diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
index 25a1ad3..7bda9c1 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def SConscript(*arguments, **keywords) :
if not keywords.get("test_only", False) or env["TEST"] :
return apply(oldSConscript, arguments, keywords)
env.SConscript = SConscript
# Extend the default build environment (not affecting the configure env)
@@ -111,8 +111,27 @@ if not conf.CheckCXX() or not conf.CheckCC() :
env["HAVE_ZLIB"] = True
-if conf.CheckLib("z") :
- env["ZLIB_FLAGS"] = {"LIBS": ["z"]}
+zlib_flags = {}
+zlib_okay = False
+if env.get("zlib_libdir", None) :
+ zlib_flags["LIBPATH"] = [env["zlib_libdir"]]
+ zlib_okay = True
+if env.get("zlib_includedir", None) :
+ zlib_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["zlib_includedir"]]
+ zlib_okay = True
+if env.get("zlib_libfile", None) :
+ zlib_flags["LIBS"] = [File(env["zlib_libfile"])]
+ zlib_okay = True
+elif zlib_okay :
+ zlib_flags["LIBS"] = ["z"]
+if (not zlib_okay) and conf.CheckLib("z") :
+ zlib_flags["LIBS"] = ["z"]
+ zlib_okay = True
+if zlib_okay :
+ env["ZLIB_FLAGS"] = zlib_flags
+elif not env.get("zlib_bundled_enable", True) :
+ print "Error: Zlib not found and zlib_bundled_enable is false"
+ Exit(1)
else :
env["ZLIB_BUNDLED"] = True
@@ -132,9 +151,10 @@ if conf.CheckLib("m") :
if conf.CheckLib("c") :
env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"].get("LIBS", []) + ["c"]
-if conf.CheckLib("stdc++") :
- env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"].get("LIBS", []) + ["stdc++"]
+# Even if you find stdc++ on HP-UX, it is the wrong one for aCC
+if env["PLATFORM"] != "hpux" :
+ if conf.CheckLib("stdc++", language='CXX') :
+ env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"].get("LIBS", []) + ["stdc++"]
# Boost
@@ -143,7 +163,7 @@ boost_flags = {}
if env.get("boost_libdir", None) :
boost_flags["LIBPATH"] = [env["boost_libdir"]]
if env.get("boost_includedir", None) :
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" or env["PLATFORM"] == "hpux" or env["PLATFORM"] == "sunos" :
boost_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["boost_includedir"]]
else :
# Using isystem to avoid getting warnings from a system boost
@@ -151,7 +171,7 @@ if env.get("boost_includedir", None) :
boost_flags["CPPFLAGS"] = [("-isystem", env["boost_includedir"])]
conf = Configure(boost_conf_env)
-boostLibs = [("signals", None), ("thread", None), ("regex", None), ("program_options", None), ("filesystem", None), ("serialization", "archive/text_oarchive.hpp"), ("system", "system/system_error.hpp"), ("date_time", "date_time/date.hpp")]
+boostLibs = [("signals", None), ("system", "system/system_error.hpp"), ("thread", None), ("regex", None), ("program_options", None), ("filesystem", None), ("serialization", "archive/text_oarchive.hpp"), ("date_time", "date_time/date.hpp")]
allLibsPresent = True
libNames = []
for (lib, header) in boostLibs :
@@ -164,9 +184,9 @@ for (lib, header) in boostLibs :
if env["PLATFORM"] != "win32" :
libName = "boost_" + lib
- if not conf.CheckLib(libName) :
+ if not conf.CheckLib(libName, language='CXX') :
libName += "-mt"
- if not conf.CheckLib(libName) :
+ if not conf.CheckLib(libName, language='CXX') :
allLibsPresent = False
@@ -177,7 +197,10 @@ if allLibsPresent :
if not conf.CheckCXXHeader("boost/uuid/uuid.hpp") :
# FIXME: Remove this workaround when UUID is available in most distros
+elif not env.get("boost_bundled_enable", True) :
