diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/QtWebKitChatView.cpp')
1 files changed, 713 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtWebKitChatView.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtWebKitChatView.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e4eb33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtWebKitChatView.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Remko Tronçon
+ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
+ * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information.
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Thilo Cestonaro
+ * Licensed under the simplified BSD license.
+ * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.
+ */
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <QtDebug>
+#include <QEventLoop>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QDesktopServices>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#include <QWebFrame>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QStackedWidget>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QTextDocument>
+#include <Swiften/Base/Log.h>
+#include <Swiften/StringCodecs/Base64.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/UIEventStream.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/SendFileUIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/JoinMUCUIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/QtUISettingConstants.h>
+#include "QtWebView.h"
+#include "QtChatTheme.h"
+#include "QtSwiftUtil.h"
+#include "QtScaledAvatarCache.h"
+#include "SwifTools/Linkify.h"
+#include "SystemMessageSnippet.h"
+#include "QtWebKitChatView.h"
+#include "QtChatWindowJSBridge.h"
+namespace Swift {
+const QString QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferCancel = QString("filetransfer-cancel");
+const QString QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferSetDescription = QString("filetransfer-setdescription");
+const QString QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferSendRequest = QString("filetransfer-sendrequest");
+const QString QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferAcceptRequest = QString("filetransfer-acceptrequest");
+const QString QtWebKitChatView::ButtonMUCInvite = QString("mucinvite");
+QString encodeButtonArgument(const QString& str) {
+ return Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(Base64::encode(createByteArray(Q2PSTRING(str)))));
+QString decodeButtonArgument(const QString& str) {
+ return P2QSTRING(byteArrayToString(Base64::decode(Q2PSTRING(str))));
+QtWebKitChatView::QtWebKitChatView(QtChatTheme* theme, QWidget* parent, UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, QMap<QString, QString> emoticons) : QtChatView(parent), fontSizeSteps_(0), previousMessageWasSelf_(false), previousMessageKind_(PreviosuMessageWasNone), eventStream_(eventStream), settings_(settings), emoticons_(emoticons) {
+ theme_ = theme;
+ showEmoticons_ = true;
+ QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ mainLayout->setSpacing(0);
+ mainLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ webView_ = new QtWebView(this);
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(linkClicked(const QUrl&)), SLOT(handleLinkClicked(const QUrl&)));
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), SLOT(handleViewLoadFinished(bool)));
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(gotFocus()), SIGNAL(gotFocus()));
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(clearRequested()), SLOT(handleClearRequested()));
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(fontGrowRequested()), SLOT(increaseFontSize()));
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(fontShrinkRequested()), SLOT(decreaseFontSize()));
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ /* To give a border on Linux, where it looks bad without */
+ QStackedWidget* stack = new QStackedWidget(this);
+ stack->addWidget(webView_);
+ stack->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken);
+ stack->setLineWidth(2);
+ mainLayout->addWidget(stack);
+ mainLayout->addWidget(webView_);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ webPage_ = new QWebPage(this);
+ webPage_->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks);
+ //webPage_->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true);
+ webView_->setPage(webPage_);
+ connect(webPage_, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(copySelectionToClipboard()));
+ viewReady_ = false;
+ isAtBottom_ = true;
+ resetView();
+ idCounter_ = 0;
