Here you'll find links to downloads for all current versions of the products in the Swift family. For previous releases, see the releases page. The source for Swift, Swiften and Stroke is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Swift (Windows/OS X)
The current release of Swift is 4.0.2. If you have an earlier version of Swift, please read the changelog before upgrading. Swift 4.0.2 is available for Windows and Mac OS X (10.9+), as well as an AppImage for 64-bit Linux systems.
The source code of Swift and Swiften is also available as a download (along with the GPG signature) or the source code can be obtained from the Swift Git Repository.
Remember to follow us on Facebook or Twitter and sign up to our mailing list (below) for news of new releases.
Swift (Linux)
To install and stay up to date with the latest prereleases on Ubuntu Linux and Debian, you can add the following APT lines (depending on your distribution) to the list of Software Sources in Synaptic Package Manager or /etc/apt/sources.list.
Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (16.04)
deb release main
deb-src release main
Ubuntu Artful Aardvark (17.10)
deb release main
deb-src release main
Debian 8 (jessie)
deb release main
deb-src release main
Debian 9 (stretch)
deb release main
deb-src release main
Note that these packages require that you install our key in the package manager list of trusted sources.

The source code of Swift and Swiften is available as a download or can be obtained from the Swift Git Repository. Instructions are available for building the source code on unix and building on windows. Pre-built binary and development packages are also available from our apt repositories for those distributions currently supported.
The source code of Stroke can be obtained from the Stroke Git Repository. Instructions for building the source code can be found here.
Commercial Licenses
If you are interested in using part of the Swift suite in a commercial project, please contact the Isode Sales team.