+ print "Error: Boost not found and boost_bundled_enable is false"
+ Exit(1)
else :
env["BOOST_BUNDLED"] = True
@@ -200,7 +223,7 @@ if env["PLATFORM"] != "win32" and env["PLATFORM"] != "darwin" :
# GConf
env["HAVE_GCONF"] = 0
-if env["PLATFORM"] != "win32" and env["PLATFORM"] != "darwin" :
+if env.get("try_gconf", True) and env["PLATFORM"] != "win32" and env["PLATFORM"] != "darwin" :
gconf_env = conf_env.Clone()
conf = Configure(gconf_env, custom_tests = {"CheckPKG": CheckPKG})
if conf.CheckPKG("gconf-2.0") :
@@ -261,13 +284,13 @@ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
# LibXML
conf = Configure(conf_env, custom_tests = {"CheckVersion": CheckVersion})
-if conf.CheckCHeader("libxml/parser.h") and conf.CheckLib("xml2") :
+if env.get("try_libxml", True) and conf.CheckCHeader("libxml/parser.h") and conf.CheckLib("xml2") :
#and conf.CheckVersion("LibXML", "2.6.23", "LIBXML_VERSION", "libxml/xmlversion.h", 20623) :
env["HAVE_LIBXML"] = 1
env["LIBXML_FLAGS"] = { "LIBS": ["xml2"] }
-if not env.get("HAVE_LIBXML", 0) :
+if env.get("try_libxml", True) and not env.get("HAVE_LIBXML", 0) :
libxml_env = conf_env.Clone()
libxml_env.Append(CPPPATH = ["/usr/include/libxml2"])
conf = Configure(libxml_env, custom_tests = {"CheckVersion": CheckVersion})
@@ -278,7 +301,7 @@ if not env.get("HAVE_LIBXML", 0) :
# Expat
-if not env.get("HAVE_LIBXML",0) :
+if env.get("try_expat", True) and not env.get("HAVE_LIBXML",0) :
expat_conf_env = conf_env.Clone()
expat_flags = {}
if env.get("expat_libdir", None) :
@@ -308,7 +331,9 @@ if not env.get("HAVE_EXPAT", 0) and not env.get("HAVE_LIBXML", 0) :
icu_env = conf_env.Clone()
use_icu = bool(env["icu"])
-icu_prefix = env["icu"] if isinstance(env["icu"], str) else ""
+icu_prefix = ""
+if isinstance(env["icu"], str) :
+ icu_prefix = env["icu"]
icu_flags = {}
if icu_prefix :
icu_flags = { "CPPPATH": [os.path.join(icu_prefix, "include")] }
@@ -331,7 +356,7 @@ if env.get("libidn_includedir", None) :
libidn_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["libidn_includedir"]]
conf = Configure(libidn_conf_env)
-if not env.get("HAVE_ICU") and conf.CheckCHeader("idna.h") and conf.CheckLib(env["libidn_libname"]) :
+if env.get("try_libidn", True) and not env.get("HAVE_ICU") and conf.CheckCHeader("idna.h") and conf.CheckLib(env["libidn_libname"]) :
env["HAVE_LIBIDN"] = 1
env["LIBIDN_FLAGS"] = { "LIBS": [env["libidn_libname"]] }
@@ -339,8 +364,12 @@ conf.Finish()
# Fallback to bundled LibIDN
if not env.get("HAVE_ICU", False) and not env.get("HAVE_LIBIDN", False) :
- env["HAVE_LIBIDN"] = 1
- env["LIBIDN_BUNDLED"] = 1
+ if env.get("libidn_bundled_enable", True) :
+ env["HAVE_LIBIDN"] = 1
+ env["LIBIDN_BUNDLED"] = 1
+ else :
+ print "Error: ICU and LIBIDN not found, and libidn_bundled_enable is false"
+ Exit(1)
# Unbound
if env["unbound"] :
@@ -459,7 +488,7 @@ if env.get("avahi_includedir", None) :
avahi_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["avahi_includedir"]]
conf = Configure(avahi_conf_env)
-if conf.CheckCHeader("avahi-client/client.h") and conf.CheckLib("avahi-client") and conf.CheckLib("avahi-common") :
+if env.get("try_avahi", True) and conf.CheckCHeader("avahi-client/client.h") and conf.CheckLib("avahi-client") and conf.CheckLib("avahi-common") :
env["HAVE_AVAHI"] = True
env["AVAHI_FLAGS"] = { "LIBS": ["avahi-client", "avahi-common"] }