+ jsBridge_ = new QtChatWindowJSBridge();
+ addToJSEnvironment("chatwindow", jsBridge_);
+ connect(jsBridge_, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QString,QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(handleHTMLButtonClicked(QString,QString,QString,QString)));
+ settings_->onSettingChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtWebKitChatView::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
+ showEmoticons_ = settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS);
+QtWebKitChatView::~QtWebKitChatView() {
+ delete jsBridge_;
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleSettingChanged(const std::string& setting) {
+ if (setting == QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS.getKey()) {
+ showEmoticons_ = settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::SHOW_EMOTICONS);
+ showEmoticons(showEmoticons_);
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleClearRequested() {
+ QMessageBox messageBox(this);
+ messageBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Clear log"));
+ messageBox.setText(tr("You are about to clear the contents of your chat log."));
+ messageBox.setInformativeText(tr("Are you sure?"));
+ messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ messageBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Yes);
+ int button = messageBox.exec();
+ if (button == QMessageBox::Yes) {
+ logCleared();
+ resetView();
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) {
+ webView_->keyPressEvent(event);
+void QtWebKitChatView::addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet> snippet) {
+ if (viewReady_) {
+ addToDOM(snippet);
+ } else {
+ /* If this asserts, the previous queuing code was necessary and should be reinstated */
+ assert(false);
+ }
+QWebElement QtWebKitChatView::snippetToDOM(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet> snippet) {
+ QWebElement newElement = newInsertPoint_.clone();
+ newElement.setInnerXml(snippet->getContent());
+ Q_ASSERT(!newElement.isNull());
+ return newElement;
+void QtWebKitChatView::addToDOM(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet> snippet) {
+ rememberScrolledToBottom();
+ bool insert = snippet->getAppendToPrevious();
+ QWebElement continuationElement = lastElement_.findFirst("#insert");
+ bool fallback = insert && continuationElement.isNull();
+ boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet> newSnippet = (insert && fallback) ? snippet->getContinuationFallbackSnippet() : snippet;
+ QWebElement newElement = snippetToDOM(newSnippet);
+ if (insert && !fallback) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!continuationElement.isNull());
+ continuationElement.replace(newElement);
+ } else {
+ continuationElement.removeFromDocument();
+ newInsertPoint_.prependOutside(newElement);
+ }
+ lastElement_ = newElement;
+ if (fontSizeSteps_ != 0) {
+ double size = 1.0 + 0.2 * fontSizeSteps_;
+ QString sizeString(QString().setNum(size, 'g', 3) + "em");
+ const QWebElementCollection spans = lastElement_.findAll("span.swift_resizable");
+ foreach (QWebElement span, spans) {
+ span.setStyleProperty("font-size", sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::addLastSeenLine() {
+ if (lineSeparator_.isNull()) {
+ lineSeparator_ = newInsertPoint_.clone();
+ lineSeparator_.setInnerXml(QString("<hr/>"));
+ newInsertPoint_.prependOutside(lineSeparator_);
+ }
+ else {
+ QWebElement lineSeparatorC = lineSeparator_.clone();
+ lineSeparatorC.removeFromDocument();
+ }
+ newInsertPoint_.prependOutside(lineSeparator_);
+void QtWebKitChatView::replaceLastMessage(const QString& message) {
+ QString newMessage = linkimoticonify(message);
+ assert(viewReady_);
+ rememberScrolledToBottom();
+ assert(!lastElement_.isNull());
+ QWebElement replace = lastElement_.findFirst("span.swift_message");
+ assert(!replace.isNull());
+ QString old = lastElement_.toOuterXml();
+ replace.setInnerXml(ChatSnippet::escape(newMessage));
+void QtWebKitChatView::replaceLastMessage(const QString& newMessage, const QString& note) {
+ rememberScrolledToBottom();
+ replaceLastMessage(newMessage);
+ QWebElement replace = lastElement_.findFirst("span.swift_time");
+ assert(!replace.isNull());
+ replace.setInnerXml(ChatSnippet::escape(note));
+QString QtWebKitChatView::getLastSentMessage() {
+ return lastElement_.toPlainText();
+void QtWebKitChatView::addToJSEnvironment(const QString& name, QObject* obj) {
+ webView_->page()->currentFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(name, obj);
