
+// assertTrue(s5bPayload.hasCandidateError());
+// // Indicate transport replace (Romeo)
+// session.handleTransportReplaceReceived(getContentID(), addJingleIBBPayload());
+// FakeJingleSession.AcceptTransportCall acceptTranpsportCall = getCall(FakeJingleSession.AcceptTransportCall.class,2);
+// // Send a bit of data
+// stanzaChannel.onIQReceived.emit(createIBBRequest(IBB.createIBBOpen("mysession", 10), new JID(""), "id-open"));
+// stanzaChannel.onIQReceived.emit(createIBBRequest(IBB.createIBBData("mysession", 0, new ByteArray("abc")), new JID(""), "id-a"));
+// assertEquals(new ByteArray("abc"),byteStream.getData());
+// }
+ private IncomingJingleFileTransfer createTestling() {
+ JID ourJID = new JID("");
+ return new IncomingJingleFileTransfer(ourJID, session, jingleContentPayload,
+ ftTransporterFactory, timerFactory, crypto);
+ }
+ private IQ createIBBRequest(IBB payload,JID from,String id) {
+ IQ request = IQ.createRequest(Type.Set, new JID(""), id, payload);
+ request.setFrom(from);
+ return request;
+ }
+ private void addFileTransferDescription() {
+ JingleFileTransferDescription desc = new JingleFileTransferDescription();
+ desc.setFileInfo(new JingleFileTransferFileInfo("file.txt", "", 10));
+ jingleContentPayload.addDescription(desc);
+ }
+ private JingleS5BTransportPayload addJingleS5BPayload() {
+ JingleS5BTransportPayload payLoad = new JingleS5BTransportPayload();
+ payLoad.setSessionID("mysession");
+ jingleContentPayload.addTransport(payLoad);
+ return payLoad;
+ }
+ private JingleIBBTransportPayload addJingleIBBPayload() {
+ JingleIBBTransportPayload payLoad = new JingleIBBTransportPayload();
+ payLoad.setSessionID("mysession");
+ jingleContentPayload.addTransport(payLoad);
+ return payLoad;
+ }
+ private JingleContentID getContentID() {
+ return new JingleContentID(jingleContentPayload.getName(),
+ jingleContentPayload.getCreator());
+ }
+ private <T> T getCall(Class<T> target,int i) {
+ assertTrue("Index "+i+" is not less then session.calledCommands.size() = "
+ +session.calledCommands.size(),
+ i < session.calledCommands.size());
+ Object rawObject = session.calledCommands.get(i);
+ try {
+ return target.cast(rawObject);
+ }
+ catch (ClassCastException e) {
+ fail("Item could not be cast to type "+e.getMessage());
+ }
+ // Should not get here
+ return null;
+ }