@@ -476,11 +505,21 @@ if env.get("openssl_force_bundled", False) or env["target"] in ("iphone-device",
env["HAVE_OPENSSL"] = True
else :
use_openssl = bool(env["openssl"])
- openssl_prefix = env["openssl"] if isinstance(env["openssl"], str) else ""
+ openssl_prefix = ""
+ if isinstance(env["openssl"], str) :
+ openssl_prefix = env["openssl"]
openssl_flags = {}
if openssl_prefix :
- openssl_flags = { "CPPPATH": [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "include")] }
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ openssl_include = env.get("openssl_include", None)
+ openssl_libdir = env.get("openssl_libdir", None)
+ if openssl_include:
+ openssl_flags = {"CPPPATH":[openssl_include]}
+ else:
+ openssl_flags = { "CPPPATH": [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "include")] }
+ if openssl_libdir:
+ openssl_flags["LIBPATH"] = [openssl_libdir]
+ env["OPENSSL_DIR"] = openssl_prefix
+ elif env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
openssl_flags["LIBPATH"] = [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "lib", "VC")]
env["OPENSSL_DIR"] = openssl_prefix
else :
@@ -491,7 +530,10 @@ else :
if use_openssl and openssl_conf.CheckCHeader("openssl/ssl.h") :
env["HAVE_OPENSSL"] = 1
env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"] = openssl_flags
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ openssl_libnames = env.get("openssl_libnames", None)
+ if openssl_libnames:
+ env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = openssl_libnames.split(',')
+ elif env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = ["libeay32MD", "ssleay32MD"]
env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = ["ssl", "crypto"]
@@ -500,7 +542,7 @@ else :
env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["FRAMEWORKS"] = ["Security"]
else :
env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"] = {}
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
env["HAVE_SCHANNEL"] = True
# If we're compiling for Windows and OpenSSL isn't being used, use Schannel
env.Append(LIBS = ["secur32"])
@@ -530,7 +572,7 @@ elif env.get("bonjour", False) :
bonjour_env = conf_env.Clone()
bonjour_conf = Configure(bonjour_env)
bonjour_flags = {}
- if env.get("bonjour") != True :
+ if env.get("bonjour") != True :
bonjour_prefix = env["bonjour"]
bonjour_flags["CPPPATH"] = [os.path.join(bonjour_prefix, "include")]
bonjour_flags["LIBPATH"] = [os.path.join(bonjour_prefix, "lib", "win32")]
@@ -572,7 +614,7 @@ if env.get("docbook_xsl") :
if env.Dir("#/.git").exists() :
- if not env.GetOption("clean") :
+ if not env.GetOption("clean") and env.get("install_git_hooks", True) :
env.Install("#/.git/hooks", Glob("#/BuildTools/Git/Hooks/*"))
except TypeError:
print "You seem to be using Swift in a Git submodule. Not installing hooks."
@@ -666,6 +708,6 @@ print " Projects: " + ' '.join(env["PROJECTS"])
print ""
print " XML Parsers: " + ' '.join(parsers)
-print " TLS Support: " + ("OpenSSL" if env.get("HAVE_OPENSSL",0) else ("Schannel" if env.get("HAVE_SCHANNEL", 0) else "Disabled"))
-print " DNSSD Support: " + ("Bonjour" if env.get("HAVE_BONJOUR") else ("Avahi" if env.get("HAVE_AVAHI") else "Disabled"))
+print " TLS Support: " + (env.get("HAVE_OPENSSL",0) and "OpenSSL" or env.get("HAVE_SCHANNEL", 0) and "Schannel" or "Disabled")
+print " DNSSD Support: " + (env.get("HAVE_BONJOUR") and "Bonjour" or (env.get("HAVE_AVAHI") and "Avahi" or "Disabled"))