+void QtWebKitChatView::replaceWithAction(const std::string& message, const std::string& id, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
+ replaceMessage(" *" + linkimoticonify(P2QSTRING(message)) + "*", P2QSTRING(id), B2QDATE(time), "font-style:italic ");
+void QtWebKitChatView::replaceMessage(const std::string& newMessage, const QString& id, const QDateTime& editTime, const QString& style) {
+ replaceMessage(linkimoticonify(P2QSTRING(newMessage)), id, editTime, style);
+void QtWebKitChatView::replaceMessage(const QString& newMessage, const QString& id, const QDateTime& editTime, const QString& style) {
+ if (id.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning() << "Trying to replace a message with no id";
+ return;
+ }
+ QString styleSpanStart = style == "" ? "" : "<span style=\"" + style + "\">";
+ QString styleSpanEnd = style == "" ? "" : "</span>";
+ QString messageWithStyle = styleSpanStart + newMessage + styleSpanEnd;
+ rememberScrolledToBottom();
+ QWebElement message = document_.findFirst("#" + id);
+ if (!message.isNull()) {
+ QWebElement replaceContent = message.findFirst("span.swift_message");
+ assert(!replaceContent.isNull());
+ QString old = replaceContent.toOuterXml();
+ replaceContent.setInnerXml(ChatSnippet::escape(messageWithStyle));
+ QWebElement replaceTime = message.findFirst("span.swift_time");
+ assert(!replaceTime.isNull());
+ old = replaceTime.toOuterXml();
+ replaceTime.setInnerXml(ChatSnippet::escape(tr("%1 edited").arg(ChatSnippet::timeToEscapedString(editTime))));
+ }
+ else {
+ qWarning() << "Trying to replace element with id " << id << " but it's not there.";
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::showEmoticons(bool show) {
+ {
+ const QWebElementCollection spans = document_.findAll("span.swift_emoticon_image");
+ foreach (QWebElement span, spans) {
+ span.setStyleProperty("display", show ? "inline" : "none");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const QWebElementCollection spans = document_.findAll("span.swift_emoticon_text");
+ foreach (QWebElement span, spans) {
+ span.setStyleProperty("display", show ? "none" : "inline");
+ }
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::copySelectionToClipboard() {
+ if (!webPage_->selectedText().isEmpty()) {
+ webPage_->triggerAction(QWebPage::Copy);
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::setAckXML(const QString& id, const QString& xml) {
+ QWebElement message = document_.findFirst("#" + id);
+ /* Deliberately not asserting here, so that when we start expiring old messages it won't hit us */
+ if (message.isNull()) return;
+ QWebElement ackElement = message.findFirst("span.swift_ack");
+ assert(!ackElement.isNull());
+ ackElement.setInnerXml(xml);
+void QtWebKitChatView::setReceiptXML(const QString& id, const QString& xml) {
+ QWebElement message = document_.findFirst("#" + id);
+ if (message.isNull()) return;
+ QWebElement receiptElement = message.findFirst("span.swift_receipt");
+ assert(!receiptElement.isNull());
+ receiptElement.setInnerXml(xml);
+void QtWebKitChatView::displayReceiptInfo(const QString& id, bool showIt) {
+ QWebElement message = document_.findFirst("#" + id);
+ if (message.isNull()) return;
+ QWebElement receiptElement = message.findFirst("span.swift_receipt");
+ assert(!receiptElement.isNull());
+ receiptElement.setStyleProperty("display", showIt ? "inline" : "none");
+void QtWebKitChatView::rememberScrolledToBottom() {
+ isAtBottom_ = webPage_->mainFrame()->scrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical) == webPage_->mainFrame()->scrollBarMaximum(Qt::Vertical);
+void QtWebKitChatView::scrollToBottom() {
+ isAtBottom_ = true;
+ webPage_->mainFrame()->setScrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical, webPage_->mainFrame()->scrollBarMaximum(Qt::Vertical));
+ webView_->update(); /* Work around redraw bug in some versions of Qt. */
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleFrameSizeChanged() {
+ if (isAtBottom_) {
+ scrollToBottom();
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleLinkClicked(const QUrl& url) {
+ QDesktopServices::openUrl(url);
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleViewLoadFinished(bool ok) {
+ Q_ASSERT(ok);
+ viewReady_ = true;
+void QtWebKitChatView::increaseFontSize(int numSteps) {
+ //qDebug() << "Increasing";
+ fontSizeSteps_ += numSteps;
+ emit fontResized(fontSizeSteps_);
+void QtWebKitChatView::decreaseFontSize() {
+ fontSizeSteps_--;
+ if (fontSizeSteps_ < 0) {
+ fontSizeSteps_ = 0;
+ }
+ emit fontResized(fontSizeSteps_);
