AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-08Consistently use unsigned short for network portsEdwin Mons
2018-07-27Autofix boost-use-to-string clang-tidy warningsKevin Smith
2016-06-14Add support for URLs with IPv6 addresses in Swift::URLTobias Markmann
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
2014-12-15Update Copyright in SwiftenKevin Smith
2012-11-13Allow BOSH URL setting again.Kevin Smith
2012-10-05Strip leading '/' from BOSH paths.Remko Tronçon
2012-09-18Missing includeKevin Smith
2012-09-17Fixed URL parsing/serializing.Remko Tronçon
2012-09-15Added URL parser.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Removing submodules.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Moved Swiften to a separate module.Remko Tronçon