+bool QtWebKitChatView::appendToPreviousCheck(QtWebKitChatView::PreviousMessageKind messageKind, const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf) const {
+ return previousMessageKind_ == messageKind && ((senderIsSelf && previousMessageWasSelf_) || (!senderIsSelf && !previousMessageWasSelf_ && previousSenderName_ == P2QSTRING(senderName)));
+void QtWebKitChatView::resizeFont(int fontSizeSteps) {
+ fontSizeSteps_ = fontSizeSteps;
+ double size = 1.0 + 0.2 * fontSizeSteps_;
+ QString sizeString(QString().setNum(size, 'g', 3) + "em");
+ //qDebug() << "Setting to " << sizeString;
+ const QWebElementCollection spans = document_.findAll("span.swift_resizable");
+ foreach (QWebElement span, spans) {
+ span.setStyleProperty("font-size", sizeString);
+ }
+ webView_->setFontSizeIsMinimal(size == 1.0);
+void QtWebKitChatView::resetView() {
+ lastElement_ = QWebElement();
+ QString pageHTML = theme_->getTemplate();
+ pageHTML.replace("==bodyBackground==", "background-color:#e3e3e3");
+ pageHTML.replace(pageHTML.indexOf("%@"), 2, theme_->getBase());
+ if (pageHTML.count("%@") > 3) {
+ pageHTML.replace(pageHTML.indexOf("%@"), 2, theme_->getMainCSS());
+ }
+ pageHTML.replace(pageHTML.indexOf("%@"), 2, "Variants/Blue on Green.css");
+ pageHTML.replace(pageHTML.indexOf("%@"), 2, ""/*headerSnippet.getContent()*/);
+ pageHTML.replace(pageHTML.indexOf("%@"), 2, ""/*footerSnippet.getContent()*/);
+ QEventLoop syncLoop;
+ connect(webView_, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), &syncLoop, SLOT(quit()));
+ webPage_->mainFrame()->setHtml(pageHTML);
+ while (!viewReady_) {
+ QTimer t;
+ t.setSingleShot(true);
+ connect(&t, SIGNAL(timeout()), &syncLoop, SLOT(quit()));
+ t.start(50);
+ syncLoop.exec();
+ }
+ document_ = webPage_->mainFrame()->documentElement();
+ QWebElement chatElement = document_.findFirst("#Chat");
+ newInsertPoint_ = chatElement.clone();
+ newInsertPoint_.setOuterXml("<div id='swift_insert'/>");
+ chatElement.appendInside(newInsertPoint_);
+ Q_ASSERT(!newInsertPoint_.isNull());
+ connect(webPage_->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(contentsSizeChanged(const QSize&)), this, SLOT(handleFrameSizeChanged()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+QWebElement findDivElementWithID(QWebElement document, QString id) {
+ QWebElementCollection divs = document.findAll("div");
+ foreach(QWebElement div, divs) {
+ if (div.attribute("id") == id) {
+ return div;
+ }
+ }
+ return QWebElement();
+void QtWebKitChatView::setFileTransferProgress(QString id, const int percentageDone) {
+ QWebElement ftElement = findDivElementWithID(document_, id);
+ if (ftElement.isNull()) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Tried to access FT UI via invalid id!" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QWebElement progressBar = ftElement.findFirst("div.progressbar");
+ progressBar.setStyleProperty("width", QString::number(percentageDone) + "%");
+ QWebElement progressBarValue = ftElement.findFirst("div.progressbar-value");
+ progressBarValue.setInnerXml(QString::number(percentageDone) + " %");
+void QtWebKitChatView::setFileTransferStatus(QString id, const ChatWindow::FileTransferState state, const QString& /* msg */) {
+ QWebElement ftElement = findDivElementWithID(document_, id);
+ if (ftElement.isNull()) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Tried to access FT UI via invalid id! id = " << Q2PSTRING(id) << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QString newInnerHTML = "";
+ if (state == ChatWindow::WaitingForAccept) {
+ newInnerHTML = tr("Waiting for other side to accept the transfer.") + "<br/>" +
+ QtWebKitChatView::buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferCancel, id);
+ }
+ if (state == ChatWindow::Negotiating) {
+ // replace with text "Negotiaging" + Cancel button
+ newInnerHTML = tr("Negotiating...") + "<br/>" +
+ QtWebKitChatView::buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferCancel, id);
+ }
+ else if (state == ChatWindow::Transferring) {
+ // progress bar + Cancel Button
+ newInnerHTML = "<div style=\"position: relative; width: 90%; height: 20px; border: 2px solid grey; -webkit-border-radius: 10px;\">"
+ "<div class=\"progressbar\" style=\"width: 0%; height: 100%; background: #AAA; -webkit-border-radius: 6px;\">"
+ "<div class=\"progressbar-value\" style=\"position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px;\">"
+ "0%"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>" +
+ QtWebKitChatView::buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), QtWebKitChatView::ButtonFileTransferCancel, id);
+ }
+ else if (state == ChatWindow::Canceled) {
+ newInnerHTML = tr("Transfer has been canceled!");
+ }
+ else if (state == ChatWindow::Finished) {
+ // text "Successful transfer"
+ newInnerHTML = tr("Transfer completed successfully.");
+ }
+ else if (state == ChatWindow::FTFailed) {
+ newInnerHTML = tr("Transfer failed.");
+ }
+ ftElement.setInnerXml(newInnerHTML);
+void QtWebKitChatView::setMUCInvitationJoined(QString id) {
+ QWebElement divElement = findDivElementWithID(document_, id);
+ QWebElement buttonElement = divElement.findFirst("input#mucinvite");
+ if (!buttonElement.isNull()) {
+ buttonElement.setAttribute("value", tr("Return to room"));
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::setAckState(std::string const& id, ChatWindow::AckState state) {
+ QString xml;
+ switch (state) {
+ case ChatWindow::Pending:
+ xml = "<img src='qrc:/icons/throbber.gif' title='" + tr("This message has not been received by your server yet.") + "'/>";
+ displayReceiptInfo(P2QSTRING(id), false);
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::Received:
+ xml = "";
+ displayReceiptInfo(P2QSTRING(id), true);
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::Failed: xml = "<img src='qrc:/icons/error.png' title='" + tr("This message may not have been transmitted.") + "'/>"; break;
+ }
+ setAckXML(P2QSTRING(id), xml);
+void QtWebKitChatView::setMessageReceiptState(const std::string& id, ChatWindow::ReceiptState state) {
+ QString xml;
+ switch (state) {
+ case ChatWindow::ReceiptReceived:
+ xml = "<img src='qrc:/icons/check.png' title='" + tr("The receipt for this message has been received.") + "'/>";
+ break;
+ case ChatWindow::ReceiptRequested:
+ xml = "<img src='qrc:/icons/warn.png' title='" + tr("The receipt for this message has not yet been received. The recipient(s) might not have received this message.") + "'/>";
+ break;
+ }
+ setReceiptXML(P2QSTRING(id), xml);
+QString QtWebKitChatView::linkimoticonify(const QString& message) const {
+ QString messageHTML(message);
+ messageHTML = Qt::escape(messageHTML);
+ QMapIterator<QString, QString> it(emoticons_);
+ QString textStyle = showEmoticons_ ? "style='display:none'" : "";
+ QString imageStyle = showEmoticons_ ? "" : "style='display:none'";
+ if (messageHTML.length() < 500) {
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ messageHTML.replace(it.key(), "<span class='swift_emoticon_image' " + imageStyle + "><img src='" + it.value() + "'/></span><span class='swift_emoticon_text' " + textStyle + ">"+it.key() + "</span>");
+ }
+ messageHTML = P2QSTRING(Linkify::linkify(Q2PSTRING(messageHTML)));
+ }
+ messageHTML.replace("\n","<br/>");
+ return messageHTML;
+std::string QtWebKitChatView::addMessage(const std::string &message, const std::string &senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const QString& style, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
+ return addMessage(linkimoticonify(P2QSTRING(message)), senderName, senderIsSelf, label, avatarPath, style, time);
+std::string QtWebKitChatView::addMessage(const QString &message, const std::string &senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const QString& style, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "[QtWebKitChatView::addMessage] - entered" << std::endl;
+ QString scaledAvatarPath = QtScaledAvatarCache(32).getScaledAvatarPath(avatarPath.c_str());
+ QString htmlString;
+ if (label) {
+ htmlString = QString("<span style=\"border: thin dashed grey; padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; color: %1; background-color: %2; font-size: 90%; margin-right: .5em; \">").arg(Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(label->getForegroundColor()))).arg(Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(label->getBackgroundColor())));
+ htmlString += QString("%3</span> ").arg(Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(label->getDisplayMarking())));
+ }
+ QString messageHTML(message);
+ QString styleSpanStart = style == "" ? "" : "<span style=\"" + style + "\">";
+ QString styleSpanEnd = style == "" ? "" : "</span>";
+ htmlString += styleSpanStart + messageHTML + styleSpanEnd;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "[QtWebKitChatView::addMessage] - message html string: " << Q2PSTRING(htmlString) << std::endl;
+ bool appendToPrevious = appendToPreviousCheck(PreviousMessageWasMessage, senderName, senderIsSelf);
+ if (lastLineTracker_.getShouldMoveLastLine()) {
+ /* should this be queued? */
+ addLastSeenLine();
+ /* if the line is added we should break the snippet */
+ appendToPrevious = false;
+ }
+ QString qAvatarPath = scaledAvatarPath.isEmpty() ? "qrc:/icons/avatar.png" : QUrl::fromLocalFile(scaledAvatarPath).toEncoded();
+ std::string id = "id" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idCounter_++);
+ addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet>(new MessageSnippet(htmlString, Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(senderName)), B2QDATE(time), qAvatarPath, senderIsSelf, appendToPrevious, theme_, P2QSTRING(id))));
+ previousMessageWasSelf_ = senderIsSelf;
+ previousSenderName_ = P2QSTRING(senderName);
+ previousMessageKind_ = PreviousMessageWasMessage;
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "[QtWebKitChatView::addMessage] - return: " << id << std::endl;
+ return id;
+void QtWebKitChatView::setChatWindowHasFocus(bool focus) {
+ lastLineTracker_.setHasFocus(focus);
+std::string QtWebKitChatView::addAction(const std::string &message, const std::string &senderName, bool senderIsSelf, boost::shared_ptr<SecurityLabel> label, const std::string& avatarPath, const boost::posix_time::ptime& time) {
+ return addMessage(" *" + message + "*", senderName, senderIsSelf, label, avatarPath, "font-style:italic ", time);
+std::string formatSize(const boost::uintmax_t bytes) {
+ static const char *siPrefix[] = {"k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", NULL};
+ int power = 0;
+ double engBytes = bytes;
+ while (engBytes >= 1000) {
+ ++power;
+ engBytes = engBytes / 1000.0;
+ }
+ return str( boost::format("%.1lf %sB") % engBytes % (power > 0 ? siPrefix[power-1] : "") );
+QString QtWebKitChatView::buildChatWindowButton(const QString& name, const QString& id, const QString& arg1, const QString& arg2, const QString& arg3) {
+ QRegExp regex("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\\-\\_]+");
+ Q_ASSERT(regex.exactMatch(id));
+ QString html = QString("<input id='%2' type='submit' value='%1' onclick='chatwindow.buttonClicked(\"%2\", \"%3\", \"%4\", \"%5\");' />").arg(name).arg(id).arg(encodeButtonArgument(arg1)).arg(encodeButtonArgument(arg2)).arg(encodeButtonArgument(arg3));
+ return html;
+std::string QtWebKitChatView::addFileTransfer(const std::string& senderName, bool senderIsSelf, const std::string& filename, const boost::uintmax_t sizeInBytes) {
+ qDebug() << "addFileTransfer";
+ QString ft_id = "ft" + P2QSTRING(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idCounter_++));
+ QString htmlString;
+ QString formattedSize = P2QSTRING(formatSize(sizeInBytes));
+ if (senderIsSelf) {
+ // outgoing
+ htmlString = tr("Send file") + ": " + P2QSTRING(filename) + " ( " + formattedSize + ") </br>" +
+ "<div id='" + ft_id + "'>" +
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), ButtonFileTransferCancel, ft_id) +
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Set Description"), ButtonFileTransferSetDescription, ft_id) +
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Send"), ButtonFileTransferSendRequest, ft_id) +
+ "</div>";
+ } else {
+ // incoming
+ htmlString = tr("Receiving file") + ": " + P2QSTRING(filename) + " ( " + formattedSize + ") <br/>" +
+ "<div id='" + ft_id + "'>" +
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), ButtonFileTransferCancel, ft_id) +
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Accept"), ButtonFileTransferAcceptRequest, ft_id, P2QSTRING(filename)) +
+ "</div>";
+ }
+ bool appendToPrevious = appendToPreviousCheck(PreviousMessageWasFileTransfer, senderName, senderIsSelf);
+ if ( lastLineTracker_.getShouldMoveLastLine()) {
+ /* should this be queued? */
+ addLastSeenLine();
+ /* if the line is added we should break the snippet */
+ appendToPrevious = false;
+ }
+ QString qAvatarPath = "qrc:/icons/avatar.png";
+ std::string id = "ftmessage" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idCounter_++);
+ addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet>(new MessageSnippet(htmlString, Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(senderName)), B2QDATE(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()), qAvatarPath, senderIsSelf, appendToPrevious, theme_, P2QSTRING(id))));
+ previousMessageWasSelf_ = senderIsSelf;
+ previousSenderName_ = P2QSTRING(senderName);
+ previousMessageKind_ = PreviousMessageWasFileTransfer;
+ return Q2PSTRING(ft_id);
+void QtWebKitChatView::handleHTMLButtonClicked(QString id, QString encodedArgument1, QString encodedArgument2, QString encodedArgument3) {
+ QString arg1 = decodeButtonArgument(encodedArgument1);
+ QString arg2 = decodeButtonArgument(encodedArgument2);
+ QString arg3 = decodeButtonArgument(encodedArgument3);
+ if (id.startsWith(ButtonFileTransferCancel)) {
+ QString ft_id = arg1;
+ onFileTransferCancel(Q2PSTRING(ft_id));
+ }
+ else if (id.startsWith(ButtonFileTransferSetDescription)) {
+ QString ft_id = arg1;
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("File transfer description"),
+ tr("Description:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ descriptions_[ft_id] = text;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (id.startsWith(ButtonFileTransferSendRequest)) {
+ QString ft_id = arg1;
+ QString text = descriptions_.find(ft_id) == descriptions_.end() ? QString() : descriptions_[ft_id];
+ onFileTransferStart(Q2PSTRING(ft_id), Q2PSTRING(text));
+ }
+ else if (id.startsWith(ButtonFileTransferAcceptRequest)) {
+ QString ft_id = arg1;
+ QString filename = arg2;
+ QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), filename);
+ if (!path.isEmpty()) {
+ onFileTransferAccept(Q2PSTRING(ft_id), Q2PSTRING(path));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (id.startsWith(ButtonMUCInvite)) {
+ QString roomJID = arg1;
+ QString password = arg2;
+ QString elementID = arg3;
+ eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<JoinMUCUIEvent>(Q2PSTRING(roomJID), Q2PSTRING(password)));
+ setMUCInvitationJoined(elementID);
+ }
+ else {
+ SWIFT_LOG(debug) << "Unknown HTML button! ( " << Q2PSTRING(id) << " )" << std::endl;
+ }
+void QtWebKitChatView::addErrorMessage(const std::string& errorMessage) {
+ QString errorMessageHTML(Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(errorMessage)));
+ errorMessageHTML.replace("\n","<br/>");
+ addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet>(new SystemMessageSnippet("<span class=\"error\">" + errorMessageHTML + "</span>", QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false, theme_)));
+ previousMessageWasSelf_ = false;
+ previousMessageKind_ = PreviousMessageWasSystem;
+void QtWebKitChatView::addSystemMessage(const std::string& message) {
+ QString messageHTML(Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(message)));
+ messageHTML = linkimoticonify(messageHTML);
+ addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet>(new SystemMessageSnippet(messageHTML, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false, theme_)));
+ previousMessageWasSelf_ = false;
+ previousMessageKind_ = PreviousMessageWasSystem;
+void QtWebKitChatView::addPresenceMessage(const std::string& message) {
+ QString messageHTML(linkimoticonify(P2QSTRING(message)));
+ addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet>(new SystemMessageSnippet(messageHTML, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false, theme_)));
+ previousMessageWasSelf_ = false;
+ previousMessageKind_ = PreviousMessageWasPresence;
+void QtWebKitChatView::addMUCInvitation(const std::string& senderName, const JID& jid, const std::string& reason, const std::string& password, bool direct) {
+ QString htmlString = QObject::tr("You've been invited to enter the %1 room.").arg(P2QSTRING(jid.toString())) + " <br/>";
+ if (!reason.empty()) {
+ htmlString += QObject::tr("Reason: %1").arg(P2QSTRING(reason)) + "<br/>";
+ }
+ if (!direct) {
+ htmlString += QObject::tr("This person may not have really sent this invitation!") + "<br/>";
+ }
+ QString id = QString(ButtonMUCInvite + "%1").arg(P2QSTRING(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idCounter_++)));
+ htmlString += "<div id='" + id + "'>" +
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Accept Invite"), ButtonMUCInvite, Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(jid.toString())), Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(password)), id) +
+ "</div>";
+ bool appendToPrevious = appendToPreviousCheck(PreviousMessageWasMUCInvite, senderName, false);
+ if (lastLineTracker_.getShouldMoveLastLine()) {
+ /* should this be queued? */
+ addLastSeenLine();
+ /* if the line is added we should break the snippet */
+ appendToPrevious = false;
+ }
+ QString qAvatarPath = "qrc:/icons/avatar.png";
+ addMessage(boost::shared_ptr<ChatSnippet>(new MessageSnippet(htmlString, Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(senderName)), B2QDATE(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()), qAvatarPath, false, appendToPrevious, theme_, id)));
+ previousMessageWasSelf_ = false;
+ previousSenderName_ = P2QSTRING(senderName);
+ previousMessageKind_ = PreviousMessageWasMUCInvite;